raja asks prince if he forgot his sankar. prince says raja is talking about sankar while insulting a helpless girl. amber tells prince thats what happens when you dont keep your shoes at your feet, prince was nothing before he married nan. nan tells amber not to insult prince. amber says nan doesnt care about raja's insult. prince tells amber he did bad also by stealing. amber says thats what happens when you make a naukar a in law. raja tells amber what language is this. ps says this is what raja taught amber. amber tells ps not to interfere. kb defends prince saying nan was nothing before she married him. amber says prince ruined nan's life. raja tells them to stop and begs to amber on his knees. mukti pretends to feel dizzy. prince carries her away.
nan thinks she trusted prince. mukti thinks she broke prince's trust. prince comes. mukti tells prince to feed her. he does. nan leaves.
nan cries in her room.
raja tells amber to promise not to argue with prince, nan and mukti in front of their mom's picture. amber hugs raja.
prince tells kb to stay with mukti. kb says she has a headache. prince tells mukti to call him if she needs anything. mukti says she has a headache and to massage her head. he falls asleep while massaging her head. nan comes in and sees.
preview: nan remembers prince being with mukti and cries.
Edited by neela226 - 16 years ago