Raj needs to understand that sarita is a girl who married him with so many dreams, its understood when initially raj dint accepted her, but after 10 years also, its the same! He has become a stone but he is also doing the same thing to sarita which divya did to him, 'rejection'! He is giving same pain to sarita and the main problem is he fails to understand her! I doubt if he ever tried to accept sarita in these 10 years! On the other hand she is trying her best to win his love! But her attempts alone cant make the marriage work, raj also needs to response! I feel sarita needs to move out of this marriage, and she should wasting her time on a stone hearted person! But then there must be different problems arising if she decides to break the marriage which is not yet cleared! She dont have a single reason to stay there! Husband doesnt care, inlaws are worst and she doesnt have children! Instead she is not having anything to even hope after 10 years! We have seen her showing anger on her inlaws, now i want to see her anger towards raj who is the main culprit!