Mukti Bandhan: a different perspective- SS - Page 16


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sonali.19281 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
@All: the story is definitely not discontinued.. havent found the kinda time and peace to write it.. on a vacation till tomorrow.. will be back and pen down the next 2 parts.. 😃 or max 3 left.. in my mind..and mbloves nope.. Viren ki love story can never replace MB and esp IMV..

@Resham: pressed for time.. but thanks a ton for reading and liking it.. will add you to the PM list.. reminds me have to buddy you😆 n defo see u back in EHM world.. have to catch up on all epis there too... so much work..
mbloves thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
 Viren ki love story can never replaceMB and esp IMV...😃🤣😆
Dear sonali... thx for qk response😊waiting next SS...
Imv😉wt Deepti"CP"naval &of course my D😆...jiii I miss..😔..."MB".

sonali.19281 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
Finally found an hr of peace last evening and this morning.. as I had told myself I had to write the next part.. and get back into the habit before my break ended.. which does tomorrow..😕.. anyhow havent really found the time to edit it.. so try to overlook the typos.. and unintended grammatical errors..

Here's wishing all of you a Happy New year.. may you all have a satiating 2012.. 


Part 12: Eye of the storm


"Jimmy… Jimmy the Jockey.. I mean Jimmy Barucha.. THAT Jimmy.. Jimmy.." I shivered; incoherent to even form sentences.. words just rambling out..


"Oh heck yes.. What is with that reaction Devki" Nirali spurred.. Clearly her hyperventilation had given way to a hint of exasperation.. at my reaction..


"No.. I mean..  I thought you disliked him.. " I covered up.. Hated.. hated was the word I wanted to use but went for the euphemism as she was clearly on the edge of her emotions..


For the first time she appeared a little stable as a small smile crept on her face and she divulged "To tell you the truth even I didn't know when or how it happened"


Cute.. but the panic button in me made it really hard for me to focus on her love saga as my stomach was churning with unease.. My mind kept wandering to Pappaji.. and I really wanted to run out.. But I carefully handled her.. assuring her in my best capacity.. told her I'll nag her for details this evening to placate her although honestly that was the last thing on my mind given the urgency it spurred.. Stupid Girl.. wonder when she would grow up.. I walked her out.. and instantly turned to heels as the elevator door shut; past Manjusha earning her astonishment..


I came to a dead stop in front of Pappaji's cabin glass door as I looked in to see Vaibhavji standing in the center of the cabin, his head slopped.. After moving 2 steps to the right I was in full view of Pappaji standing by the glass window to Vaibhavji's left, one hand in his pocket calmly looking out.  The calm… before the storm? My worst fears were dancing in front of my eyes..


As if sensing my presence just as I took a deep breath and moved to knock on the door.. Vaibhavji turned to stare at me and instinctively nodded in the negative.. My fingers stopped just short of knocking as I read his eyes.. he blinked.. and I gathered.. I looked at him; concern and discomfort screaming out of my eyes.. as he blinked again and gave me a slight smile, re-assuring just as he could. I nodded and turned to walk away slowly.



I saw her move away and sighed a breath of relief.. I softly spoke.. almost whispered




He turned staring straight through me.. as I continued "In this scenario I think its best we try to delay the Rajput's visit.. it may do more harm than good"


"No two ways about it Vaibhav.. especially seeing how petulant Nirali was.. " He moved to sit on the couch, disapproval written all over his face and mentioned for me to sit down and I did.. 


"You leave that to me..  I'll think of a legit excuse.. But that's not what I am thinking of"


I pursed my lips knowing there was no way of avoiding it as he turned to me.. "Who is HE?"


"I have no clue Pappa.. In fact I had no clue about any of it till now"


He smiled "But of course you didn't.. but Devki must.. ". I gulped, amazed at the timing.. just few days after I thought peace had found a crack to enter our lives.. perfect timing..


I looked at his face as it changed to all intent  " This is serious Vaibhav.. A lot of things stand threatened.. I am not going to let everything fall apart due to yet another youthful escapade"


The 'yet another' hit me… as I slowly closed my fist.. the treacherous past coming back yet again to haunt me.. Gulping and breathing I relaxed and responded nonchalantly "Pappa, its Nirali we are talking about. It could just be yet another tantrum and nothing serious"


He curved a brow and smirked "May be.. but the repercussions would not be anything less than serious.. there are a lot of things involved.. our family.. my princesses' future and ….your project" he added slightly..


"Pappa don't worry.. I am on it.. I'll try to find out.. till then we should just take it slow and be careful with the Rajputs.."


"Sounds good"



"Yes Sir" Manjusha picked up the call from big boss on the first ring dropping everything else … as always


"Connect me to Mr. Rajput in 10 minutes"


"Sure Sir. Right on it" She hung up as he speed dialed on his mobile






I found her pacing up and down our room as I got back home that evening; the same discomfort enveloping her as this afternoon after which we both had gotten preoccupied with our daily schedule- meetings, etc to talk. Life and business just didn't stop for any crisis.. I shrugged and closed the door as she looked up at me with her doe eyes.. As I dropped my blazer on the couch.. she walked up to me


"how is Pappaji.. I mean how did he react.. Is he very angry"


I smiled.. she was precious.. the genuine concern in her eyes.. it was hard to tell if she had come to belong to us or just did.. I simply sighed and added "What do you think.. Nirali has been rather reckless, is all I can say"


" I am scared Vaibhavji.. scared to think what it would do to the family.. to " she was literally shivering as I took her in my arms and she held me tight..


Running my fingers down her hair.. I placated her "Shhh! We will deal with it together.. okay?" I looked into her eyes as she returned my gaze.. suddenly with a queer understanding.. as something suddenly dawned on her


She whispered "Are you okay?"


I couldn't help but kiss her.. how did she manage to read me, care so much to understand the implications..


Breaking apart I caressed the blush that had crept on her.. Pecking her again.. I concurred "I am .. now" as she smiled.. finally the tension easing off a little..


Still caressing her I continued "Devki"


She hugged me again murmuring "Hmmm"


"Did Nirali tell you who the guy is?"


Her frame got a little stiff, as she looked up.. the  tension back.. my brows curled a bit.. as she slowly nodded her head


"No "


"Its ok..  don't stress.." I pecked her again before heading to freshen up..




I looked at his receding frame and wondered if I should have told him.. but I needed to know more before I did; knowing rather well Pappaji may find out from Vaibhavji..


I sent a silent prayer 'I hoped I wasn't making a mistake… '




I got the answer in exactly four days.. and a conclusive one at that…


I hadn't made a mistake… I had made a colossal mess…


Retrospection is a wise teacher.. but time is just a strict disciplinarian.. when I had time I didn't make use of it.. Me and Nirali tried to get in touch with Jimmy but to no avail. 3 days later, Vaibhavji left for Singapore to meet Teja Singhji on some final detailing wrt Mumbai floats for 2 days.  Me and Nirali used all our resources and were rather discreet to the extent we made sure Mummyji did not get a hint of the real state of affairs. We didn't want to trouble her till she had to get involved. But what was weird and should have stuck me was Pappaji hadn't told her anything either.


Like Vaibhavji had told me he would, Pappaji broke the news to the family that the Rajputs had to delay their visit due to some important business that had come up and Kunal had to take care of it. No one thought too much of it. Vaibhavji was relieved for the time being and I assured him I'll take care of things behind his back.


On the fourth day, I had come back to office rather late in the evening after dinner with Bha as I had forgotten some important papers in Vaibhavji's cabin and needed it to prepare for a meeting the day after.  I was preparing to leave as I saw a dim light coming from conference one and heard a familiar young voice..


"Mr. Virani.. If I had any such intention I would have reciprocated your daughter's not so subtle advances.. she has been rather transparent with her feelings.. but you can take it from me that I came here to categorically let you know that I reject any such insinuation of attachment with you and your daughter.. I will participate in the derby as I feel obliged , but that's just about it"


"Obliged you are.. not just to Vaibhav Industries but more towards your own career.. And for your own good I hope your memory serves you right about what you just said.. and hopefully mean.. I reckon you are smart enough to figure playing games with me isn't really an option here.."


"I take that as a back-handed compliment Sir.. and would take your leave on that note"


"Oh most definitely.. the meeting stands  closed as of now"


I took to my heels and left the building.. Once in the car I sat trying my best to recover some presence of mind.. gathering exactly what I heard and what it meant.. What do I do.. God! Why didn't I tell Vaibhavji.. he could have been of more help.. I thought of Nirali.. My chain of thoughts was broken as I saw Jimmy walk towards the car and I opened the back door.. He looked in curiously as I motioned for him to get in..


I took him to C.P. Enterprise office and got straight to the point


"Do you love her?"


"Excuse me?"


"What part of my question is ambiguous?"


"The question itself is.. well misplaced.. It doesn't matter.. the real question is – is it practically feasible?" he let out his characteristic half smile and continued "Devki, I respect your sensibility from what I have seen of you.. or heard.. we both know I am a maverick.. and have hardly anything to offer Nirali.. giddy romanticism notwithstanding.. "


"But what if it matters to her.. more than you are willing to give her benefit for"


"All I know is.. it shouldn't matter more than her family.. I have lived without my father's presence.. missed it long enough to want anyone to have the same fate.." there was a glint in his eyes.. "especially when she has an option" he smiled at me.. before turning around and leaving..


I stared behind me as a tear drop made its way.. 'He loved her'



Walking in.. completely lost in translation.. burdened by my sense of awareness and accountability towards so many relationships.. each of which mattered.. the family I had always looked for.. needed me.. but I didn't know what to do.. for the countless time I wished Vaibhavji was here.. Sitting on the couch in the first floor lobby.. I closed my eyes as my prayer was answered.. I was never alone as I felt her hand on my hand


"Devki, beta.. you look tired… stop overworking yourself.. did you get something to eat.. come let me warm some food.."


I looked up at her, holding her hand to stop her.. as she read my mind.. "Devki what is it?"


"Mummyji.. we need YOU"

khamosshhh thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Loved d way U resolved d Jimmy-Nirali issue nd yet made both IMV nd Jimmy a hero in our eyes.😉 But wat abt Nirali? Guess u'll even resolve tht very logically nd satisfactotrily.
How abt giving an ending 2 Sabina too?😉😆😆😆
-Faith- thumbnail
Anniversary 18 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago
Oye what was with that those who remotely waited for the next part... Waited like anything..  and definitely not over this till I read the final part of this SS. Then only would I be able to 'get over' remotely..

And firstly🤗🤗🤗 Sona and Munira 🤗🤗🤗🤗 Just some days back I was really missing MB and this forum... Aisey hi khayal araha tha.. How the most absurd and faltoo of the shows on colors are running forever...and MB :( .. Oh khair... yeh SS hai na..

So sona watching that behna show? A few of my friends used to watch it but they liked the other jodi.. I have not even seen a single episode... Like Munira used to watch BB... Baqi kuch hai hi nahi yaar.. I mean ya one or two weekly Pakistani serials but no daily show... nothing regularly atleast...

Oh and I see you are the 'lawyer of the week' NICEE! And also post of the week.. Well deserved! Congo!

Okay now onto the update... Perfectly concise and perfectly detailed at the same time.. It made me really nostalgic... that vintage MB... the Vaibhav ji... This the V and VD and IMV that I would want to remember and help erase the horrendous last episode wali memories

And as Munira aptly said you did resolve it very logically and satisfactorily... And i know you will resolve everything satisfactorily.. Will wait for the next part.. Whenever you do write it and post it :-)

I did laugh out at that Big Boss part... and yayy for Manjusha... hehe you even brought in Chinu.. wah wah...

Where are the rest of our MBians... shifted to other forums I guess... Kools and your paaji? 😆 his vampy show ended na poor thing
mbloves thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
Finally Sonali is back with her new sweet & salty SS..😆. Heartiest welcome🤗 dear in 2012.I know SONA bada mahnga hai kuch time ke liye BEHNA ne buy kar liya tha,but now mb lovers ne dobara buy kar liya.."SONAAA'...🤣😆 . Happy to see ur brilliant hide &😉 seek ideas.👏"BEAUTIFUL"👏 I really loved the starting, especially when D came to know about nirali's love affair, she got scared by thought of possible reaction of IMV. What a😆 terror? Who will win & who loose, don't know'but Bali ka bakra is D. ' I just has a good🤣 laugh while thinking about devki." jimmy jimmy aaja aaja nirali pukaare devki hanse vaibhav darre"🤣🤣'She will be really thinking where she got stucked😆, But feel good to saw vd romance in the such adverse situation...
U mentioned in ur previous SS "kisi ki aukaat nahi hai imv se ladne ki..Only CP & her shadow Devki can dare so... So I really want to see how D will solve nirali's love saga against her Mentor & Pappaji'...
I agree wt sshhh... comments about SABINA.😆dear how u'll run away fm.SABOO😉darling track...& thx for MAN😃JUSHA & CHINU😉..."Good luck" &waiting next SS...



Edited by mbloves - 12 years ago
chandaursitare thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
I apologize for not commenting for so long. 

I love how you are working with the Jimmy-Nirali story. I always found Jimmy-Nirali super annoying and skipped all their scenes, but this one of Jimmy, I would like to watch. Very true to his character and IMV to his. It is always a pleasure to read your writing! Thank you. :) 
santok80 thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
hey Sonali, back after long time nice turn in story. hope it is not discontinued; waiting for next parts😊
sonali.19281 thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 12 years ago
guys I am soo sorry.. cant even say that anymore i guess.. well the story isn't discontinued from my end.. but besides recklessly long work hours some other writing commitment took my only weekend evenings that I could give this SS.. helping a friend is all I can say.. once that's out of the way am sure to be back and finish this up.. 2 more parts.. it ws all in the head at one time.. now i have to scratch the surface.. but i owe it to MB.. more over u guys.. 

hopefully the next one will come soon.. u guys are all in my thoughts.. and will always be.. still this forum/ show has left a void in my life.. tht no one can fill...
mbloves thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
 DEAR Sonali, don't say sorry  & ENJOY😊....

        " HAPPY   🥳   HOLI "  🤗