And since our show is having low trps as well coz honestly most of the Mohit fans if not all do watch it online and the online views and fb likes are pretty good compared to the trp numbers. It's pretty clear which audience prefer this show. So then why are they subjected to the trp audience track? Every show shouldn't cater to them right? Plus Mohit has a good fan following amongst the youth there fore they should bring in tracks keeping us in mind and that will guarantee them online popularity and views so that even if the show couldn't stay on air, it can still continue online coz it's loved there and we won't have to deal with the trp bomb.
I know it's unconventional, it's different and its risky but it's worth it if it clicks. So what do u guys think they should cater to? The tv audience or the online ones?
Note: Feel free to indulge in a healthy debate wouldn't mind different POVs but justify your stand thank you.