-Pritt- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago
This was written quickly (busy studying for exams, wrote this during a study break). It's SLIGHTLY prediction, not completely. Just the concept is prediction (RK and Sultan join hands in helping Madhu from Bhujang - Full prediction here: https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/post/77900025), which many of you will understand. Yes, this will be quick, but if it were to happen in the show, it'd take months...I don't have time to write months of work right now ahah. Anyways, enjoy.

Don Wala Love


He watched her from afar as she laughed and smiled with Aryan in her arms. Seeing her smile caused an automatic smile to cross his face. He got out of his car and began to walk towards them. When he reached them, Madhu looked up at him with her beautiful brown eyes. Aryan followed her movements and looked up to see who it was.



"No Aryan. I told you to call me papa."

"Sorry papa."


Madhu smiled as Sultan listened to her advice from earlier.


"Madhu, did he cause any trouble this time?"

"Nope! Aryan's my good boy."


She laughed and squeezed Aryan's cheek. It had been days since she had agreed to take care of Aryan while Sultan was busy with work. Aryan had refused to have any other babysitter besides Madhu. So when Madhu had work, she'd take him to set with her where Sultan would later come pick him up. It had also been days since Sultan had realized he had fallen for Madhu. Her smile, her eyes, her hair, her personality...everything. He was waiting for the perfect moment to tell her. It didn't bother him that she was the ex-wife of his rival. All he cared about was his love for her.

RK had been witness to Madhu and Sultan's closeness. He continued to try to come between them but felt unsuccessful at all times. Little did he know that Madhu still only loved him and not Sultan. RK was leaving the set and his eyes managed to land on Madhu, Aryan, and Sultan. In his eyes they seemed like a perfect little family...but he had dreamt of himself in Sultan's spot. He decided to walk by them to see what was being said.


"Madhu, do you want to come with Aryan and I for dinner?"


RK stopped in his steps right beside the three of them. Madhu glanced towards RK and then answered Sultan.


"I'd love to."


RK felt his blood beginning to boil and then placed his hand on Sultan's shoulder. RK looked towards Sultan and Sultan returned the look with a glare from his piercing green eyes.


"I'd like to have a word with you."


Sultan looked back towards Madhu and Aryan.


"You two go to the car, I'll be there in a minute."


"Madhu go."


Just as Madhu was walking by with Aryan, she felt someone gripping at her arm. She turned to see RK eyeing her.


"You go back onto set. We're not done shooting."

"We finished shooting."

"I said get on set."


Madhu forcefully removed her arm from his grip and was about to walk past him when she felt someone gripping at her arm again. This time it was Sultan.


"Madhu. Go to the car."


She nodded her head and turned back around but then suddenly she was flung behind RK's back. RK stepped forwards to face Sultan as Madhu stood behind him watching with wide eyes.


"Stay away from Madhu."

"Who are you to tell me what to do?"

"Her husband."

"EX- husband. She decides what she does, you don't decide for her."


RK fell silent as he was reminded of Madhu's words. You're nothing more than RK the superstar to me...

RK turned to look at Madhu who avoided his eyes. She looked straight towards Sultan and walked towards him. Leaving RK hreatbroken, they turned and walked towards the car while Sultan placed his hand on her back to lead her. A pained expression crossed his face. He knew he was losing her, and that too to his rival...he felt there was nothing he could do anymore. He rememebered back to Sultan's words. I'm going to make your life a living hell.

Sultan was on the right track.




"What's her name?"

"Boss, her name's Madhubala Malik. Superstar RK's ex-wife."

"Superstar RK? He must have money."

"Yes boss."

"I need you to do something."

"Yes boss?"




Two Days Later.




Madhu stood outside the studio, attempting to catch a cab when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Just as she was about to turn, she felt a cloth on her face and restraints on her arms. She struggled to get free and attempted to yell for help but it all went into vain. Minutes later she felt her eyes beginning to close against her will.




Two Days Later.




RK stood outside the studio, waiting for Madhu since he hadn't seen her in a couple days.


"Chief! Auntyji said she called her to say she was okay."

"I bet she's with that man."

"What man?"

"THAT man."


RK unconsciously pointed towards Sultan who was storming towards them. As RK realized Sultan was really there, a worried expression crossed his face. Sultan rushed towards RK and grabbed him by the collar.



"Tell me where she is. I know you did something. TELL ME WHERE SHE IS!"




A shocked expression crossed RK's face as he froze up.


"I thought she was with you..."

"Don't lie to me! I know you have her RK. TELL ME."


Sultan crossed RK's face with a punch as he didn't speak but RK remained frozen as fear caused every hair on his body to stand on end.

Just as Sultan was shaking RK to get him to speak up, Bittuji rushed over again.


"Chief! It's for you."



RK came out of his trance and noticed Sultan's hand on his collar. He angrily pushed his hands away.


"You're going to take a call when Madhu's missing?! You bas***d."


RK ignored his comment and answered the phone.



"If you want to see her alive, you're going to have to give me a small amount of money."



As Sultan realized who it was, he snatched the phone from RK's hands.


"Listen to me you asshole, if anyth..."

"Ah, Sultan. It's been a while."


"What a pleasant surprise. You still recognize my voice."

"Don't you dare lay a h..."


RK snatched his phone back from Sultan.


"Bhujang, Ghujang, whatever your name is. DON'T TOUCH HER. Dare you lay a fing..."


Sultan grabbed the phone back but RK fought him. As they fought for the phone, they hit the speaker button. Then suddenly they heard her voice. They were surprised to hear what came out of her mouth.




Sultan looked up at RK and let go of the phone as RK stared at the phone. She had taken his name over Sultan's. Sultan stood staring at RK as a fire grew within RK.


"Madhu! Madhu, I'm coming."

"Not so fast."


"LISTEN TO ME YOU STUPID SUPERSTAR. Give me everything you have and you'll get your girl."


Without a second thought, RK answered.


"I'll give you anything...just please don't hurt her."

"Good. Now meet me here."


After Sultan and RK took down the address, the phone fell silent. Sultan and RK exchanged a look. Then very slowly RK put out his hand.


"For her."


Sultan looked down at the hand and smirked.


"Only for her."


He grabbed RK's hand and shook it as RK let a smirk cross his face as well.

And with that, they were off.


-Continued into next post.-

Edited by PrittB - 11 years ago


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-Pritt- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago



"I'm sorry my dear, but you're not going to get to leave today. Once I get my money, I can't have you going around talking to people about me, now can I?"

"My RK will come. And he'll show you."

"Hah…it's amazing how much you trust your ex-husband. I heard he betrayed you. Yet you believe he'll come for you?"

"I know he will."


Hausalo se veer ho…sankato me dheer ho…dhusmano ki bheer ho…apne RK ke sahare, bas yoon hi balveer ho. She repeated in her mind with her eyes closed.




Twenty Minutes Later.




"Boss! He's here!"

"Which one came? Lover boy or Ex?"


Madhu's eyes shot up as she became curious herself.


"Boss, RK came."


A smile crossed her face.


"Perfect. Have you arranged for after we receive the m…"



Bhujang smiled his evil smile and turned to walk towards Madhu. He knelt infront of the tied up Madhu and stroked the side of her face as she retreated with disgust.


"Now my dear, I have no other choice."


She looked back towards him in shock as he smirked and stood. He turned to walk away, ignoring her as she yelled out behind him.




She screamed RK numerous times but heard no response. She broke down helplessly into tears.




Bhujang walked through a dark room. It was unusually silent. As he walked forwards, he tripped over a body. He was shocked. He was not expecting RK to have hurt anyone. Then suddenly the lights flashed on. He looked up to see Sultan holding a gun to his head. Bhujang quickly turned around to run but was surprised to see RK holding a gun to his head on the other side.


"Where is she?" RK asked sternly

"Hey superstar, you have no idea who you're dealing with. And ah, Sultan. How have you been?"

"Shut up and tell us where she is," Sultan replied.

"You think by killing a few of my men, you'd get rid of my backup plan? Your beloved mistress is currently being taken away to be killed for your stupid mistake my friends."

"NO," RK tensed up and pushed the gun into Bhujang's head.



Before Sultan could finish speaking, a loud bang caused Bhujang to fall to the ground.




RK pushed Sultan out of the way and ran past him. He rushed through a dark room and then heard the muffled sound of a female. He followed the noise and entered a mysterious room.




RK turned to his left and saw a man holding a gun to her forhead.


"Madhu!? Madh…"

"NO. RK, don't move."


RK felt a gun to his head.


"Drop the weapon. Where's boss?"




RK swallowed as he wondered how to answer. If he told the truth, he knew Madhu would be killed. If he lied, it wouldn't have made sense for him to have made it to Madhu. Just as he thought of an answer, he heard another bang. Then suddenly the guy to his left fell to the ground. Instantly, with a split second decision, RK lunged forwards at the man holding a gun to Madhu's head. Shots fired, but they hit the ceiling. RK grabbed the gun and shot the guy as Madhu stood and wrapped her arms around him. When the room fell silent, Madhu snuggled herself into RK's chest. He felt a feeling so pleasant, a feeling he had longed to feel for months.


"I knew you'd come RK…I knew you would."


RK dropped the gun and wrapped his arms around Madhu tightly. He pushed her against his chest as tight as he could while he took in their first hug after months.


"Madhu…are you okay?!"


He pulled her away slowly and took her face in his hands as she let tears fall. She smiled at him until her eyes fell over RK's shoulder.


"Madhu?" RK questioned.


RK turned to see Sultan standing there, staring straight in their direction.


"Sultan?" Madhu whispered.


Madhu suddenly realized she was in RK's arms. She slowly stepped out of his arms and RK looked down at her. RK turned back towards Sultan.


"Thanks for the help."

"Anything for her."


And with that Sultan turned around, only to be stopped by Madhu.


"SULTAN! Wait…"


Sultan stopped in his steps and turned to look at Madhu who was running towards him. RK watched with the most pained expression on his face.


"Madhu, don't," Sultan said quietly.


"Listen to me. I'm a DON. If you get associated with me in any way, this is what will happen. I'm not the one."

"I just wanted to say thank you…"



There was a moment of awkward silence but then Sultan spoke.


"But there's something else I'd like to say. It's about the jerk standing behind you."


"Oh shut up RK. Madhu, he may have hurt you, he may have broken your heart beyond repair…but he's the one. I've never seen someone love someone else so much before. What I saw in him today, was love for you. He almost gave up everything he has for you. Fortunately he had a don by his side to talk some sense into him. He risked his life for you. I risk my life everyday, but he risked his life for YOU. And today I found out how much you love him too...you called his name when you could've called for any name in the world. Madhu...I can guarantee you that he's realized his mistake and will only give you happiness now. Don't let this chance of happiness pass by you again. And don't worry, you can still come visit Aryan whenever you'd like. And RK! Our rivalry isn't over yet! It's been a pleasure working with you, so let's give our rivalry a day's break, shall we?"


Before Madhu or RK could say anything, Sultan had walked away. Madhu stood silently staring at the ground in confusion. As soon as she decided to let her feelings take over, she turned to look at a silent, shocked RK. He looked up at her as she stared at him. That's when she saw the love. Without a second thought, she ran up to him. She grabbed his shirt and broke down as she hit his chest.


"Why do you always do this to me?! WHY. Why…why…"


She fell to her knees, causing RK to instantly go down on his knees as well. He took her in his arms and she cried into his chest as she wrapped her arms around him in response.


"I didn't realize how much I love you until I almost lost you…"

"This isn't revenge for the 5th slap is it…think about it, this time I've got a don on my side."


RK laughed.


"What slap? I love you so much Madhu. More than I've loved anything ever before. More than words can describe. More than anyone's loved anyone else before."


She broke down and again and continued to cry into his chest but mumbled between her sobs.


"That can't be…"


"Because no one can love anyone more than I love you RK…"


RK broke down into tears and kissed her forehead. Then he let out a low laugh between his own sobs.


"You've already started washing my clothes with your tears again."

"This time you're washing mine as well."


They both shared a laugh and then RK cupped Madhu's face in his hands as she did the same to him. They smiled while tears flowed out of their eyes. Then very slowly and gently, RK placed his lips upon hers. Making them one once again. Creating a new beginning to their incomplete love story.

Edited by PrittB - 11 years ago
-Pritt- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Thank you!! :D

Thank you!

Thanks so much!!
Dia_12 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
omg love it to pieces. 
-Pritt- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Dia_12

omg love it to pieces. 

Yay so glad you do! Thanks so much!
Dia_12 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
seriously you should go into creative advertising because our are just fantastic at these things .
desigrl414 thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago
Very nice!! Enjoyed reading it!
-Pritt- thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: Dia_12

seriously you should go into creative advertising because our are just fantastic at these things .

Woah! That's one amazing compliment. That's really sweet of you. <3 Thank you so much! It'd be cool to go into that, but I enjoy learning about the brain more. 😆 Maybe I could make it a side job! Ahaha!

Originally posted by: desigrl414

Very nice!! Enjoyed reading it!

Thanks so much! So glad you enjoyed it! 

Dia_12 thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 11 years ago

Originally posted by: PrittB

Woah! That's one amazing compliment. That's really sweet of you. <3 Thank you so much! It'd be cool to go into that, but I enjoy learning about the brain more. 😆 Maybe I could make it a side job! Ahaha!

ooh nice that awesome,good for you all the best

RoshiniManeet thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 3 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 11 years ago
See... u were so so sweet to write one more OS for me...😆 Just kidding...It was lovely dear...Dying to see something atleast half as nice as this on the show...