A thought just struck my mind...are K-R ever going to remember the past? The story is being rushed to such an extent that it is virtually impossible to fit everything into 5 episodes. Sometimes I feel that the writers have forgotten about the last two janams. During the second birth there was a major connection to the previous birth and the audience was reminded during every episode that Shyaam-Radha were Kisan-Shyama.
In this janam the audience might as well forget about the past because there are no reminders and no connections to it. Even if the writers want to show K-R remembering, how will that happen? Unless one of them gets shot in front of the other and they start getting flashbacks, I don't see how else it can take place. Plus the family feud has to be wrapped up, and so does Yash and Madhvi's track. Also, the Ranas have to find out about what Uday did to Radhika. My head spins when I think of all of those things getting solved in just 5 episodes! π