In the stoic silence of this evening, amidst those longing thoughts of you, Krishna ... your Radha is waiting for you!
The slow breeze brought the rustling of leaves, startling me. The path by which you were to come, got eyes to search for you!! While you never arrived to hug either the river or my quiver, the seasons changed their faces many a time!
Holding thoughts of you close to my bosom,I kept on weeping all night, searching for you in my dreams... the moon and stars rained tears of dew over my heart to cool my feelings, but in vain!
The nip in the air brought a message---'Oh Radha, Krishna is sitting in the same floral bower where you met happily before. He is chanting your name like Mantra incessantly. He is yearning to enjoy the happiness of your presence. '
The moonlight brought a note from the entire nature ---'Oh dear Radha, go quickly to meet your beloved Krishna who is waiting for you there. Krishna is playing flute calling your name, indicating where he was waiting for you. He admires even the breeze passing over you and reaching him, see him trying to hug that breeze, alarmed even when a feather or dry leaf drops.'
The Yamuna whispered into her ear ' Oh Radha, leave off your anklets lest they make noise when you meet him! Please go to that bower during the night in a black dress, so that the night can't see your whereabouts!! ' ------------- Madhuri
Edited by Viswasruti - 4 years ago