The new AT has been has been posted. I've opened it in a damn hurry ,so that chatting won't get stopped. So, guys, I'll provide the link in the last pg of this one, jump 2 the next one as soon as u reach 150 pages.
Thanks LB good job opening the next one. but still I wish Raga thead could be finished too.): I still like that thead. but since MIK's AT has been moved I don't feel ilke going there that much.
Just wanted to leave this message at RaGa and Binny's AT, I have planned to start uploading Rudra/RG scenes at one place so it's easier for everyone to find and since dmcl people don't allow any Zee shows to be uploaded on youtube, I am uploading on daily motion...
just wanted to let everyone know since many visits youtube more often to look for videos...I will try and keep updating it everyday with new videos...