Update Jan 12th

-Jiya- thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago

i m sorry i wasnt able to update last week, i had myself a little vacation 😆
since i havent updated i m new to the characters that were introduced recently so just bear w/ me

Recap :: meera is at peace knowing that one krishna bhakt is safe.  Lakadhare(?) is happy on arrival of vishrut. sukruti makes vishrut drink milk that has sleeping affect on him so he doesnt leave the house.  King vikal's soldiers come to take meera while she is doing her krishna bajan.

Update :: the villagers try n stop n there is a little fight b/t soldiers and villagers.  Meera stops the villagers because she doesnt want anyone to be hurt and decides to go w/ the soldiers.  A pundit is giving knowledge about god to some men when one man gets up n praises meera bhakti.  The pandit furiously tell him that meera is fake and bad mouths meera saying she wants to be god herself etc.  Meera is brought in the mehel in front of raja and his queens, the raja says that he had heard alot abt meera's singing and dancing n he wants his queens to see it.  Meera says its her bhakti not just dancing n singing, she said she is not entertainer she is a bhakt therefor she can not do what she is asked.  Sukurti's husband finds a bag full of jewelery, sukurti thanks god n says that vishrut has brought luck to them, vishrut wants to go do meera darshan but sukutri stops him.  In raj mehel meera is ordered to sing but meera refuses saying she only listens to krishna.  The raja brings krishna murti but meera says she wont sing until krishna asks her to, raja is about to hurt her just then the krishna murti starts to magically move.  The raja is scared and folds his hand in forgiveness.   Vishrut is waiting to meet meera but sukurti brings fake meera, sukurti's husband scolds her for doing such a thing to the kid cuz he cant see.  Vishrut is telling his story to the fake meera n she is very touched n moved by him, vishrut asks for his eye sight when the fake meera breaks down n speaks the truth.  sukutri speaks up n tells vishrut that she didnt want him to leave that's y she got fake meera.  In mehel the queens r complaining abt meera and the eldest rani tries to break meera's guitar but it doesnt break.  Rani says that meera does black magic etc, then king comes to meera n says that he wont spare her for dishonoring his queens n him.



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Frequent Posters

-Jiya- thumbnail
Posted: 14 years ago

Originally posted by: janie

Hi Jiya,

Thank u for the update. I was doing updates on few days before. I had left the forum, now I am back. As other than u nobody else is doing the updates I will join u. Just inform me on which days u will be able to do the updates & I will do for the remaining days. I will be pleased to have your reply. Thank u

i'll do tuesdays n thursday
if u can do rest of the days
i usually do it depending on my timing