'Why Is It Special?'
Avani:Punjabi clothing is most definitely the most beautiful and special clothing we as The Perfect Punjabis have ever come across! Its diverse colours could leave anyone breathless while its diverse varieties cold have you thinking for eternity as to what to buy!
Hrideyy:For me it's special as Punjabi clothing offers options to any gender for any occasion. This is what makes it a step above the rest. While casual clothing offers comfort and style all in one, Formal clothing can leave the whole room jealous of your elegant outfit.
Shivani: Exactly. The undying options of the fashion truly do make it a special fashion style! However, one thing for me that made me fall head over heels for Punjabi fashion was it's vibrant colours. Just a peak into a Punjabi clothing store, and your bombarded with a shower of colours. While many fashion attires from several other countries provide overly used colours, Punjabi attire seems to never grow old of its undying colourful clothing!
Avani: So true!
Hrideyy: Ahh, so, I really hope you were able to get a quick glimpse into the Punjabi Fashion, by designs and clothing made by us!
Thank you for coming to watch The Punjab Colours!'