MG SS - A Night to Remember THE END on Page 39 :)

iMadz thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

God knows how many parts I will write, but for now, ENJOY this as I have not decided future and morning of my night ! πŸ˜† 

And, I am extremely SORRY for any kinda mistakes ! Pardon me ! πŸ˜ƒ

A Night to Remember

She checked the time as she left from office, it was already seven. She was getting late for dinner, she quickly packed up and left her cabin but the walk between her cabin to the main door of the office took another thirty minutes as her colleagues needed her to solve their problems as a chief. She was exhausted but however, she with a fake and plastic smile solved the problems at work. She mentally shouted, 'Another fifteen minutes in the parking, thirty for traffic, HELL! I will be late' and she again tried to smile and advised as fast as she could and left for the dinner.
It was official dinner, nevertheless she was much worried for it as it could change her fate, she was in need of one opportunity and she knew it that it was the one. She drove fast as she wanted to make an impression of foreign clients. She wanted to give her best. Not that she was greedy for one chance, but she wanted to move out from the place, this place, this city and this atmosphere was unbearable for her. She closely shut her eyes to stop her thinking, to stop those haunting memories from past. She just wanted to shut down on everything and make a new start, but she could not as she knew, nothing was fairy tale in real world and her reality sucked. She was on traffic signal and she saw few kids on the street, playing and then, she saw another kid by the road with flowers on his hand, he signed her to buy those beautiful white flowers from him, but she denied and smiled. For whom she would buy flowers, she thought.
From last five years, she was in this city, and from last three years, living almost alone. She was set in her life, but she was not satisfied, and from last three years, she worked impossibly hard to move out at any cost, but she did not get any opportunity. But, today was the chance and she did not want to miss it. She was in her thoughts and her cell phone rang, she saw it, it was from her lawyer, she dropped the cell on the board as she was not mood for any kind of advice then. It rang again and again, but she avoided. As soon as she entered the grand luxurious, lavish hotel, she was amazed because she had memories with it, she was disturbed for a fraction of a second and then, she realized she was getting late and she was not perfectly dressed, she ran to washroom. She adjusted her hair, did light make up, touched up her soft lips with gloss, she again, checked her crisp white, skin tight shirt which was exposing her curves that any man would fall down on knees for that, and her comfy, professional jacket. She opened her hairs, and adjusted it once again, and then looked at herself in the mirror for a second,
'This night will change your life, Geet. Go. You can and you will do it.' She said confidently.
She grabbed her bag and laptop. As she reached the front area for reserved bookings, she saw a round table covered with white table cloth, and a tag of reserved in her company's name. She wondered because the clients had not arrived yet, she smiled as she thought she might be late but she was not. She took her seat and did some work on her laptop before her clients came. She was happy as she got some time to improve few things before they come. She ordered wine for her. She was busy in her work, totally unaware of the activities going around in that hotel, from the backyard of the hotel, few men with guns in their hands and completely armed, entered and few of them slowly, without grabbing attention of anyone, moved to the busiest area of the hotel, conference hall, restaurant and VIP suits.
He was there from last two hours, he already discussed his deals with his clients and then, again he arranged another meeting at the same place. He was happy because in last two hours, he passed two major deals and made benefit of crores which nobody, present in the restaurant could not even think, he felt like he was on seventh sky, as he achieved what he wanted, like every other time. He was happy but somehow he felt like something in deep down from his heart was wrong, just something was not well. He talked to his employees on call and made some orders for papers and all, and greedily asked another client to reach there, as he was in mood for making some money, and he knew nobody could deny him, he ruled them; he was the king of his world, his empire, his company. He was the man, whom everyone believed and his actions were never questioned, what he used to say was the law. He was ruling his world, as cruel and mean king. From last three years, everyone around him knew that he is their man and what he orders, they have to do. Last three years, if anything changed or not, but he was changed, he was more mean, cruel and heartless, then. He used to smile bitterly as always, if he heard the word 'heartless' about him, as he knew, he indeed was.
He was waiting for his clients, and working something and out of the blue, he heard the music, so own, so close, so melodious and so haunting. Her favorite song, he quickly called one of the servants and asked him to change the song within next few seconds, and he already warned him and bribed him. He closed his eyes, tightly. He could not think of her as of now. He hated her. She was out. She was no one, then. He kicked her out from his life before three years. She was dead for him.
She smiled as her favorite song played in the background, she was started to humming it slowly, and then suddenly it stopped. She stopped. She was annoyed. She muttered under her breath, 'Mad people, who the hell on earth would stop this music? Only one...' and she stopped as she knew who he was. She was once again, surrounded by those haunting memories, which she hated. He could not come to her mind, he did not deserve her. He lost her, he was a monster, who ate her, who hate her and who killed...
She hated him. He hated her.
After fifteen minutes, Geet called her clients to ask about their whereabouts and she was upset and irritated to know that they were not coming as they got some urgent work, the meeting was postponed. She hated it. She hated waiting for someone and then, it was over the top, the whole thing was cancelled. She was enraged and she sat there for few seconds with fuming eyes, and then, she realized as it was a waste and she ordered vodka to cool her down. She drank it in one sip. She knew, it was a waste but then, her mind changed as she decided to have some fun, as it has been three years she had not been to the bar, she got up and headed towards the bar.
His clients led him to the bar as they wanted to have drink, he absolutely hated the idea, but the only thing which kept him silent and controlled was money and future benefit. He smiled a small and continued. He was sitting in the corner, with a glass of Martini, clutched in his hand. He was not interested in anything at the sight. He never liked such atmosphere, not from the last three years, before three years, he used to come here with her and they would dance, they would have fun and then, as usual, they would be much drunk to drive themselves home, so they would go to their reserved sweet room for lifetime, in VIP suit in the name of Mr. & Mrs. Khurana.
It was nine in the clock, and it would be so early, she thought. She ordered large vodka for her. She was sitting in the same corner where he was, closely behind his back, on his opposed face. She was sad as this place had some beautiful memories of her, of them. She did not wanted to think about it, so she turned around and heard someone asking, 'Make it dry, with lots of olives, and dry.'
The much known voice, and much known choice. She knew it was him, she knew his choice very well. She was too much drunk to think anything then, she looked at the bartender and signed him to hand her the glass, with that she took the glass and hand it to him from the back, and asked in sweet voice but bitter tone,
'Is that dirty enough for you?'
He instantly looked back with a strange feeling that the voice was much known. He knew the sweet voice and very well knew the bitterness hidden in the voice. It was voice of the woman who cheated him; it was voice of the woman who used to be his wife and life. It was the voice of a woman who left him, as a matter of the fact, whom he kicked her out from his house and his life.
'You?' she cracked.
'You are not dead yet?' He asked with same bitterness with maintained smile.
'I would love to, but I will die only after I will ruin you.' She snapped.
'Oh! Then you would never... because you are just nothing, no one to ruin me.' He bitterly stated and threw the glass away.
The way he smirked and looked at her, annoyed her and she instantly got up from there to leave, she was much drunk to stand up straight, and she turned around,
'You Bast***...You...'
And she was on the floor, unconscious and he rolled his eyes with a facial expression of frustration and disgust.
After fifteen minutes, he was carrying away her from the bar to the VIP rooms, he was waking down the corridor with extreme anger and irritation. He, himself was in awe why he was carrying her in his arms and to the top, he was about to check in after almost three years in the same room of the hotel with her, in which they used to stay in a situation like this, but if it was ordinary situation, they would be cuddling each other in arms and keep themselves warm with each other, and she would do all the possible acts to irritate him and he would like her but he would roll his eyes and then, she would undress him forcefully and she, herself would shy away from him and he would passionately make her his. They would laugh and love, and love and laugh and love. He was in chain of those thoughts and suddenly he remembered that he crossed the limits, he hated her. He kicked her out, she cheated him. He shut his eyes with hatred for himself for thinking about her, and took a deep breath. He would just get her a room so that she would not sleep with...he thought and then again, he stopped.
On his way, he met his manager who known them for years and who really knew how to handle, entertain and comfort such customers. He smiled gently and came to him,
'Oh! Mr. Khurana, You came after almost a year and that too with your wife!' he smiled again as it was part of his profession and job.
But straight away his expression changed as he saw Geet in his arms, unconscious.
'Is she okay? Do you want me to call a Doc?'
'Of course, not. I would like you to bring some lemon juice and meds. She is drunk, Mehra.' He said as he knew Mr. Mehra, the chief manager from years. And he left.
What they did not know was the shoot out in the conference hall in which there was some party going on. In soundproof hall, there was no chance any outsiders would even got a chance to here something doubtful. What they did not know was the other side, other part and other wing of the hotel was in the process of destruction, what they did not know was that, in soundproof hall for celebration, more than half of the innocent people was dying or died. What they did not know was that some of the armed man was around the ground floor and ready to kill people enjoying in the bar and restaurant, what they did not know was that they were kidnapped by some armed man they did not even know, and what they did not know was that, this was the night to remember for the rest of their lives, and in the history forever, as a cursed night, as an unfortunate night, as they will always remember and tell the stories to others, only if they would, by any chance or good luck, survive the attack, a night to remember.

Edited by maanddy - 12 years ago


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Frequent Posters

Craziest_MG thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
#2 first...

I thought its an OS but then nooo its an SS...
Welcome back dear...

Oww...they hate each other so much...why...??
Now there are so many questions in my mind but i wont ask coz i know you wont be replying...n i have to wait for the story to move on...loll

Great start...
Updt soon...

Edited by Vidushi89 - 12 years ago
Radhi12 thumbnail
Anniversary 17 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 12 years ago
Great start!!
Continue soon and Thanks for the Pm
iMadz thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago






mrk-1 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago
awsome yaar ... i loved it !! is it about the mumbai attack ???
iMadz thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: mrk_1

awsome yaar ... i loved it !! is it about the mumbai attack ???

Oh yeah...26/11 ! 

My FF's are always based on REAL things ! 50 % Fantasy, 50 % Reality ! πŸ˜†

I am just thinking about whom to kill this time ? πŸ˜ˆ πŸ€£
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago
hiii mehu...
yippie..i am first to read and like it..
okay lemme say I HATE u..
coz i have a feeling that this SS is gonna be a roller coaster ride..and if u make a sad ending..then u can be ready with ur obituary that i will happily post in IF after killing u
no more killing geet and maan..i repeat...NO KILLING..i am sure in ur last birth u wer born as OSAMA BIN LADENπŸ˜†πŸ˜‘
now coming to they hate each other...what a grand beginning with hatred ...
maan feels she cheated him..and i refuse to believe this...
even in my deathbed, i wud refuse to believe that she cheated him...geet is an angel who u r hell bent on portraying as cruella...pata nahin kis janam ka badla leti ho tum...
and ur maan fascination and obsession is a known fact...
but i am glad that u r writing something, although i doubt whether i am gonna like it or not, for the simple reason that u have some problem with ur brain when u conceptualise something about maneet...and u end up bumping one of them and sending the other to asylum..
hope no such antics are being planned by u..
plzzz care to tell me. is this going to be sad ending story, if yes, i will stock up some jhootis,belans,boulders,tomatoes,eggs,rotten milk and all ur favs...and will brush up my vocab for some choicest abuses that i ca hurl on u...
so plz plz tell me the fate of this story and how long is it goin to be...
before u get my I HATE u slogans...later...i will tell i love u..(kitna jhoot bolna padta haiπŸ˜†)
love u mehu
keep writing
muahhh...for coming back
and jhappies and kissies for writing a SS
ur only yamrajπŸ˜‰
khwaishfan thumbnail
Anniversary 16 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 years ago
Hi Maddy...Congrats on the new SSπŸ‘, All da bestπŸ₯³! Thanks 4 da pm n intense, emotional n sad update⭐️. Maaneet separted? Maan thawt Geet cheated on him? Poor Geet...drunk bt Maan taking care of her. Wonder what happened to dem. Hope this SS has a happy ending. The memories r still there...update soon! πŸ˜‰ Hope all the mu cleared btwn dem...πŸ˜›
Downhill thumbnail
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: maanddy

Oh yeah...26/11 ! 

My FF's are always based on REAL things ! 50 % Fantasy, 50 % Reality ! πŸ˜†

I am just thinking about whom to kill this time ? πŸ˜ˆ πŸ€£

how about me killing u and dipping u in boiling oil and then shredding u to piecesπŸ˜†πŸ˜‘ it sounds so interesting
princess163 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 12 years ago

Originally posted by: maanddy

Oh yeah...26/11 ! 

My FF's are always based on REAL things ! 50 % Fantasy, 50 % Reality ! πŸ˜†

I am just thinking about whom to kill this time ? πŸ˜ˆ πŸ€£

don't you dare😑