Episode was cool with divya's entry as a heroine, she wore a burkha at the railway station and covered her face so that media and people doesnt recognise her! Then the precap scene but they dint saw each other, background song was beautiful and guess what, a man collided with her and he was (Ayaz Khan), he saw our princesses face, lolz! Divya became angry and started shouting on him! He was admiring divya and she was busy ranting! And now the most comedy part was when he said that he doesnt recognise her and the look on divya's face was priceless! She was like how can someone not recognise her, then all the media was busy clicking her photos and as she was again covering her face, raj turned to take her glance but failed to look her face, she was heading towards her way by avoiding media, precap seemed interesting when raj got a cut on his face while shaving but he dint reacted, his mother felt he has become a stone after breakup with divya!In the whole episode, i felt bad for sarita, poor girl and her MIL was the limit, cant bear her!