urban legends do u believe ? - Page 2


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aishwaryagayen thumbnail
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Posted: 14 years ago
Prom Night Fright

by [email protected]

After my senior prom, my buddies and I dropped off our small-town-Tennessee dates and headed to another friend's house to unwind. The prom had been tough on all of us, we never chose the right dates, and we were watching MTV on the couch (this was '83 you know). After severe 2am boredom set in, one of my friends and I decided to go for a walk on the golf course behind the house and see if anyone else was up at this hour. We walked a short distance, really just from one fairway to the next, and looked with interest at this giant old tree next to the creek at the bottom of the hill. It was a dark clear night and my buddy Mike and I could make out something under the tree. I asked Mike what it looked like to him, and he agreed with me, that it looked like two people and one of them was digging. I thought it was someone up to no good, and the last thing I wanted to do on prom night was get busted by the cops, so I said we should leave. At this point Mike and I were about 300 yards away from the shadowy figures. We turned around and took about two steps before I looked back again. In that one second, the figures had gained about 1/3 of the distance between us, and were closing in fast. Mike and I both screamed profanities and high-tailed it for the house. I shouted "Don't look back!", because the people in the movies that get killed are the ones who look back, but I forgot to remind him of the little knee-high chain that keeps the golf carts from leaving the cart path. As he sprawled on the damp grass I jumped blindly, hoping I would miss the near-invisible chain. I made it, and helped him up, without looking back, and we made it safely inside.

Imagine if you were our third friend, of course you would have to go see it for yourself, so after a tall glass of water-we weren't into drinking beer yet-we took Kermit outside. After a short briefing, we went to the top of the same hill and let him go down to the scary part. After a few seconds, we heard that same four-letter word, and here came Kermit hustling up the hill. I was a little suprised that he was running so fast, he was a lot less chicken than we were, but there was no way anyone was going to beat me back to the house.

In retrospect, we should have done some scientific tests, or taken some pictures, but we were genuinely tired and creeped out. Mostly tired since we had been dancing all night to Rick Springfield cover tunes. So we went back to Kermit's house and crashed. This story was mostly told as a funny icebreaker at boring parties later on, and we never thought much about it as the years passed.

As a closing note, years later when my folks finally joined that country club and I played golf there, I saw the two headstones of the farmer and his wife(who used to own the land a long time ago) that are buried near the 6th tee about 300 yards from where we saw those "shadowy figures".

aishwaryagayen thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
Residential Care Ghost

by [email protected]

My wife works at a residental care facility, and for the last month or so, they have been having trouble with the ghost of a lady, who died there about 5 years ago.

She was a very unhappy women, who didn't like anyone that worked in the complex. The only thing she seemed to enjoy was her pills. After her death there was no sign of a ghost, untill they expanded the complex.

Now they have problems every night, almost all of the employees have seen her around the medication room. They say she is very small about 5ft. tall, very solid looking with no hands or face. They have also seen her walk through a solid oak door. Some nights they say she just goes back and forth between the new section and the original building, what is most alarming though is that lately she is becoming violent. Most of the experiences are mild, pinching, pushing and such. However it has taken a serious turn, one of the night girls on wed. Jan 17,1996 had a very large fire extenguisher thrown at her, and was held captive in an elevator going up and down between floors for several minutes.

On the following thursday one the day gals reported that a large commercial refridgorator was rocking back and forth, like someone was trying to turn it over.

The owner of the facility has also seen her and is planning on bringing in a physic to tell her to move on.

aishwaryagayen thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
My Cousin Sharon

by [email protected]

When I was little, about 5 years old, I had a cousin named Sharon. She was born with severe heart problems which caused her to undergo many heart surgeries. On what would have been her last surgery, she died. She was two. My mother was sleeping in our apartment, a few miles from the hospital, when she awoke to a strange sight. She saw Sharon running around our living room, waving, and saying, "Bye." Fearing the worst, my mom called the hospital and heard the grim news.

But that was only the beginning. One day, not too long after Sharon's death, my grandparent's arrived home to coat hanger's rattling and their bathroom sink running hot water full blast. They could find no reason for the coat hanger's rattling, and they swore that they turned off the water before they left. It was then that my grandmother remembered one of Sharon's favorite past times- playing with the water.

Not too long after this, my grandmother awoke one night to see a glowing ball floating in her bedroom. She later talked to a priest about this, and the priest told her that the ball represented an angel.

Also, last year my grandmother was home alone, cleaning house. She was walking past her kitchen china cabinet, which held a musical figurine of an angel, when the figurine started playing by itself. It was then that she remembered what day it was. It was the anniversary of Sharon's death.

My aunt and uncle have also reported seeing her, and my mother and grandmother have both had very vivid dreams about her. Even though she's been dead nearly twenty years now, we still feel that she is with us, somehow. My family feels very lucky to have our own guardian angel. My cousin Sharon.

aishwaryagayen thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
The Lady of the House

by [email protected]

We own this farm house. It's haunted by a ghost named Catherine. The reason we know that the ghost's name is Catherine is because one day this lady stopped by and asked if she could see the house. We wanted to know why she wanted to see the house and she told us that her father and grandfather built the house in 1900. Her grandmother, Catherine, loved the house. Catherine and her husband had to move she didn't want to move because she loved the house and, while she was away she died. I guess her spirit came back to the house. Let me tell you why I believe this.

When we first bought the house, my Uncle Pat was living there. He would sleep in the living room of the house and during the night he would hear doors shut and no one else was in the house.Plus this happened more than one time. Then we rented the house to some people. We never told them about the doors shutting. These people that we were renting the house asked us if the house was haunted because they could hear someone walk across the attic floor, slam a door, walk back across the floor and slam another door. There are no doors up in the attic. When the renters moved out, my grandma and grandpa moved into the house. They said that they didn't hear anything. My Uncle Pat would sometimes come and visit them and stay in the guest bedroom, which we believe was Catherine's bedroom, all night long he would hear something tapping on the window. There is nothing close enough to even touch the window. Also Catherine has stared at my Uncle Pat and even called his name. One thing that freaks me out is that on New Year's day I had a dream and in this dream Catherine told me why she kept my Uncle Pat up at night. The day after I told my Uncle Pat this, he heard someone call his name and everyone else in the house was sound asleep. I know that some of this is hard to believe, but its all true.

Phantom Motorcyclist

by [email protected]

This story was told to me by my friend Jone.

Jone and I live in the small town of Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. It is located about 90 miles east of the Twin cities. one Evening, Jone drove to Minneapolis to pick up her daughter who was attending school there. On the return trip Jone let her daughter drive and they both conversed about school and other events in their lives. It was approximately 10:00 at night and small pockets of fog banks began to develop on the highway. Jone turned from looking at her daughter and yelled at her to slow down and avoid what looked to be a motorcyclist. She recalled seeing a leather jacket and various details of the bike. But she vividly remembers how the headlights reflected off the chrome of the bike yet it went through it at the same time. The motorcyclist was in front of their vehicle for about five seconds and then drove off into the ditch. Jone's daughter pulled over to the side of the road and the both looked at each other and verified what they both had witnessed. Spooked out of their minds they sped for home. They were traveling on Highway 29 which links I94 to Green Bay. Currently HY29 is being expanded to a four lane highway due to the many fatal accidents that have occured in the past.

The House in Germany

by [email protected]

When I was a very young child my parents rented an old german house. What made renting this house strange is that German families rarely rent out an entire house, especially to American servicemen and there families. The house is in three levels: the first floor, second floor, and the attic. The house was full of antique furniture. The service couple before us had moved out when there six month old baby died of crip death. So here we arrive. My stepfather, my mother, and me 4 years old. The people that moved in upstairs were ( not disrespect intended) very lowclass people. The wife's name was Cookie, there were two boys, and the father (whose name and face I can not remember).

One day Cookie and my mother, bored in the german countryside and still no furniture to unpack, decided to explore the attic and its treasures. In a very old dresser my mother found one drawer filled with family photographs going all the way back to the turn of the century. Her and Cookie felt amazed at the certainly important heirlooms left in the house by its owners the Hommels. In the next dawer my mother found many crucifixs (excuse my spelling please), in many shapes and sizes. " They were gorgeous works of art", my mother,"They came in many sizes and different wood." The strange thing about them was that they had deathsheads at the bottom of Jesus's feet. (Deathsheads are the sign of the SS)

The next day Cookie and my mother began looking to make a playground in the barn for us kids to play in. They found a well like concrete hole in the middle of the barn. Inscribed in the concrete were the words,"Rommel, 1943" and a swatzika. What made this strange and even more scarry was that in the courtyard was inscribed that the house belonged originally to the Schmit family. My mother never allowed us to play in that concrete well.

Soon after we all moved in my mother and stepfather began hearing loud noises from upstairs, as if the furniture were being moved around. My mother thought that Cookie and her husband were trying to entertain us. With the noises the crucifix's began appearing all ovet the house. You would open a drawer and there it would be, you open a closet door and one would be hanging there. When my mother and Cookie were going to put them back all the crucifix's would be moved to a different drawer!

My memory and only memory of this time is when Cookie's sons tried to scare me by taking me up in the attic and throwing dead mice on me. I heard them screaming as if someone where beating them. When they ran down the stairs, I just had to see what scared them so. I saw a little girl sitting on one of the ancient cedar chest, she was very thin with little hair and very large brown eyes, giggling. Ever since she was my imaginary friend.

But the winds of change came. Cookies husband was arrested for molesting me in the attic, an event that I can no longer recall. The accusations were very ugly and I am glad that I do not remeber. But the German police would not let him be tried by an American system and arrested him under German Law. Cookie and her sons were moved out that day in "Fear for Life"move, for she was the one that turned him in. My parents and myself were being move two days later in "Fear of Life" move. It was those two days when my mother knew that Cookie wasnt the one moving the furniture in the attic, and wasn't telling Ghost stories to amuse us, but was telling the truth.

It all happened so fast that Our furniture had arived yes, but we never opened a box. When we finally got to our new home and opened the last moving box, at the very bottom of the box was one of the most beatiful of the crosses, except for the out of place deathshead. My stepfather took it and threw it away in a field two hours of a drive away.

What about the Hommels? They were such nice people my mother said. She didn't want to ask about the antiques and family heirlooms. She fiqured There was a family member that they did not want to mention. What about the Crosses? My mother found out that The Crosses were strange but the deathshead was a sign of the SS. My mother also found out that there was a fairly unknown concentration camp near by. Is it possible that the house was commandered by an SS officer from a jewish family? What about the Children? Of the four children living in the house in three months one died, one was raped, and two were subject to the harsh dicipline of a father that seemed to change in that house. What about the giggling girl? She stayed with me I remember. Until I recieve a fractured skull from a wild horse. On the way to the hospital I remember she said she had to leave me. I cried more from her saying goodbye than I did the 240 stiches I recieved. But If the horse had kicked me an inch lower it would have broke my neck, an inch higher I would have been blind for life. Was she my good luck charm? Was she a daughter in the Schmit family long dead? Who knows?

The Ghost of the Ship

by [email protected]

My family is prone to "paranormal" stuff, and I seem to be no exception. I have quite a few experiences to relate, both personal and heard second-hand through my family. This is usually the first one I tell people:

I served as an officer in the navy onboard a cruiser. One night, while we were in port, I was awoken from my sleep by a "feeling." What I saw hovering before me was a semi-distinguishable face, but better described a nebulous form. What I remember most was the sound which filled my ears: not loud, not soft, very present, but nothing specific. The only way I've been able to describe it is that sound the transporters made in the old Star Trek, but at a constant pitch and kind of muffled. I could feel myself trying to speak, yet could not hear words out of my mouth. I could feel myself trying to move, but again, nothing was happening. The apparition floated above me for what must have been 10 to 15 seconds, then suddenly disappeared. The sound was gone, I could move, I could hear myself speak, and the rest of my stateroom came back into focus. The first thing I did was reach up and touch the pipes which ran through the overhead (my rack was the top rack, or bunk-bed, for ye lubbers) to make sure I wasn't dreaming, for it felt like a dream-state. I had two choices: believe it was a dream, or believe it was something else. I didn't make the conclusion right away. Later that night, I had the mid-watch (from midnight to 4 am) on the quarterdeck. Once the drunks are on-board, this can be a very boring watch. Two other people are up there with you: the Petty Officer of the Watch, and the Messenger. Discussion always varies, and that night, it turned to ghost stories. We swapped a couple, and my mind thought back to the incident earlier in my stateroom. I shared it with them, with no real conclusion, because I had not made one yet. That's when I noticed the pale look on the Petty Officer of the Watch's face.

A year or so ago, on the deployment before my arrival, a young petty officer was doing maintenance on a radar system. He had defeated the safety interlock (a big no-no) on the radar's cabinet, exposing a fully energized klystron (something with lots of power going through it). He was wearing a sound-powered phone set, which is comprised of a head-set, and a mouth-piece which rests on a metal plate which rests on your chest, suspended by a a cord, and rests on your chest. This young man (could not have been over 21) got too close to the klystron, an high-voltage arc of electricity leapt from the klystron and landed on the metal plate, killing him instantly. The spot where he died was two decks above my stateroom, almost directly above where my rack (bed) is.

The petty officer of the watch had the messenger retrieve a cruise book from that deployment (like a yearbook). The first page was a memorial to the petty officer who died, complete with his picture. It was his face I could barely make-out in my stateroom. We all just stood there. I didn't say a thing (outside of what I had to say for duties) for the rest of the watch, I just stared out into the night.

Given my belief in these matters, I figgured he (the "ghost") was trying to tell me something. Typically, they all are. He woke me up only one other time after the first time. I tried to speak to him, but the same thing that happened to me physically during the first encounter impaired any communication. The ship has since been de-commissioned. I only hope he had the opportunity to tell whatever it is he wanted to say to someone else.

aishwaryagayen thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
The Ghost Light Of St.Louis

by [email protected]

This is not The St.Louis in the U.S. but the one in Saskatchewan. This

is a very small town about 30km out of Prince Albert and all the locals

seem to know about this ghost light.

My cousin decided to take me out and see this light for myself, I was

excited, many people have seen it but no one knows where it comes from.

We finally turned off the highway and drove down a gravel road for about

15km then on the shoulder of the gravel road is another road. Now this

road is narrow and horrible to drive into, but you can. Tree's are

always brushing the car and bumpy as hell not to mention pitch black, so

my cousin took me to the spot where he said he saw it last, now I was

getting nervous. At first we waited in the car (engine off) and looked

out the back window to see if something was coming, nothing so we got

out with flashlights in hand and waited. I would say about 5 minutes

later a faint light appeared down this road.

Now this road is narrow and is very hilly and bumpy but I could see this

light slowly coming towards us. It was like a single headlight and very

bright, what this light would do is come up into view and then disappear

out of view as if someone was carrying a lantern walking down the road

towards us. We both started getting freaked out and ran back to the car

and sat there and watched this light get closer and closer, we finally

got the hell outta there and drove back into Prince Albert.

From what we know this light has been there for quite some time, we

later found out that the road was actually a railroad at one time.

Another story we heard was that a man was walking on the tracks along

time ago carrying a lamp and was struck by the train and his spirit

still walks the tracks at night.

aishwaryagayen thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
Haunted House in Liverpool

by [email protected]

Hello out there my name is Robert, I was born in and grew up in a haunted house, all of the events you are about to read are quite true, though not in any particular order just as I remember them. My parents bought a quite large semi detached house not long before I was born, It was on the market for a very reasonable price which was down to the property being in a very dilapidated state, having been abandoned for some time. The fact that a good quality house had been left to decay in a growing suburban area of Merseyside in the middle of a middle classed street is in it's self odd. But the house soon became habitable with a lot of hard work, though with little assistance from contract labour, delivery men or even other family members. Some just plain refused to go near the place, some turned up made their excuses and quickly left, not one delivery man would cross the threshold, and by all accounts the house did exude menace in it's own suburban way. I should explain that the house was fully furnished, nothing had been looted or even thrown about a bit, all was as it had been. The roof and windows were shot and the rains and weather came in so the furniture had been soaked through, quality furniture abandoned with the house now decayed beyond redemption. My parents as they worked in the house often found the air turn chill and the hairs on their heads raise for no xplainable reason and many items, screwdrivers, pliers etc. seemingly vanished without trace, I think they were mad to have stayed but they did. The furniture had to go, broken up and burned mostly though some of the items were quite grand I'm told they were all beyond repair. One large chest of drawers which had seized solidly shut defied all attempts a being opened had to be dismantled with a lump hammer and crowbar. The drawers when smashed apart contained all of the missing items lost since my parents first took possession, including a still wet and warm window cloth my mother had lost just moments before my father destroyed the chest.

Some time later, when the house was habitable I arrived, delivered in the front bedroom nothing too remarkable about that but with my birth returned the ghost. My room was fitted with a baby alarm, so that my parents could listen to me screaming (only kidding, you know what baby alarms are for). For a wile after my birth renewed sounds of heavy footfalls had been heard upstairs and an odour of burning candles was often commented on by isitors though my mum never used them back then. Also the icy patches had come back and now with the baby link in my nursery my parents had a voice. A kind voice of an elderly lady, usually singing "rock of ages", my father tells me it used to freeze him to the spot but my mother would run up the stairs hoping to meet our ghost.

She never did, the voice would go as she reached the stairs and all would be as it was before. The voice came regularly, and my Mother inquired with neighbours as a way of ruling out interference from neighbours' televisions and radios, no link could be found with them and the singing voice. I think my parents just got used to it as time went by, people got more relaxed about the house and the feeling of dread about the place went away. The house looked nice and visitors used to treat the stories of haunting with great scepticism, my Nan my Mum's Mother was the greatest sceptic of all, but I feel that her story of all that I have heard from the house remains the best.It was Christmas, I guess 1970 or 71 I was still little more than a baby and both of my Grandmothers were staying over for the festive season. I must have been out of my old nursery room because I know I was supposed to be moved back to the nursery (box room) to make room for the two old ladies. I also know I wouldn't go I was adamant that the box room belonged to "the Lady" and not for anything would my three year old self sleep in there. My Mum's Mother ended up taking the room in my stead, laughing at my parents foolishness for believing all this haunting rubbish. Anyway I don't know how many nights she had stayed but on one of the Christmas nights my Nan had an interesting experience. It must have been fairly late and my Nan was getting undressed in the box bedroom when another old lady joined her in the room. The other lady looked at my Nan and said "hello Amy (my Nan's name) love, I haven't seen you in ever such a long time." My nan fled, can't say I blame her, it's a small room to be cooped up in with someone who you know is dead. It later transpired it had been the previous owner of the house, a woman my Nan had known in the past, a woman who died under quite tragic circumstances in the house.

I had a little sister the following year, and things got loud again footsteps and candles but no singing just sounds, clicks on the baby alarm nothing specific just wrong. That was that, things calmed down or seemed to I guess the noises just became normal background noise to us and we just stopped noticing them though visitors still found them disquieting. We were feeling our ghost must be getting used to us, as I grew up and entered junior school I can only remember one incident that was even remotely unusual, and that was a glass vase which decided to move along a window cill and then be flicked onto the floor, something I watched while having my breakfast before leaving for school one day.

It was much later that I saw "The Lady" and I still hardly trust my own senses, but it felt as real as it could be. I was a teenager and my room was in an attic conversion (a new room that was never accessible to the previous owner) reached by a wooden ladder staircase. On this night I was in bed it was fairly late, am rather than pm but I was awake maybe only half awake but aware. Anyway I heard a sound, it was the sound of shuffling feet on carpet it was unmistakable I knew I was not alone in the room. To reach the room you had to climb the bare wood stairs, which creaked and thumped however hard you tried to be quiet, I had not heard anyone climb them. Anyway I summoned the courage to peep from under my bedclothes not expecting to see anything at all, but I was disappointed. In the gloom I could see a woman in a dressing gown standing at the entrance to the room, she was old and she was moving though very slowly into the room. Oddly I was not too terrified though I did not sleep that night, after I popped back under the covers. I never mentioned it to anyone, I often wondered why I would see her in that room as it could not be accessed in the houses past. I did have a theory well two theories, the first was to do with an item of furniture. In my room was the only salvaged item of furniture from the old owner, the lower section of yet another chest of drawers. I wondered if that had been the draw, but I also wondered if she was curious of the new room and just decided to explore I guess I'll never know.

About the same time that I saw "the Lady" my father saw her too, he never told anyone either, it was years later that he told me about it. Like me he had been in a semi doze, and he was lying on the sofa in the rear lounge and he was facing what was at the time the doors of a built in cupboard. He says that he was just staring into space relaxed and cosy when an frizzle haired old woman strode out of the cupboard doors and through the end of the sofa he was lay on. He says she was as clear and solid as any person and he was able to give a fairly good description of her. He later visited our elderly neighbours and he told them about the ghost he had seen and he gave his description to them. They were supprised to say the least, my fathers description had been a perfect match of the previous owner.

Anyway time strode on the noises had long since vanished the candle odour was a memory and the house was bar one spot a happy house. And the spot on the first landing is now the only place that won't get better. I wondered if it was just me, until last year, I have my own house now which I can only describe as 100% happy I never feel uneasy there. One evening we had a group of friends over and we all started on ghost stories, and a theme arose. Had I started it I could dismiss it but it wasn't me that mentioned it first and I sat back amazed as agreement spread through the room. Of all the places that any of them had been going up my mother's stairs was the worst. None could explain it further than a gut feeling that something they did not want to be any part of was hiding there, so people tend not to linger or look just in case. The first landing is a junction, from there the stairs go straight on and right and to the rear. There is something about that space, you have to check right you don't want to but it's almost a compulsion.

Just one last thing, my little sister had a baby six years ago, her and her boyfriend lived at my mothers at the time and her bedroom was one of the two old hot spot haunting rooms. With the new baby came footstep sounds again and something that never registered at first were clicks on the baby alarm, we'd forgotten the ghost. The clicks we began to realise were at the same time every night, 10 after eight and again a little after eleven, after the click the baby would wake every time it wasn't until the family used a baby-sitter one evening that we paid any attention to the clicks as not being anything other than interference. It was my then girlfriend now wifes 21st birthday I arranged a big suprise party at local restaurant, all the family would be there so my sister got her boyfriends mum to come over and look after my niece "Lucy". Jenny the sitter knew very little about us she had only met us a few times she had never heard a thing about our ghost that was for sure. Cutting a long story shortly after a very pleasant evening we returned to my Mothers to find Jenny by the front door, at just after eleven she had heard a sound on the Baby alarm, a click it was followed she says by a womans voice which said "come on come on Lucy love" Jenny was terrified when we got to her the poor woman but we have never heard a peep since, other than the click's which went on for more than a year afterwards. Well that's all I suppose, when I was about 22-23 my mum was telling me some things and she mentioned a scandal involving the old lady who lived in the house, which involved her son leaving the country in a bit of a hurry. She hung herself soon after, I. think I know where

aishwaryagayen thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 4
Posted: 14 years ago
Hauntings at an Ambulance Co.

by [email protected]

I work as a dispatcher at Med-Stat ambulance in Erie PA. Since I've

worked there I've heard many stories of how the building has been

haunted. One paramedic said that she saw a man standing by the main

second story picture window by the bed in which she was laying one night.

The man stood there with his back toward her, and he just dissolved.

People have heard noises and other strange things. I have been up all

night in the dispatch office many, many times. I had never experienced

anything odd or strange until last month. I was working the midnight to

eight shift when about three in the morning I started hearing the door

downstairs open and close violently. Then I heard something being thrown

around. I ignored it a while, but I heard the noises again so I

investigated. I went downstairs opened the door, and turned on the light.

Nothing was there, nothing out of place. I looked around for a while and

then went back upstairs. As soon as I closed the door to the garage, the

door slammed again and adn the rustling started again. I just went back

upstairs and tried to ignore it. The noises continued for a while, and

then a new sound started. Someone was coming up the stairs next to the

dispatch office. I waited for the door to open, but it did not. This time

I did not have enough balls to investigate. I just kept on working at my

paperwork and tried to ignore it. This happened again and again. About an

hour later I decided to sit on the floor and read, and as soon as I hit

the floor I heard a distinct breathing. A heavy wispery breathing. At

first I thought that it might be the wind, but it definitly was not. It

was breathing. Needless to say I got back into my chair. After a few

minutes, I went to the bathroom, and when I sat down on the toilet, the

doorknob shook violently back and forth. I've been around some strange

stuff but this was weird. I never felt a presence persay, but i knew what

I experienced was not natural. A ghost?

premeeristry thumbnail
Anniversary 14 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 14 years ago
wow aishu this is really somthing intresting
let us try one day......😆.... to play B-Mary........seriously am not horrified coz i believe that spirituality does exist but its better to not to intervend them by doing such things and naming them as "research abt it".

wad say wanna play .........b-mary .dont forgett to bring two muscular persons wid u.dont get me wrong but..........agar tu mirror k andar chaligayi toh tujhey nikaal ney k liye koi toh chahiye.
jokes apart its really worth to read .thanx for pm
