Pandiyan Stores - Season 2 (page 58 onwards) - Page 90


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mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 27 days ago

About today’s episode 

Meena’s mom came to give her jewelry that she bought for her wedding. When Meena and Gomathi repeatedly asked her to come in, Mom td them that it will take time for them to reconcile married against their wishes and to reunite with her . Basically Mom wanted to show Meena’s status and no one should question that she doesn’t have any jewelry. So Raji is the one going to get brickbats from Kuzhali and Bhagyam (TM’s mom) Both don’t leave a chance to humiliate Meena and Raji but Meena escaped now as she is writers  favorite character, 

Maari who watched this scene unfold lets Vadivu and Gandhimathi know that Meena got jewelry from her mother. Palanivel who comes there confirms but they all discuss how Kathir-Raji could have lost the jewelry. I really liked how Palanivel supported Kathir and said he would have never done such a thing, blamed Raji for losing the jewelry but took blame himself. Palanivel is on the right track and want him to find the truth soon. Ladies at Vel house seem convinced about Palani’s explanation. He inly had good things to say about Kathir.

I have always mentioned  that I really like Vel family ladies, they are reasonable, not stupid like Gomathi, really fond of their children, though they are submisdive to their husbands which is what is irking me. Hope they are shown strong when KR’s marriage truth comes out and openly support Kathir for helping out Raji.

I want the writers to pursue the lost jewelry and get it back from Kannan. In real life no one lets go off lakhs and lakhs worth of jewelry. Since Kumar, Pandian, Vel brothers don’t leave a stone unturned to humiliate Kathir for the lost jewelry, the writers need to get it back to restore Kathir’s name. Though Raji has mellowed and now starting to support Kathir, she has done too much damage to his name for no fault of his. 

Meena- Senthil-Gomathi-Raji scene was ok. Meena boasting about her jewelry and how she flaunted it in front of Senthil  showed how Meena is not perfect like they are portraying her to be. So SM can have PDA which Gomathi and Raji were embarrassed about and wanted to give them some privacy. Raji called herself chinna pulla and asked SM not do show PDA in front of her smiley36 Yes, Raji we believe you are a chinna pulla who us 20 years and married smiley36 Meena was overacting in this scene🙄

Not interested in watching Gold digger’s family and their discussions on hiw they will make Pandian house to pay for their daughter’s expensive saree for the wedding. Thank God, Mom left the sister back at hime, didn’t take her for shopping, else knowing the director there might be a stupid scene with her in the frame🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

Now coming to the last scene at Pandian house discussing about the budget for shopping and how much each one are getting for their clothes. Pandian, the hypocrite had the audacity to call out on Kathir when he talked about  gauravam while purchasing the wedding saree for TM. Kathir suggested they keep the budget at 25,000 rupees. Pandian really thought about Gauravsm when he eloped and married Gomathi? What a douchebag this man is, ridiculing his own son when he is the root cause for all the problems in the sins lives. Both KR felt bad when Pandian ridiculed Kathir about his gauravsm talk. When the day Pandian comes to know  KR’s  truth, I just want him to disappear from the face of this earthsmiley7 Gomathi, the dimwit, asked them not to argue and fight. But the idiot should understand that she too is responsible for the  mess  in KR’s life and the brickbats, humiliation both are going through. 
Anyway Pandian-Gomathi are failures as parents and we are going to see how they are going to destroy Saravana’s  life by getting him married to a lowlife. The guy all along was happy being single is going to go through hell in the future because of his parents.

Also in the above scene, they had to show Meena’s face multiple times to show her reaction as if only that mattered. How is that only she has questions/dialogues to ask Pandian all the time?🙄🙄🙄 Writers need to to e her down and not make her pike the nose in everyone’s business,

The only scene I liked in today’s episode was Palani supporting Kathir in front of Vel family ladies, they all seem to agree with him too. I want the jewelry to be found, so there us a closure for KR, its a lot of money to let it go in real life.

Surprisingly they showed a precap of tomorrow’s episode where Pandian mistakes 1,00,000 rupees to be 10,000 rupees and like always Meena trying to tell him about the price🙄. Knowing Pandian, he will not believe Meena, will go ahead buy the saree for his favorite DIL, TM. I want TM’s family to take Pandian to the cleaners with this saree shopping smiley36

mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 27 days ago

PS-2 new promosmiley37

I just want Pandian to go bankrupt because of this wedding. He totally deserve fir behaving like a jerksmiley36 TM’s family are the right people to deal with this idiot. So TM chooses a saree for 1,10,000 rupeessmiley37smiley37  and she wants Pandian to get a suit for Saravanan smiley37smiley37

Also next KR promo will come in Sunday and their scene will come on next Monday and Tuesday’s episode. That’s the plan of the makers, using them as a clickbait to keep the audience hooked to the show🙄🙄 Such cheapossmiley29

mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 26 days ago

What a boring episode!🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱🥱it was a complete yawnfest.

I was bored just like Kathir and Senthil smiley36 Both didn’t know why they were even there smiley36

TM and her greedy Mom, both the ladies are a complete turnoff,  think they belong to a royal family🤮🤮 Dad is even worse. Manushan purse kooda kondu varala but vaai mattum  1 milekku neeludhu.

Pandian deserves this and it will be Saravanan who will be a huge disappointment for him. I expect him to turn into a henpecked husband. The guy was just standing like a robot, with no self respect, nodding his  head for everything, didn’t have the guts to say anything. But Pandian thought he will plan the best wedfing for Saravanan as he chose the girl is going to get burnt severely and be taken for a ride by TM and her family.

I did not like the way TM’s mother scolded Meena and Raji for talking amongst themselves. Who the heck is she to say something to them, Both these morons Pandian and Gomathi are spineless to ask TM’s mom to shut up.

I want Janardhan-Shanti and Vel family to enter the scene and show TM’s family who they really are. If KR find Kannan and get the money he made by selling Raji’s jewelry that will be a huge step in the right direction.

The way TM was buttering Go athi and Pandian was cringe 🤮 It was as if she is doing it all for earning brownie points and not out of love or respect for them.

Hope the writers don’t write such episodes in the future, it was just plain horrible🙄

Edited by mpks1 - 26 days ago
Ret99 thumbnail
Posted: 26 days ago
Exactly TM is such a horrible character. I hate her. And saravanan who I thought was a chill guy before is turning out to be such a Dumbo. Like ya you have waited for a girl a long time but you did have a lover before why are you acting like a puppy dog around this girl. It's soo cringe. Pandian is in for a rude awakening, the Dil he chose is going to be the one to split the family. He lucked out with both his other DILs ( even though meena so such a drab), who adjust quite a lot in this unsustainable family set up. Who else would agree for a family honeymoon which is mostly spent in hospital because the so called head of the family cannot spend money on quality food. Raji is a gem but am pretty sure no one is ever going to realize that and if her secret comes out she will be critisized a lot. Hope by then kathir stands up for her. I want kr to move out after a fight and learn to trust and care for each other away from this toxic family. This week except Tuesday all episodes are boring. I hope this wedding gets over soon so we can get to the drama part when family realizes what a fraud tm is.
mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 26 days ago

Originally posted by: Ret99

Exactly TM is such a horrible character. I hate her. And saravanan who I thought was a chill guy before is turning out to be such a Dumbo. Like ya you have waited for a girl a long time but you did have a lover before why are you acting like a puppy dog around this girl. It's soo cringe. Pandian is in for a rude awakening, the Dil he chose is going to be the one to split the family. He lucked out with both his other DILs ( even though meena so such a drab), who adjust quite a lot in this unsustainable family set up. Who else would agree for a family honeymoon which is mostly spent in hospital because the so called head of the family cannot spend money on quality food. Raji is a gem but am pretty sure no one is ever going to realize that and if her secret comes out she will be critisized a lot. Hope by then kathir stands up for her. I want kr to move out after a fight and learn to trust and care for each other away from this toxic family. This week except Tuesday all episodes are boring. I hope this wedding gets over soon so we can get to the drama part when family realizes what a fraud tm is.

I have a feeling the writers are going to drag this wedding track until IPL is over.

Pandian oru loosu, which bridegroom’s family will buy all the sarees for the bride? Even the rich families don’t do such things. Why didn’t Pandian and Gomathi talk about the budget, why do tgey want to show ifcso much in front of TM’s family, I am sure TM’s family is not going to give a penny for the marriage expenses.  Pandianukku  nalla Nammatha poda poraangasmiley36

Another thing that bothers me so much is KR interaction, which is very minimal. I am ok with slow progress but their conversation is limited to 1 or 2 episodes. Even the conversations which are few and far are either in the presence of a 3rd party like Kumaravel, Meena or Palanivel. The one bedroom conversation they have weekly is all about their sleeping arrangements. Can’t they show them interacting in a normal setting to slowly set the stage for some progress. They act as complete strangers  in 5 out of the 6 episodes weekly. The makers are using them to retain the viewers as they have nothing else going for them. By using KR as clickbait, all we get to see is cringe romance between Saravanan-TM, Pandian’s unwanted gyan and hypocrisy and Meena’s 2 cents in every mattersmiley5 Even Gomathi doesn’t have the voice Meena has in that family, but looks like TM is going to takeover and boss them all once she enters the family.

I also felt bad for Raji today when she said she missed the family. The girl made a huge mistake, is regretting it every single minute, feels guilty that she also put Kathir through misery. The girl needs a second chance and need to reconcile with her family ASAP.

About Raji’s truth, I only want the jewelry truth to be out in front of everyone that Raji lost it and they should either get the money back from Kannan or the jewelry itself. I do not want anyone to know for whom Raji eloped.  If at all that truth has to come out, it should be only in front of the Vel family. Pandian, Arasi, Kuzhali, Saravanan, Thangamayil, her parents should never get to know at all. They will make her life a hell.  I am also ok with Senthil and Palanivel knowing the full truth along with Vel family, Meena and Gomathi already know what happened.  
I also feel sad for Raji’s character as they have made her Meena’s sidekick in all the family scenes. She absolutely has no say in the family matters.

Kathir atleast voices out his opinion but  Raji is made to be a silent spectator and no one even cares what she thinks. For every dialogue we only get to see Meena’s reaction and her opinion.

There is a saying, “nirai kudam thalumbaadhu arai kudam thaan thalumbum”Raji and Meena are nirai kudam while TM is arai kudam.

 Also Saravanan’s  character is a huge disappointment from where he startedsmiley5 He acts as if he listens to his Dad and his family members, in reality they have indirectly showed him manipulating them all to silently get his way and in the process fulfill TM’s wishes and desires,

Edited by mpks1 - 26 days ago
mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

Today’s episode was another borefest🥱🥱 

TM and her family’s atrocities are unbearable. Ivalavu pannadai paradesi pichakara kootatha naan paarthadhilla. Onnume illama indha pechu, ivanga pongal achieve panittu adakama irundha enna pechu pesum idhunga. 

The  only scene I liked was the last scene when Kathir told Senthil- “ Appava paatha paavama irukku, comedyagavum irukku aana avarukku idhu venum” smiley37smiley37smiley37smiley32smiley32

How much he has insulted Kathir and Senthil, now let him pay the pricesmiley36 And Saravanan has turned to be the most lousy character on par with  Pandian, Gomathi, Kuzhali. He is learning it all from TM and her family on how to take advantage of others🙄🙄🙄 Man is turning out yo be a spineless jerk. 

What’s the point in making KR sit next to each other in the restaurant when they don’t even interact in public and act as strangerssmiley29smiley29
Though Meena is shown to be “Miss know it all” and too good a DIL, doesn’t mean only she gets to speak all the dialogues. Even Gomathi who is in the montage is made to look like a dimwit, stupid and illiterate in every episodesmiley36 Soon I am expecting her to be removed from the montage and paste Meena’s picture theresmiley36
It is also very evident that there is going to be a huge war between TM and Meena post TM’s entry into Pandian house.

TM’s family has lied about her age, educational qualifications, status, their thuggish behavior yet they are shown to be haughty, cocky, arrogant and full of attitude. They are not going to spend a penny for this wedding. The entire cost will be borne by Pandian even of it means selling Pandian store because he has arranged this alliance smiley36 The  greedy family made him spend triple the  budget he allotted for wedding clothessmiley36 This is just the beginning, lets see how much they make him spend for jewelry. They will make Pandian buy all the 80 sovereign gold they promised smiley37

I am only worried that they will pose a huge problem for Raji who is naive compared to Meena and TM. I want Vel family to make their way in, to protect her. 

There will be one more boring episode on Saturday and Sunday, boom, makers will come up with KR promo to keep the fans attached to the show. Like Goundamani says, “theriyumada ungaloda pithalaatamellam, eppadi  eppadi yemathuveenganu” smiley36

Finally, is Saranya really this bad at acting? She has constipated expression in all the scenes. Why is she so hyped up? Because she is VJ Chitra’s friend??  She is a horrible choice compared to Hema, Shalini even Sathya (who plays Arasi) is better than her🙄

Edited by mpks1 - 25 days ago
Pallanguzhi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

Originally posted by: mpks1

Avanukku seriyana aalu Dubakoor kudumbamthin irandavadhu magal- Muthuchudar smiley36

It would be too funny if TM family gets a 'dishyum dishyum' dose of Komaru (kann kollaa kaatchi smiley36), but they may not be endgame due to their 'conflicting' morai (Sudar being Raji's co-sister's sister, and Komaru being Raji's brother). 

Up to the writers I guess. smiley36

Pallanguzhi thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

One of the reasons PS2 pulled me in was the Vel family dynamic (and the actors, as a number are yesteryears television legends). I have to say that I enjoy the conversations in that household a tad bit more, than the ones in the PS house, even though the Vel men are a 'rough and tough' bunch. The Vel ladies are intelligent and emotionally mature, so there is a nice balance. I hope to see them more, and not disappearing into the background with the introduction of other characters. 

I would have hoped Raji's arrival into the PS home would have resulted in more matured interactions and compromise between the two families, but no, it's always the same 'vettu kuthu'  scenes. Time for the writers to show the dads thawing and reaching out to Raji, maybe without the other's knowledge. smiley36 I enjoyed the part when Vadivu burst out at Komaru with 'kandavan', and Maari defending Vadivu despite her son being bashed and her husband raging at the pair of them. They are mothers first and foremost, and have better things to do than to go along with the whims and fancies of the Vels. Such well-developed characters compared to our dear Goms. smiley13

mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 25 days ago

Originally posted by: Pallanguzhi

It would be too funny if TM family gets a 'dishyum dishyum' dose of Komaru (kann kollaa kaatchi smiley36), but they may not be endgame due to their 'conflicting' morai (Sudar being Raji's co-sister's sister, and Komaru being Raji's brother). 

Up to the writers I guess. smiley36

In hindsight I don’t want Muthuchudar for Kumaravel, not because I have softened towards Vel family men but because Muthuchudar will make Raji’s life a hell along with Kumaravel. One monster os enough to tackle smiley36 Already Raji will have yo tackle TM on one side and Kumar on the other side, don’t want Muthuchudar in the equation. Raji is too naive to manage these frauds smiley36

Kumar should not get married at all, Aradiyum pozhachu pogattum smiley36

mpks1 thumbnail
Posted: 24 days ago

Today’s episode was yet another horrible one.  Pandian is going to go ahead with the grand expenses because he arranged the marriage, continued to ridicule Senthil and Kathir for eloping and marrying. When Meena asked Senthil how much their costed, Senthil turned it on Kathir as he spent for it. Pandian yet again demeaned Kathir who said the actual expenses turned out to be 20,000 rupees for SM marriage. Raji kept giving a long list of things to do for the marriage like decorations, lighting, music, food, Pandian is ready to spend any amount necessary. Gomathi, the dimwit was quietly listening to all this🙄

There was a short scene between SM regarding TM’s family and their behavior during shopping. Meena pointed out that they are acting greedy but Senthil refused to accept or believe her. He still thinks they are an awesome family. Meena saud, she won’t comment on them further and walks away.

TM’s family at their house, they were badmouthing Meena and Raji. Mom and sister already telling Mayil how to separate all the relationships so she can be the queen in that house after marriage and become the beloved DIL.  Bhagyam told her to first separare Meena-Raji bonding, then create misunderstanding between Meena-Gomathi and Raji-Gomathi, as Gomathi should not have any soft corner because Raji is her brother’s daughter. Bhagyam’s argument is them not having money will be against them while for the other 2 DIL’s love marriage will be against them. So for TM to have an upper hand and not show that she is from a poor family, yet live like a queen, she should separate the relationships, so her in-laws and husband are always on her side.

Next morning,  Pandian was gloating in front of the Vel family about Saravanan’s marriage, rubbing them in the wrong way, Kathir too irritating them with his comments (didn’t expect this from him) other brothers laughing at them, was a low blow. Also Pandian was full praise for TM and her nature, behavior and what a gem of a girl they have found for Saravanan. Pandian talked about how grand this wedding is going to be.

Sakthivel and Kumaravel got angry but Muthuvel asked them to calm down and all 3 left in their vehicle.

Very disappointed with today’s episode especially with Kathir’s behavior. Even Senthil  doesn’t have a good rapport with his FIL but not behaving like what Kathir is doing. Anyway Vel family is going to have the last laugh in Saravanan’s marriage while Raji will be the most affected, more than anyone;

I think Vel family will find out about TM’s family soon and will be quiet and not reveal anything. I want them to be quiet too. Pandian and Gomathi deserve a DIL like TM and the atrocities she is going to commit. I know Raji will be the collateral damage, even if it means KR are separated its ok with me. SM will be the first one to leave the house as Meena has a solid job and is not dependent on Pandian and his money,

I also think they are taking the story like SA with Manoj-Rohini becoming the main villains as well as being the 1st son and DIL and Vijaya blindly supporting them. Rohini is plannimg and plotting on her own while here TM will be helped by her family- Mom, sister and father to separate the family. 
 I am not saying arranged marriage is wrong as I myself had one but it is important to check the background of the family, most importantly be perceptive and shrewd and find out what’s going around you, But here Pandian is acting this way because of his ego, oneupmanship and arrogance. He will be the reason this family will be destroyed;
If its going to go saas-bahu way plus plotting and planning, then its time for me to say goodbye to this show. Senthil atleast might go against his family to standby Meena as they really love each other but I have no hope from Kathir, as he is this marriage only because his mom asked him to marry, don’t think he will go against his family to support Raji.

Edited by mpks1 - 24 days ago