why no written up date of 8th and 9th april.ermm does anyone know the name of main leads, the Husband and the two wife ??
why no written up date of 8th and 9th april.
your's up dates about serials are best among others i like very much as i am hearing problem since lst five years and difficulty in undestanding videos.thank you very much😛😃panpan
guys actually i didnt watch the serial for abut a week that why i didn't got that YESTERDAY Y AMER WAS NOT RECOGNIZING dhani even thogh she disguised her self but her face was clerly shown so anyone can recognize her
Please tell me the story of Madhu . Who is she ? Who is she married to ? Does nobody knows that Madhu's husband only is the father of her child and what does everyone think abt her .
hello we r not getting written up since last four days it wil be great help for hearing impaired hope u will at lest give us weekly written up date