Arjun FF: Reshimbandh [Chapter 13- page 15] - Page 15


Revamped Reshimbandh

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Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Chapter 11

Previously: Arjun found out Neha and Vikram are working on Sikander's case and gets angry. He is giving silent treatment to Neha. 

Rawte Mansion,

Arjun is back in his room. He set up the laptop as per Shree’s instructions. Rocky placed his head on Arjun’s lap and lied comfortably on the couch while Arjun worked and occasionally gave him head-scratches and belly rubs. The audio devices they planted in the living room were working well. Arjun plugged in the hard disk which had data copied from Neha’s laptop. 

He opened the folder and the “enter password” window opened. Arjun tried a few passwords but all of them were incorrect. He scrolled through the other folders, most of them related to her Psychology course – reading material, recorded lectures, interviews and collected data for her thesis and some random stuff. 

Arjun sighed and shut the lid of the laptop. He splashed some water on his face and decided to sleep. He looked across his bed, Sandy and Nyx had made themselves comfortable on it. Arjun rested in the space left by the two and Rocky snuggled in.


Next Morning

Sameer’s Apartment 

The doorbell rang incessantly. Sameer opened the door. “Rawte?”

Arjun walked in and sat on the couch. 

“Rawte? Are you going to say something?” Sameer asked after impatiently waiting for about five minutes. 

“Neha has been investigating Sikander’s case.” Arjun said plainly.

The prolonged silence was broken by Karan. “Good morning!”

Both looked at him. “Sorry for interrupting. Do you want anything? Coffee, chai?”

“No.” Arjun and Sameer said in unison. “We should talk in the study. Karan, don’t disturb us for a while.” Karan nodded as the two walked into the study. 

Sameer locked the door. “Ar- Rawte! Are you sure about this?”

“I saw everything in her room. Details of criminals, politicians, the nexus and this.” Arjun showed him the picture of Sikander’s physical description. “I asked Shree to digitize the data we found there.”

“Is this why they tried to kill her?”

Arjun took a deep breath, “Yes.” 

Sameer thought for a while. “Rawte, do you remember when Neha joined the ETF and we had a meeting with Coehlo Sir, he told us to be prepared for a big upcoming case.”

“He knew?”

“Maybe. What do you think we should do now?”

“Nothing. But I am sure there is a lot more that we don’t know.”

“We have to handle this with utmost caution, Rawte. One slip and we know what the consequences can be.”

“You think I don’t know that?”

Sameer sighed. “Calm down Rawte. You cannot let your emotions overshadow your judgment.”

Arjun marched out. 

“Any updates on the fingerprints?” Sameer asked Karan while sipping his coffee.

“What finger-”

Sameer silenced him with his look, “You cannot be doing things in my office without me knowing.”

“I found one match but it has to have two I think-”

“Two? It’s one person’s hand, right?”

“I guess, but it didn’t match fully.” Karan shrugged.

“Just ask Neha about it?”

“I will tell her about the match when she asks me.”

“Tell her there was no match.” Sameer left with his coffee.



Rawte Mansion,

"Bhaiya?" She knocked on his door and walked in. "We need to talk."

“No.” Arjun turned away.

“Bhaiya please-”

“Get out, now.” Arjun pushed her out and shut the door on her face.

She came into her room and looked at the ransacked bookshelf. Her books, the bookmarks, pressed flowers and chocolate wrappers were scattered on the floor. She took a deep breath and started picking them up as tears welled her eyes. 



Chotu was meeting his informer, Neha and Shree were waiting for him in the SUV.

“Shree, be honest. Tell me everything you found at my place yesterday.”

“Neha, I’m sorry, I didn’t want to do it but Arjun sir-”

“I just need to know what all he knows.”

“I digitized some of the important files and copied the data from your personal laptop.”

“That’s all?”

“Yes. But why were you hiding all of this?”

“It’s confidential. I cannot be revealing any of this without permission. And I know you won’t but just a reminder, don’t even whisper about any of this to anyone. It’s for your own safety.”

“I’ve been a tech expert for about five years now, I know how to keep things confidential.”  

“Is there anything else I should know?” Neha eyed Shree who was looking around. “Shree? Please.”

“There are two audio devices, in the living-room and your workspace.” He whispered.

Neha picked her phone to inform Vikram, there were a few texts from him. ‘Look what your brother left.’ Picture of two audio devices. ‘Call me.’


Rawte Mansion,

Later that night,

Arjun was exercising when Neha tried to come in. 

“Bhaiya, we-”

Arjun gave her a hard stare and slammed the door on her face. 

“So you wanna fuss like a toddler? Fine, have it your way. Talk to me when you grow up.” He heard her yell. Arjun resumed punching the bag.

“ASP Arjun Suryakant Rawte, you have ventured into perilous territories. If you want to ensure the safety of your family, get out of it ASAP. Your well-wisher.”

He punched the bag harder as he recalled the old threats.

“Sikander sends his regards to you.” Pathan Lala’s face flashed in front of his eyes. Arjun paused for a breath and clenched his fists tighter. Resumed punching.

“Kill her.” The voice resonated in his head. The bloodied knife flashed in front of his eyes. Arjun stepped away, breathing hard. His hands were sore from the incessant punching. 

He tried to open the door, but couldn’t. He banged his fists on the door in a futile attempt to open it. He stepped back for a moment and heard a small screech. Rocky opened the door from outside and ran away. Arjun walked out, tired, confused and angry. 

Neha gave some treats to Rocky and he tagged along with Arjun right after eating them. 

Arjun stopped on the stairs. “What was that?”

“You locked me out, I locked you in!” She shrugged.

Arjun clenched his fists in anger and returned to his room.


Next night

Arjun came home. A drunk Neha and an exasperated Rahul were bickering about something. 

“You are a disgrace, Neha Rawte.”

“Sounds like Sugandha’s ghost has possessed you.” Neha retorted.

“She’s our mother. How dare you disrespect her like that?”

“How about she respecting her child and her wishes for a change?”

“Talking to you is -” Rahul shook his head and left.

“Sure. Please don’t waste your precious time.”

Arjun sat at the dinner table, serving himself some food. 

“You also wan’ say something to me?”

Arjun started eating silently, ignoring her comments. 

“Of course. Why would you talk, still sulking like a teenager, eh?” 

“If you were sober enough to hold a conversation, I would.”

She clicked her tongue, “I’m sober enough.”

He continued eating.

”You know what? F-ck that shit, talk about your feelings like an adult and stop this cold shoulder, it's not gonna get you anywhere.” She banged her hands on the table.

Arjun took a deep breath and gulped some water. “If I talk to you, I might say things I never want to say to you and it won’t end well so, let it be.”

"Bhaiya, I'm sorry, okay. I know I shouldn't have kept this from you but hear me out. I did what I had to. Not just because it's my job but I had no choice. I could've asked for your help but you wouldn't let me do anything. And I-"

"Not in the mood for your excuses."

"I said I'm sorry. You’re also at fault here. You shouldn't have ransacked my house like that. It's illegal."

"I told you to stay out of this." Arjun tried controlling his rage.

"I wasn’t interested either. To be honest, I didn't know what I was getting myself into until it was too late. It was just another drug trade link we busted and then it turned out much more and before I even realised what I had on my hands, my friend, who was the primary in this case, died in an accident. We all knew it wasn't an accident. Then, for obvious reasons, I was on the case, and continued with the investigation until INTERPOL decided to intervene and provide us more details. And I couldn't share anything with anyone ‘cause I didn't know who to trust. Not even myself."

"You don't trust me?"

"I don't even trust myself." 

Arjun picked up his plate and went into the kitchen. He recalled the conversation Sameer had an hour ago.

“Rawte, how do you plan to get the information?” 

“Sober Neha won’t talk but not-sober one, won’t stop talking.”

“Let’s hope whatever she says is useful.”

“Desperate times, desperate measures bhaiya!” 

Arjun sat atop the kitchen counter, thinking. Then served two bowls of ice-cream and returned to the hallway.  

Neha was smoking marijuana, her eyes puffy and nose red. He placed the ice-cream bowl beside her glass of whiskey.

“Stop smoking.”

“It’s medical marijuana. I have the prescription.”

“No smoking in the house.” Arjun tried to snatch it but she stabbed her nails in his hand. “Neha! Stop smoking right now.”

“I’ll finish this one and that’s all.”

“No ice-cream for you.” Arjun picked her bowl, she smacked his hand. He winced.

“Don’t touch my ice-cream.” She put her bowl away from his grip.

Arjun caressed his palm. Her phone buzzed repeatedly. She sighed and put her hand up to throw it. Arjun held her phone. “Just put it on silent mode.”

She muttered incomprehensibly with a mouthful of ice-cream. “She is the reason I wish I was never born.”

“What happened?”

“Sugandha was going to announce a ‘surprise’ engagement for me and Vik. I had to tell her no, for obvious reasons. Things escalated and you know what she said? If I keep finding faults in every guy she brings for me and won’t marry the one I’ve been in a relationship with for two years, I should just marry Momo! Like how did that thought even come to her? It’s disgusting. She doesn’t deserve to be called my mother after doing things like these.”

“Maybe if you didn’t lie so much-”

“How is that my fault?” 

“You want an answer? Maybe it’s the choices you make-”

“Sugandha’s made a lot worse choices and nobody’s ever called her out.” 

Arjun silently ate his ice-cream.

“Listen.” She added rum to her bowl. “Firstly, Sugandha is the reason I had to go for therapy. She legit warned me not to go and all. So I made up the whole dating Vik thing so that I could see him for sessions.” 

“Go on.”

“Umm…” She took a deep breath, “Promise me, you won’t tell this to anyone.” She held out her hand. Arjun placed his palm on hers.

“Ice-cream promise.” 

“Two years ago, today. Sugandha had my unborn child killed.”

“Your child?”

“It was 23 weeks. She gave me some sedatives and when I woke up my baby was gone bhaiya. My mother killed my unborn child.” Shocked would be an understatement. Arjun didn’t know how to process this information. Was it true or she made it up? ‘I’ve had an abortion.’ 

“You don’t believe me?” She raised her shirt to reveal the stretch and stitch marks on her lower abdomen. “I’m not lying bhaiya.”  

Arjun shuddered at the thought of his Chhoti Maa doing something like this. Then again, why not? For the family’s reputation. This wasn’t the secret he wished to learn. Ignorance really is bliss. 

Neha brought her laptop, set it up near the coffee table and made herself comfortable on the carpet, leaning against the couch. Arjun walked over with their bowls. 

“There’s a folder called medical reports. You’ll find all the reports there.”

“You don’t have to prove things, dollie, I believe you.” Arjun kissed her forehead. 

“Thanks.” She looked at him, “Let’s watch something.”



“I will make it.”

Neha paused the show. “I’ll help you.”

“You can’t even stand upright.”

“I can!” She stood up, stumbled and fell on the couch. 

Arjun rubbed his forehead and walked into the kitchen. 

Neha made her way into the kitchen, stumbling around. 

“I am bringing your popcorn.” Arjun sighed and put the cooker’s lid on the side. Picked up the largest bowl and turned around to see Neha’s burnt hand. “How?” Arjun held her hand under running water. He looked at her, zoned out.

“Put Aloevera not cream.” She pointed at the refrigerator.

Arjun cut a slice from the leaf and gently applied it on her palm. ‘It was barely a few seconds that he turned around, how did she get herself burnt?’  

Arjun put her playlist on shuffle and clicked the next button once the episode was over. A video featuring Roshni played.

‘Say like five or as many things you want for my bhaiya, it’s a part of his birthday gift.’ Teenage Neha’s voiceover played.

‘What if I want to say things that you shouldn’t be hearing?’

‘Well, I can’t promise I won’t hear but if you trust me…’

‘I know you enough to not trust you on this one.’

‘Smart choice. But I’ll start another recording and leave the room. The floor is yours.’


The video stopped. 

‘Where’s the rest of the video?’ Arjun turned around to find her dozing. “What’s the password?”

“My fingerprint.” She replied in her sleep. 

“And others?”

“In my diary.”

“Which one?” Arjun patted her cheek but she was fast asleep.He waited for a while and brought her duvet, two plushies and tucked her in.


“What is that?” Rahul asked, looking at the pile near the couch.

“Your sister!” Arjun rolled his eyes.

“Out of 21 bedrooms, this is the place she chose to sleep?” Rahul picked a glass of water to throw, Arjun held his hand, shaking his head. 

After a silent breakfast, Arjun picked the newspaper, heard a noise that alerted him. He sat beside Neha, holding her hand. 

Aryan was locked in a room, smoke filling in slowly. “Don’t worry, you have time, it’s a very slow poison.” Sikander said, twirling a cigar. 

“It’s alright, just a nightmare.” Arjun said softly.

She woke up, breathing heavy and uneven. 

“If you even think of saying no, your brother-”

“Relax dollie, you are safe here.” Arjun held her protectively.

‘But he is not.’ A big lump in her throat killed the words.

Sometime later, Arjun was cuffing his shirt. 

“Bhaiya, what happened to my hand?” Neha showed her burnt hand. 

“Not sure, but something to do with the popcorn and cooker.”

“I let my intrusive thoughts win.” 

“You always do.” Arjun pulled up his socks. 

“No, I-” she bit her lip. “Bhaiya, I, uh- have a request.”

Arjun hummed.

“Please promise me you won't do anything while this investigation continues. I know it's very tempting and all but it's a precarious situation and I'm not in the position to lose anyone at this point. Please, I am begging you. Just give me a week’s time, that’s all I’m asking.”

Arjun picked his bag wordlessly and left. 

“Bhaiya, please-”


After looking at the most probable and improbable places, going through some hundred diaries and journals, Arjun sat in their study room, thinking. 

‘Dollie! Where are you?’ a 10 year old Arjun was playing hide and seek. He came into the study room, saw her hiding under the table. 

“Boo!” Neha laughed cheekily and ran outside.  

Arjun looked under the table, knocked. It sounded hollow. He opened the secret drawer and found a bunch of keys.  

Around midnight, Arjun opened Aryan’s old house. This was the last place where the keys might open some safe, he had tried all the other places. After searching he found a safe behind the center-table, it contained some wads of cash and a few diaries. He cleaned the diaries and started going through them. Arjun picked up a diary, placed back the rest and left the house.

‘Today we had a cyber security specialist for a lecture and he taught us how to make solid passwords, easy to remember, hard to guess.’


“Yes! Like I want my password as Toxic by Britney? Simply smash both words together and replace random letters with capital, small case, some numbers and special characters, there you have it.”

Arjun looked at the dialogues and song lyrics. He spent all night figuring out the codes. The numbers corresponding to the dates were the sequence of letters that had to be skipped or entered, some letters were written more fancifully and other plain. He found a bookmark, coloured pens were used to make some random letters and they corresponded to the dots and dashes in the diary.  



ETF Conference Room

“Where’s the birthday girl?” Sakshi asked, placing yellow orchids aside. 

“She’s not coming today.” Arjun replied.

“No party then?”

“No.” Arjun looked at Shree, “In my office now.”

Arjun’s cabin.

“Shree, here’s a list of passwords. Figure out which works where. Here’s her official laptop.”

“Sir, I can’t-”

“Shut up and just do it. No questions asked.”

Arjun logged in using her fingerprint and the password he saw her type a few days ago. “I need all the relevant information.” Shree nodded.


“The fingerprints-” Karan walked into Sameer’s cabin. “Sada Khandekar, a petty drug peddler who was caught some 11 years ago. He was a teenager back then, jailed for a few days and released early, as it was his first time. Could you request for the file from Wadala Police Station?”



After everyone had left, Sameer walking in Arjun's cabin.

“Rawte!” Sameer brought Sada’s file. “We might have some links.” 

“And I have more than links. When can we start?”

“Right away.”

After working for two hours, they realized it was not getting anywhere. A fake lead. 

“Damn it!” Sameer swore. “Waise, Neha kahan hai? Haven't heard from her all day.”

“I don't know, hope she's doing okay.” Arjun wished.




Sikander waited for Neha in his room. She came out of the shower. A chocolate cake waiting for her.

Sikander poured a drink for himself, “Let's celebrate!” 

“What are we celebrating?” She sat beside him.

He cupped her face, “You.” She smiled while cutting the cake. 

“Happy 26th birthday!” Sikander fed her cake.

“Oh, this is really good!” She said with a mouthful, “mind if I finish it?”

“Can I have a bite?” 


Sikander smiled as she devoured the cake in a few minutes. 

“Stop staring at me.” She pouted.

“I can't help, you're so sexy!” He stroked her thighs.

“I've heard that before.” She rolled her eyes.

“Alright, let's cut the chase then.” He leaned in to lick the chocolate off her lips.


Next morning Sikander woke up with his face buried in her bosom, his hand holding onto her soft curves. The faint smell of whiskey, chocolates and her perfume mixed with his cologne filled his senses. He took a deep breath, feeling intoxicated at the sight he beheld. 

He heard the faint knock on the door. He covered her up and walked into the hall after putting on a robe.

Room service. Breakfast. The server put forth the trolley. He tipped the young man and put a ‘do not disturb’ tag on the door. He returned to the woman on his bed, peacefully asleep. He gently pushed her curls out of her face, taking a good look at it. 

Her eyes were the same as his former wife. And their smiles too. Sikander felt his breath was caught as she smiled in her sleep. He felt his heart skip a beat. He was overcome with myriad feelings andpecked her lips. She immediately opened her eyes. 

“Good morning darling!” He greeted. She pushed him off. 

“Good that you're awake. Let's continue where we left off.” He teased.

“I'm hungry,” she said, getting up. 

“Breakfast awaits.”

“Thank God! You won't be hungry, right. Afterall you ate me all night.” 

“I would like to do it again.” He winked.

“Of course you untiring beast!”

“I haven't shown my beast mode to you. Would you like to see?”

“Later.” She shook her head.



Sikander was having a meeting with his trusted men. 

“Boss, I've heard the two you're going have merger with aren't here for it. They are here to take you out of the game, at least that's their plan.” 

Sikander smiled. “Let's take them out instead.”

“I don't think it will be easy, it's their turf.”

“We play our games on all turfs.” Sikander puffed his cigar.

“We can see that. You've been busy all night and morning, too.” A man in his late sixties said.

“That's none of your business.” Sikander cut him short.

“It is. Firstly, that woman belongs to your sworn enemy so you can't trust her. Second -” The man was cut off by Sikander‘s glare.

“Enough. I will not tolerate any slander against her.”

The men looked at each other. 

“Is there anything else?” Sikander asked.

“No boss.”

“See you at the party then.” He said and returned to his suite.


“Wait, what do you want me to do?” Neha furrowed her eyebrows.

“Simple, I need you to poison these two’s drinks.” Sikander tapped on the pictures. 

“But you’re having a merger with them, right?”

“And I don’t want them to be working with or for me.”

“Just get someone else to do it.” Neha shrugged.

“I want you to do it. Because I know you can execute it without being noticed.” Sikander inched closer. “But, if you don’t want to, I’ll have the poison used somewhere else. The choice is yours.”



At the party

Sikander and his new friends were seated in the exclusive area of the club. A few waitresses there to cater them. 

“I'm glad that you have decided to go forth with the merger.” Sikander began. “I have decided that it will be a fifty-fifty one. You two will get 25% each.”

“But we proposed 33%,” One of them objected.

“Both of you barely bring in 40% share. I'm being generous with the offer because I believe you can do it.” 

“Fine. Let's seal the deal!” The three men cheered and sipped their drinks. 

Some time later, Sikander's man-Friday walked in with a message. “Excuse me gentlemen, I'll have to take your leave. My mother is unwell. I have to attend to her.”

“Please take care of her.” 

“Make sure our guests get what they want.” Sikander left. 

Sometime later his cell buzzed. Done. Neha knocked on his suite door. He opened it.

“It looks like they both drank too much and their hearts couldn't handle the pressure. Died of natural causes. Heart attack.” She briefed him.

“I knew you'd be perfect for this job.” He put his hands around her waist, pulling her close. “Time for your payment.”

“Some other day? I'm really tired today.” 

Sikander looked at her, “You really got guts saying no to me.”

“Well you promised I'd not have to do anything I didn't want to.” 

“Smart woman. This is why I love you so much.” 

“Get in the bed. I need cuddles.” He demanded.

“No, please. I don't feel good.” She pleaded, “I want to go home.” 

Sikander looked at her, she seemed uneasy. “What happened? Did anyone say or do something?” 

“No.” She looked away. He cupped her face and looked at her, “Tell me what happened. Nobody gets to -”

“Nothing has happened. I just want to go home. Please.” She looked into his eyes. 

He nodded. “Give me some time, I promise, within two hours you'll be in the flight to Mumbai.”

About an hour later Sikander returned. “Let's go.” He looked at Neha who was curled up in a corner. “Are you okay?”

“I think.” 

“Come on, then.”


Few hours later, they landed in Mumbai. 

Sikander glanced over his side, Neha had drifted off to sleep, tugging on his hand. He patted her cheeks, “We're home.” 

She opened her eyes and looked out of the window. 

“Would you like to meet Noorie?” He asked. 


“My daughter.” He smiled.

“Oh, that lil’ baby! Sure.” She looked at him, “it's a lovely name!” 


Neha held the infant in her arms who cooed cozily. The one month old felt at ease with this lovely woman. Sikander waited for her to fall asleep, which happened soon. 

“Neha, I have to ask you something.”

She raised a brow. 

“Will you adopt her?” 

“Me? Why?”

“I believe she will be safe with you, in case something happens to me.”

She nodded silently. 

“I'll ask the driver to drop you off at your house.”

She walked over and embraced him. “Thank you.” 

“Anything for you.” He whispered.



Next Morning,

Chotu knocked on Sameer's cabin and walked in. “Sir, there’s a consignment of arms, scheduled to land in Mumbai tonight.”

“I will talk to the coast Guard and -”

“Sir, my informer said we should involve as few outside people as possible.”

“It will be a conflict of interest if we interfere in their territory. Let me see what is to be done, meanwhile, get me more details.”

“Yes sir.”

Sameer called Arjun as soon as Chotu left. “Rawte, in my cabin, now.”

“Consignment? Tonight? What are they planning?” Arjun asked after listening to the brief.

“Something big?” Sameer wondered.

“We don’t have much time, then.”

“Where’s Neha?”

“I don’t know.” Arjun sighed. 

“What is going on with her?”

“We haven’t talked.”

“Hello, Chief! Missed me?” Neha chimed in.

“Where have you been for the last two days?” Sameer asked.

“It’s been two days already? Fuc-”

“Where were you?” Arjun asked.

“I was detoxing. Do you see any difference?” she looked at the two.

“No?” Sameer shook his head, “We are preparing for a raid tonight.”

“Noice, who are we busting?”

“I’ll share the details soon.” Sameer picked up a file.

“Cool.” She nodded and left.


Sakshi knocked before entering Arjun's cabin.

“Arjun, I have something to tell you.” 

“What?” Arjun asked without looking up from the file. 

Sakshi placed a few photographs on the file. He glanced at them. Neha with a man in the club and in some hotel lobby. 

“What is this?”

“Well, I was worried about our birthday girl's whereabouts so had my friend track her. You were so stressed about it as well. And look at her, enjoying with her friends.”


 “Arjun? Are you not seeing the pictures? She's spending time with stranger men. It's not safe.” 

“She can take care of herself. You don't need to worry. Leave now.” Arjun pushed away the pictures.

“Arjun, these aren't the only pictures I have. The others, you might not want to see.” 

Arjun glared at Sakshi. “Get out.”

“What if these pictures are leaked -”

“Out, now.” Arjun yelled.

Sakshi pulled out another packet from her bag and placed it on his table before leaving.


“Who is he?” Arjun asked Neha, showing one of the pictures Sakshi shared. 

Neha looked at it. “It's a friend.” 

“He doesn't have a name?”

“What are you trying to say?”

Arjun put forth another packet, “I haven't opened this, you're free to do so and let me know if you need to talk about it.” he moved out. 

Neha took a deep breath before opening the packet, her hands shivered as she pulled out the pictures

Her eyes reddened in anger as she shuffled through the pictures of her night with Sikander. 


Alright, we're a bit more than halfway through the story. Let's see what happens next. This was almost 4500 words! 

Idk if you'll like where this went but it's gonna get interesting soon. 

Edited by Satrangi_Curls - 1 months ago
Gold.Abrol thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

I was about to ask for this update as it's been a long time since you have updated this FF 

Anyways a very interesting update 😃 

Well I am really worried about Neha as I really can't figure out that what she is up to 😕  well I really appreciate her strength as she has suffered a lot & now too either to save her family she is doing this or something more is attached to this 

Arjun is really getting anxious & about her baby sister and the news of her abortion was like a bomb dropped on him 🤯 

Well Neha & Siki seems to know each other well & it's really not going to be well with her as well as Sakshi also came to know making things more complicated now 😔 

Hmm 🤔 so all are preparing for a raid & I am really sure that it would be Sikis hideout or his consignment ... This is going to be bit interesting 

Waiting for more 

Thanks for the Tag 

Keep writing 

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 1 months ago

Originally posted by: Gold.Abrol

I was about to ask for this update as it's been a long time since you have updated this FF 

Anyways a very interesting update 😃 

Well I am really worried about Neha as I really can't figure out that what she is up to 😕  well I really appreciate her strength as she has suffered a lot & now too either to save her family she is doing this or something more is attached to this 

Arjun is really getting anxious & about her baby sister and the news of her abortion was like a bomb dropped on him 🤯 

Well Neha & Siki seems to know each other well & it's really not going to be well with her as well as Sakshi also came to know making things more complicated now 😔 

Hmm 🤔 so all are preparing for a raid & I am really sure that it would be Sikis hideout or his consignment ... This is going to be bit interesting 

Waiting for more 

Thanks for the Tag 

Keep writing 

Half the draft of this chapter was ready for more than a year now but I couldn't decide how to go ahead with it and kept procrastinating. After finishing the short story I felt I should come back and finish off this one. 

What is Neha up to? Honestly, she is not listening to me so I too, have no clue smiley38smiley19 

Arjun is gonna get hit with nukes. In other version I had more details like Arjun remembering losing his first child with Roshni but then thought ki he doesn't deserve that much pain. smiley19smiley19 so removed that bit. 

Ab dekhte hai Siki kya karta hai. Things are in his control or not so much, pata nahi. smiley36

Stay tuned. I'll be posting next chapter soonish. smiley27

SarafWasima thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 1 months ago


Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 28 days ago
Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 28 days ago

Chapter 12 

Neha walked into Arjun’s cabin, “Bhaiya, those pictures are fake.” 

Arjun tilted his head, “You sure?”

“Yeah,” she nodded, “the ones in the hotel and club are real. I had some small talk with the man while waiting for my friend in the lobby and we happened to meet again in the club where I was with my friend.”

“So, he’s your friend?” 

“Not really, I don't even know his name. We had a small talk while waiting. So these pictures are from the few minutes of interaction we had out of courtesy. But I'm not sure why someone would want to edit those pictures like that. By the way, who gave them to you?”


Neha narrowed her eyes. “I’ll handle this, don't worry.” 

“It is okay to go out and have friends but you have to be careful, dollie. If someone tried to manipulate a few minutes of random interaction like this, then you're in trouble. Whoever edited this has some motive to do so and you can't fall prey to it.” Arjun sighed. “Let me know if there's anything I should help you with, although you are very much capable.” He said with a hint of sarcasm. 

“Well, you can pretend to be angry at me.”

“Pretend? I'm still angry at you. You think you can betray me and get away with it?”

“Bhaiya?” She pouted, “I told you it's not personal.”

“It is, to me.” Arjun gave her a death glare.

She took a deep breath, “Sorry.”

Arjun shook his head, thinking. ‘The confidence with which you're lying to me, it's worrying.’ 


“What do you think you're doing?” Neha screamed at Sikander, “How dare you behave like this? One moment you call me the love of your life and ask me to be the mother of your child and the next moment you humiliate me like this?” She threw the packet on his table. “Disgusting!”

Sikander frowned, picking up the packet, he checked the photographs and curled his fist. He felt his anger rising. He put the pictures aside, “I'm sorry for this, I'll have it sorted.” 

“I don't believe you.”

He sighed. “Where did you get these pictures from?”

“Sakshi gave it to bhaiya.” She replied curtly.

“Of course!” He shook his head, picking up his phone, “In my room, right now.” 

He cupped her face, but she flicked his hand, “I'm sorry once again, don't you worry, I'll have this sorted right away. They will be punished for this. Nobody violates our privacy and gets away with it.”

Neha pushed him away, “Don't touch me.”


Sikander called his man-Friday Azeem and pinned him to the wall, “Who put cameras in my suite?” 

“I don't know.” Azeem answered non-chalantly.

Sikander pressed onto his throat, “Don’t lie to me.” 

“It was for your safety.” 

“My safety?” He frowned, “from who?”

“Neha Rawte is a cop. What if she poisoned you or killed you in there?” Azeem questioned. 

“So you were watching us?” Sikander looked at him with disgust.

“Yes. I don't have any regrets. I will do anything to protect you.”

Sikander pushed him on the floor. “Bloody b*stard. Next time you overstep, I will forget that you're my half-brother.”

Azeem got up, “You're going to regret this.” He mumbled.

Sakshi walked in with an attitude, “Why have you called me?”

“What instructions have I given you?” Sikander asked, smoking his cigar.

“Inform what's happening in the ETF.”

“Then why are you trying to sabotage my work?” He growled.

“Oh, you mean your special nights?” Sakshi chuckled, “maybe if you look at what you're doing, then you'll realise your mistake.” 

“I'm not making any mistakes. I know what I'm doing.”

“Your lover is your enemy's sister, the reason your wife is dead and my husband as well. You can forget it, I won't.”

“And here's why you'll never understand what it means to break your enemy from inside, hurt them where it hurts the most. You're new to the game Sakshi, I've been playing it since I was fourteen.” Sikander looked at her, “last warning to you, don't interfere in my game. Do as you're told.”

“Your little game includes sleeping with the enemy, interesting.” Sakshi said with disgust.

“It’s a pleasure, you’ll never know.” Sikander picked his cigar and waved her off. 



Mumbai harbour

Sameer, Arjun, Aisha, Chotu and Neha were waiting in their spots.

"Sir, it's that container TK58B." Chotu said, looking at the container being dropped. A man in a coast guard uniform waited there with few other men. They were looking at the paperwork. 

Neha adjusted the far vision glasses. "Hold on, that person looks like Baldev!"

Arjun took the glasses and checked, he recalled reading that name in her file. Neha was looking up on her phone. "Yes, it's him. Sorry folks, I don't think we should go ahead with this raid. It can't be happening." 

"Why?" Aisha asked.

"This man is letting the container to a safe spot, he's an insider. If we go forth with the raid, he will throw us under the bus in the name of violation of territory and we don't officially have the case so it's gonna be difficult to handle the paperwork." Neha sighed. 

"But we can't just let them go." Sameer said. 

"Don't worry." Neha shook her hand, "we can tip off the Narcs and let them have this batch." 

"And we can talk to Coelho sir about the case being handed over to the ETF." Sameer said. 

"So we just let this one go?" Arjun looked at Sameer.

"Chotu," Sameer said over the earpiece, "Aisha, keep an eye on this container and ask your informers to spot it's location and give a tip off to the Narcotics Bureau." 

"Yes sir." Both answered. They waited until Baldev had left to leave their spots. 

"Neha," Sameer turned to her,"you said this batch, means there will be more?"

"Yup. And next time we make sure Baldev isn't there." She nodded. "You have your friends in Narcs, right, hit them up and ask them to keep their eyes and ears open. Something big is coming." 

“Sure,” Sameer said. 


Rawte Mansion 

Neha lay in her bed, trying to sleep but it was far away from her eyes. 

I literally can’t stop thinking about you.

I’m so obsessed, I would do anything to keep you with me, forever.

You know I can’t get enough of you? 

Why are you so freaking sexy?

She felt Sikander's hands on her body and his voice in her ear. She pressed her ears between two pillows but the voice didn't drown. 

She stepped into the shower, trying to wash off the feeling of his touch. Nothing seemed to work. She cried in exasperation. She opened her closet, picking a bottle of whiskey. 

“Dollie, promise me, you won't drink.”

“I promise bhaiya.”

“Ugh!” she screamed, “What am I doing?” She crossed her arms and dug her fingers in till it bled. She hugged her plushie and cried to sleep.


“Vik!” Neha voiced out, “I feel lost.” 

He shrugged, “Well, if it isn't the consequence of your actions-”

“I know I made a mistake okay, don't have to rub it in.” She gulped a lump in her throat.

“Hey,” Vikram touched her shoulder to console her but she flinched. “What happened?” 


“Don't lie to me.”

“I might've miscalculated him.” She mumbled.

Vikram sighed, “I told you to-”

“You're not helping, Vikram!”

“Alright, let's focus on what our next move is going to be.”

“I can't even think properly.”

“Fine, let’s talk about what you’re feeling, before your new therapist.” Vikram said.

“New therapist? Why, what’s wrong with you?”

“You ask that to yourself before crossing your professional boundaries. I won’t be taking any sessions for you.” Vikram crossed his arms, “From now on, only work.”

“I thought we were friends.”

“Work-friends, not personal.”


Next evening,

ETF lab 

“Karan,” Neha went up to him, “did you find any matches to the fingerprints I gave you?”

“No,” Karan answered.

“You sure?”

“Yeah.” He looked up from his laptop.

“Oh, I thought you had something for me.” She tilted her head, “although you might have something for me.”

“What?” Karan looked confused.

“Whatcha doin’ tonight?”

“Umm, sleeping.” 

“Wanna do it with me?” She asked.

Keep Neha busy. Sameer had told him. “Fine, I'll drop you home.” 

“Sounds good.”


Rawte Mansion

Neha entered the house with Karan, “I'm glad you agreed. Think of it as a favour or whatever.” 

“You're a weirdo.” Karan rolled his eyes.

“You haven't seen the real weird me, yet.” She winked and walked upstairs to the guest room. 

“This isn't your room.”

“Why would I take you to my room? Nobody needs to know shit, shut up.” 


She locked the door and turned off the lights in the hallway. 

“While you decide what to do, I'll take a quick shower.” She glanced at him. 

A few minutes later Karan stepped into the shower, “I thought your quick was never-ending.” 

“Someone is getting desperate!” She winked. 

“Umm,” He stared at her, his heart beating wildly.

“It's a once in a lifetime chance, offer valid tonight only.” 

“I'm in.” 


At five, the alarm buzzed. Neha turned it off and turned around to see Karan sleeping, his arms wrapped around her. She slipped off the grip, and returned to her room. 

“Good morning princess!”

Neha groggily opened her eyes and blinked to get a clear picture of the person waking her. “Papa?”

Shashikant patted her head, “Yes dear, are you waking up?” 

She sat up, “When did you arrive?”

“A few minutes ago.” 

“Hold on,” she held his hand, “why are you here?” 

“Oye? Koi apne baap ko puchhta hai ki kyu aaye ho?” He smacked her head. “Kaam tha isiliye Rahul ne kaha aa jao.”

“Oh,” she smiled and rested her head on his shoulder, “I'm glad you're here, papa.” 

“I’m happy to see you too!” He kissed her forehead. “Come on Princess, I'll see you for breakfast in a while.” 


“Papa!” Arni and Aryan exclaimed seeing Arjun as he walked out of the dressing room. 

Arjun froze in his tracks. He was seeing his little angels in person after three long years. They had grown up beautifully, he got on his knees and cupped their faces. “Hello my precious ones!” The twins placed their heads on his shoulder and hugged him. He patted their back. He had been waiting for the day he would get to see them again but this was out of blue. “When did you come?” Arjun asked. 

“Right now.” Aryan answered, “with Kaka.” 

Arjun placed little kisses on their forehead and cheeks. His phone buzzed. “Sorry beta, I have to take this call.” 

“Sure papa!” Arni nodded. 

“Bolo Rathore.” Arjun answered. 

“ETF kab tak aaoge?” 

“Kuch urgent nahi ho toh second half mei aau?”

“Arre, nahi papa, aap jao. Hum toh abhi soyenge.” Arni said.

“Puri flight mei toh soyi thi, aur neend kaise aayegi” Aryan smacked her.

“Well, I'm tired and sleepy.” She smacked him, “Papa aap evening mei jaldi aana.” 

“Haa, evening is good, we'll play!” Aryan nodded.

“Alright.” He answered the phone, “I'm coming in an hour.”


“Accha, sone se pehle breakfast kar lo.” 

“We'll go, freshen up, brush our teeth. Then join you ” Arni said and ran out of the room. She bumped into Neha who was waiting for her. Arni held up her hands and Neha picked her up. 

“Akka'i I missed you sho much!” She gripped her hands around her neck. 

“I missed you more, my dear.” Neha pecked her cheek. She gently patted the kids back. 

Aryan sprinted up to them, “Me hugs!” 

“Aaja!” Neha bent down and he jumped into her arms. She showered them with more kisses on their faces and got some sloppy ones in return. 

“Okay, you guys go freshen up. Jamna mausi will help you.” She looked at the older woman standing near them.

“Okie dokie!” The twins looked at Jamna, “Thank you for taking care of us.” They folded their hands in a namaste. 

Jamna smiled and patted their head. 


Arjun, Rahul and Neha were on the dining table, having their breakfast. 

Shashikant joined his children. “It's been so long, all of us sat together.” 

“Indeed.” She nodded. 

Karan came downstairs, finding the full house. 

“Karan, beta aajao nashta karne.” Shashi invited him.

“Thank you uncle. But I'll leave, it's quite late.” He gave a quick smile and left. 

“What happened to him?” Rahul raised his brow, “did you do something?” He asked Neha.

“Why does it matter?”

“It doesn’t.” Rahul rolled his eyes. 

“Kaka, sorry but I don't think you should've brought Anu and Aru here.” Arjun said. 

“I understand your concern Arjun but I'm here for 3-5 days and it was an impromptu trip. The kids were adamant on joining me. They were really missing Neha and you.” 

“But Kaka, it's not safe.”

“They'll be in the house Arjun, and you can arrange for extra security if you find it necessary. But be rest assured, they're going be fine.” He patted Arjun’s back who tried to protest but saw the kids come in. 

“Come on babies, you have Paratha, upma and milk for breakfast.” Neha said.

“I'll have ghee on my Paratha.” Arni said, hopping on the chair. 

“I’ll have butter.” Aryan said.

“Sure!” Jamna said, serving them.

“And with milk, you can have it plain, or with chocos, muesli and cornflakes.” Neha looked at the twins.

“I'll have muesli,” Arni said.

“Chocos for me.” Aryan demanded.

Arni changed her mind, “I'll have chocos too.” 

“You asked for muesli first, dipshit.” Aryan smacked her.

“It's pipsqueak, idiot.” She rolled her eyes. 

“No throwing hands on the dining table.” Neha warned them.

“And not using those words either.” Arjun said.

“Alright, let's get to eating!” Shashi smiled at the little ones. 

“Papa, come home early in the evening, then we'll go play. Akka’i, you'll also come early?” Arni looked at Neha.

“I'll try, baby, but you're papa will be there for sure.”

“We're having dinner together.” Shashi reminded Neha.

“Yes dad, I will be there.” Her phone buzzed, “hello?” 

There was no answer from the other end but some odd noise. She went out to answer the phone. 


“You're alone?” The familiar voice asked.

Neha felt relieved hearing the voice, “yes-”

“Shyumatsu kin nichi ni san shukka iru.”

“Hai.” she responded, quickly typing in the text. Three containers coming this weekend - Friday and Sunday.



ETF conference room 

The team were discussing the case at hand, a murder of an unknown man whose organs were missing. 

“It looks like an organ trafficking victim, but everything about it is auspicious.” Sameer pondered. 

Neha looked at Arjun, “Don't you have the doctors’ appointment to go to?” 

“I'll reschedule.” Arjun said, understanding her reference.

“No. This is serious. You have been ignoring your health and the accident hasn't been good. Please get your check-up done.” She was determined. 

Arjun sighed and got up, “Call me if anything urgent comes up.” He looked at Sameer who nodded. 

Chotu answered the call of his informer, “sir, there's a lead.”

“Let's go then.” Sameer picked up his gun. “Aisha, Neha, let's go. Shree, Sakshi, you continue with trying out find about the man’s identity.” 


A cold storage unit. 

Sameer and Aisha were on the front of this unit, Chotu and Neha covered the back side. 

Sameer knocked on the door, and a middle aged man opened it. “Yes?” He asked.

“We're here for a check. Open up.” Sameer asserted.

“Sorry sir,” the man pleaded , “our boss just left and I don't know anything. I can't help you.” 

Sameer observed the man, “I have talked to your boss and he said I can look in.” 

The man looked at him and Aisha and let them in. They were sprayed with sanitiser upon entering. The man opened another glass door. Sameer and Aisha walked in, looking at the rows of dead animals hanging for draining liquids off their flesh. It was a butcher’s cold storage.  Chotu and Neha joined them in and they conducted a thorough search, but nothing except animal flesh was found.

“Damn it!” Sameer sighed. “What was this Chotu?”

“I don’t know sir, my informers always provide solid leads.” 

“Collect the samples and send them to the lab. Let’s go.” Sameer looked at the three. 

They heard a noise outside, the man was talking to someone who ran away the moment he spotted them.

Sameer and Aisha stopped to question the man while Neha chased the other one. 

She reached a small lane, felt a shadow grab her inside. He pinned her to the wall. “What are you doing?” 

Neha slipped off her hand from his grip, “I'm doing my work.”

“Not that,” Sikander grabbed her face, “how dare that Karan touch you?”

She pushed him off, “my body, my choice.” 

“Keep up this attitude and you'll have too many bodies and no choice.” He whispered in her ear and left.

“We have a deal!” She yelled at the shadows where he vanished, a pain shoot up in her abdomen. 

“Neha!” Chotu called her, “Are you okay?” She nodded. “Rathore sir is waiting.” 

“That other man vanished, I couldn’t find him.” Neha admitted.

Sameer looked at Neha, who seemed uneasy. “That’s oaky but you don’t seem good. Is everything okay?”

“Yes. It’s probably nausea from being in that cold storage.” 

“It was a long day, let's call it off. Chotu, drop Aisha on the way.” Sameer instructed.

“Yes sir.” Aisha and Chotu left.

Sameer was driving Neha back, “Neha, sach batao, kya hua hai?”

“Kuch nahi.” 

“Lying to me won't help you.” 

“I know. I'm fine.” She stared out of the window. 

Sameer tried a few times to get her to speak but she didn't budge. “You’re just like Arjun. Obstinate.” 

“I know.” She mumbled.


Neha walked into the mansion, putting up a fake smile. Arni and Aryan were sitting beside Arjun and talking animatedly while he was calmly responding to their questions. Her smile widened seeing them.

“Akka’i, you didn't come for dinner.” Aryan complained. 

“Sorry baccha, was caught up in work.” she ruffled his hair.

Arjun raised his eyebrows, “All good?”

She nodded. “I'll eat something. Where's dad?” 

“I'm here.” Shashi brought out a plate of food. 

“Sorry dad, I got busy and late.” She made her way to the dining table. 

“It's alright dear.” 

“Akka'i, tell us our bedtime story after your dinner!” Arni said.

“Don't you want to hear a story from your dad?” Neha asked. “You know he tells really interesting tales.”

“Really?” Aryan asked.

“Yes!” She nodded. 

Arjun looked at his kids, “Yes, now let's go to bed. It's quite late.” 

“Story time!” They cheered. 

“Papa, we can sleep on your lap?” Arni asked. 

“Sure.” Arjun placed a pillow on his lap and she lay down on it. 

“Mee!” Aryan also snuggled in. 

“Okay so the story is about a beautiful princess.” Arjun began.

“No princess, tell me about the warrior queen.” Arni demanded.

“Yes, yes!” 

Arjun cleared his throat, “Okay, once upon a time, in the lands of Southern India, the ruler of Sivaganga lived happily. Their queen, Velu Nachiyar was a brave warrior. She waged a war of independence against the English East India Company.” 


Shashi looked at his daughter, who had barely spoken a word during the dinner. “Baccha,” he patted her head, “What is bothering you?”

Neha looked at him, “There’s a few things dad, but it's more or less on the professional front.” 

“You can tell me.” 

Neha sighed. “I can't - I don't want to put you in any danger, dad. Let it be,”

“Beta, I think you're forgetting that your father is a war veteran. I lost half of my leg in the battlefield while protecting the country and my fellow soldiers. I can handle this too.” 

“I haven't forgotten anything, papa. It's just, umm, sorta complicated.” 

“I will help you sort it out, then.”

She took a deep breath, “let's go to your room and talk.” 



Sameer was about to call Karan when he walked in with a bruised face and bleeding hand.

“Karan!” Sameer ran up to support him. “What happened?”

“I was crossing the road, I biker hit me. It's not much.”

Sameer helped him rest on the couch as he brought out first aid. “Was it accidental?”

“Obviously, Bhai. Why would it be deliberate?” Karan winced in pain as Sameer cleaned the wounds. “He was speeding and came out of nowhere.” 

“Be careful.” Sameer looked at him, “where were you last night?” 

“With a friend.” 


“Why are you asking?” 

“I saw the way you were looking at her today.” Sameer sighed, “Decide what you want for yourself. Is she really worth wasting your time after? Move on Karan, she does not love you.”

“Bhai, I know what I’m doing.” He nodded.

“Alright. Take are of yourself.”

“Goodnight bhai.” 


Sakshi lay on her bed, looking at her former husband’s picture on her phone. She remembered the fateful day. 

Four years ago.

Sakshi heard a knock on the door. She was about to open when her neighbour’s voice came through. 

What do you want?

Do you have a child between 7-14 years of age? We are beginning a new batch to teach kids on weekend. 

Not interested. The door was closed with a loud thud. 

This time it was her door. Her husband opened it. 

She asked the same question. Do you have a child between 7-14 years of age?

No, but I could have one with you. Her husband said to the teenager. 

She pushed him aside and apologised to the girl who looked shocked at the statement. Sorry, he was joking. She closed the door. 

Some time later she went out to buy groceries when she overheard the girl on the phone. 

‘The suspect for case file 4432 lives in House number 37, …”

Sakshi froze on her tracks as she heard her address. She rushed back to inform her husband who ignored her warning. Within a few hours, their street was raided, her husband tried to escape but ended up getting shot.  

Sakshi’s ears burst with the gunshot sound and her eyes welled up with tears. She will never forgive Arjun and Neha for ruining her personal paradise.


With this chapter, my fic is officially 51+k words long in total! smiley40

Did you like The Dads today?

Arni and Aryan are about four years old. 

Edited by Satrangi_Curls - 28 days ago


Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 13 days ago

Chapter 13

“Papa,” Neha began, her voice a mix of uncertainty and resolve, “What do you do when you trust the wrong person?”

Shashi looked at her with a blend of wisdom and concern.“ You learn to not trust them anymore and try to keep yourself away from such people.”

“I made a mistake, dad.” She placed her head in his lap, “Maybe I was desperate to find a breakthrough or I was stupid but I thought what I was doing was needed. But I ended up trusting the wrong person and now I don't know what to do.”

“I understand that you can't share case details with me, but I'll give you some general advice.” He patted her head. “I think you should understand and take into account how much harm this person can cause and the best way to make sure they can be contained.” 

Neha nodded, absorbing the advice. In her father’s words, she found a sliver of clarity amid the chaos of her thoughts. It was a starting point.


Next morning 

Arni and Aryan were cuddling with Neha. “Akka'i please don't go to work today!” They pouted and pleaded cutely.

She smiled at them, “I’ll take half day off, okay?” 

“No, full day.” Arni demanded.

“Baccha, we have important work going on. Please understand.” She patted her head.

“Akka'i please na, please, pretty please!” Arni pleaded. 

Arjun came in listening to the commotion. “What's happening?”

“Papa!” Arni said, “Please tell akka'i to stay home today.”

“She will be here with you in the first half.” Arjun agreed to their demand.

“But papa -” Aryan tried to pull another card out of his sleeve.

“No beta, it's decided.” 

“Okay.” they pouted.

“Let's have breakfast together?” Arjun suggested. The twins nodded and got down. 



Arjun came home. “Where are Anu, Aru?” He asked Jamna.

“In the home theatre.” 

Arjun walked in, the trio were singing aloud the Princess Mononoke songs as the movie played on the screen. 

“You're having popcorn at lunchtime?”

“It's lunchtime already?” Neha looked at her watch, “Did not realise,” she put the popcorn bowl aside, “Alright babies, let's go have lunch and continue our movie.” 

“Sounds good.” Arni said.

After lunch, Neha pulled Arjun to a side, “Bhaiya, papa called sometime ago and said he's booking the flight for tomorrow night. I think you should take the day off tomorrow and spend time with Anu, Aru.”

“I have already told Rathore that I'm not coming tomorrow.”

“Wonderful, tell him you're not coming right now. I'll go.” She picked her bag.

Arjun stopped her, “I told them you had fever.” 

She chuckled, “Sure thing. Have fun.”

“And you be safe.” Arjun patted her cheek.


ETF conference room 

Neha greeted everyone as she walked in, “Hey, how's everything been?”

“How have you been?” Sameer leaned back, studying her.

“The fever is down, I don't feel the best but was bored at home.” Neha shrugged as she sat in her chair, “Any updates in the case?”

“Yes,” Aisha briefed her. “So, we're looking up the list of hospitals which have had history of shady organ transplant cases.”

“Oh,” Neha scratched her head, “from those old unsolved cases, I do have a list of hospitals and doctors which were under suspicion. Let's see if that helps.” she pulled out her laptop and began typing. 

Sometime later Karan came in with some reports. 

Neha's eyes darted at his bruised face, “What happened to you?” Concern evident in her eyes.

He smiled, “Nothing much. Got hit by a speeding biker.”

“Oh, okay.” Neha briefly glanced at him before turning her eyes on screen. ‘You’ll have too many bodies, no choices.’  

Her heart pounded as his words played in her head. 


Later that night, Neha’s knock on Sameer's cabin door echoed in the quiet corridor. He looked up from the pile of files, nodding.  

She stepped in and settled on the chair opposite to him. “I have some information.” She began, almost whispering. 

Sameer put aside the files, “About?”

“There's other consignments lined up for this weekend.” She looked at him, “We should prepare for raid.”

“How trusted is this source?” Sameer rubbed his forehead, recalling the past two failed attempts.

“I can vouch, it has come from multiple sources.” Neha locked her eyes into his.  


“But, before that, we need support from the coast guard and narcotics as well. I'll give you a list of officers we have to avoid at all costs, just like Baldev.” She paused for his reaction. 

Sameer locked his fingers, resting his chin on the hand. “Alright, let me discuss it with Rawte. Then we'll plan.”

She nodded, “Just make sure the information remains contained, nobody needs to know until the d-day, especially the non-trained officers.” 

Sameer narrowed his eyes, tilting his head. “You mean our reporter?”

“Yup.” Neha confirmed with a firm nod. 

He raised a brow.“Any particular reason?”

“No, but why take the risk? She loves to talk.” 

“Got it.” Sameer gave a slow and deliberate nod.

As Neha turned to leave, the weight of the impending operation hung in the air. They both knew the stakes were high, and the silence that followed spoke volumes.


Next day,

Arjun sat on the grass, a big smile on his face as he watched his twins chase each other around the backyard. Their canine friends Rocky and Sandy were also running around playing fetch. Arni laughed uncontrollably as Aryan tried to catch her, his little legs pumping as fast as they could go. 

A smile crept up Arjun's lips, the sound of their joy filling the air and his heart with warmth. Nyx was purring in his lap as he rubbed her belly. 

“Oops!” Arni tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground. Aryan rushed over to her, concern etched on his face, along with Arjun. Instead of crying, she burst into a fit of giggles, rolling around in the grass. 

“Are you okay?” Arjun asked, pulling her in his arms.

She giggled. “I'm good!” 

Arjun frowned looking at her bruised knee. “Let’s get you some first aid and then we'll play inside.” 

“No papa! We want to play here.” Arni protested.

“Let's go inside for now.” Arjun picked her up and walked in with Aryan.


Arjun sat cross-legged on the floor, surrounded by colourful blocks and toys, as his twins, giggled with excitement. Aryan built a towering block tower, while Arni carefully placed toy animals around it, creating a zoo. 

Arjun joined in, adding a toy car that zooms around the zoo, eliciting squeals of delight from the twins. 

“Wow, papa! I love this new car!” Aryan grinned excitedly.

Arni joined in, “We will make the train track.” She brought out the train set. “Pom pom!”



Midnight shrouded the Mumbai harbour in an eerie darkness, broken only by the flickering lights of the distant ships. The moon cast a silver glow over the harbour as the ETF team lay in wait, concealed by the shadows behind containers. 

Neha looked around, feeling uneasy. “Is it just me or anyone else felt like we're being watched.” She said in the earpiece.

Aisha replied, “I felt that too.”

“Chotu,” Arjun said, “Check if there's anyone around.” 

Chotu scanned the area through his sniper eyepiece, “Sir, there are some shadows. Probably the ones going to receive the consignment.” 

“Team, be alert,” Sameer informed.

The stillness of the night was abruptly shattered by the screech of the container was being unloaded from the ship.

As the container was lowered, tension thickened in the air. 

“Sir, that's the one.” Shree confirmed the number. 

With a swift signal from Arjun, the team sprang into action, raiding the shipment with precision. But the calm was deceptive; the men were ready, and a fierce shootout erupted.

The team took cover as firing began from both sides. Arjun and Sameer carefully shot the men in shadows, Chotu sniping from a distance. Aisha, Neha and Shree also continued firing. 

After a few rounds of shooting back and forth, bullets whopping around, Neha peeped out of her hiding spot as she felt a shadow lurking around. 

Azeem found the perfect moment, aimed at Neha, a shot rang out, striking her chest. She screamed in pain, her earpiece fell out as she dropped on the ground.

"Neha!" Arjun shouted through the earpiece, hearing her scream. He scanned the shadows, trying to find her.

“Sir, Neha has been shot.” Chotu whispered. 

“You sure?” Sameer asked as he fired a shot. 

“Yes sir.” Shree glanced at the spot she was. 

Aisha peeped out of her hidout. Her heart pounding. 

They would've paused to help out their teammate but another heavy round of shooting erupted.

As the gunshot rang out and Neha fell, time seemed to slow for Sikander. He glared at Azeem.The chaos around him faded into a blur as he focused solely on Neha. His heart raced as he sprinted towards her. He cradled her in his arms and rushed towards his car. 

With his hands trembling, Sikander tried to stem Neha's bleeding, his eyes filled with worry. “Drive to the nearest hospital, now!” He screamed at his driver. 

“Neha, keep your eyes open,” he urged, caressing her face gently. His voice was a calm command amidst the chaos, a stark contrast to the panic that gripped him.

“Neha!” Arjun called out as he saw a stranger take away his sister. He got into his SUV and zoomed off behind them. 


The hospital's emergency room was a flurry of white coats and urgent voices as Sikander burst through the doors, Neha in his arms. The sterile scent of antiseptics filled the air, mingling with the undercurrent of tension and concern. 

“Doctor!” He screamed, the nurses and doctors immediately swarmed around them. 

As Neha was whisked away on a stretcher, her hand slipped from Sikander's grasp, leaving him with a sense of helplessness that weighed heavily on his chest. He watched as they took her to the operation theatre.  

Sikander stood back, his hands clenched, silently praying that the woman he rushed to save would soon open her eyes once more.

Arjun reached there, quickly searching for his beloved sister amongst the dozen other patients when he saw a man with bloodied shirt on. His heart was pounding loudly as he stood near the man, he traced his line of sight, the operation theatre. 

A nurse rushed out, “Sir, please sign the consent form.” Arjun snatched the form and quickly signed it before Sikander could react. 

Arjun glanced inside, Neha was tied to machines, an oxygen mask on her face. The doctors preparing for her surgery. He felt his breath caught up, tears welled in his eyes. A lump formed in his throat as he swallowed his tears. 

He looked up at the man in front of him, who was busy whispering a prayer. Who was this stranger and why did he rush in to save Neha? What was he doing there? His mind cluttered with thoughts. He glanced back inside the operation theatre and felt his heart pounding in anticipation. She is going to be alright, he assured himself. 

After what seemed like eternity, the doctor came out. 

“How is Neha?” Arjun and Sikander asked at once. Both glanced at each other briefly before turning their attention to the doctor. 

The doctor gave a reassuring smile, “She's incredibly lucky. The bullet was stuck in her sternum, a milimetre to the left or right and it would've pierced her heart.” The doctor looked at Arjun. “She's put under observation but is out of danger.” 

“Thank you doctor.” Arjun said to him. 

Sikander glanced at Neha before leaving the hospital. Arjun turned around to see the man vanish into thin air. He frowned, who was he? The question lingered in his mind.

Neha was shifted to the ICU. His phone buzzed. “Rathore?” 

“Where are you? How is Neha?” Sameer asked.

“In the hospital. She's better now.” 

“Okay, I'm coming there.”

Arjun hesitated for a moment, “No, she's fine.”

“Did the bullet hit her-” 

“Sternum. But no vital organs were pierced so she's fine.” Arjun said, reassuring himself.”

“Alright, take care. Let me know if you need anything.” Sameer disconnected the call.


“Azeem!” Sikander roared as he walked into his house. His men stood trembling at the voice. Azeem looked up with bloodshot eyes. 

“What were you doing?” Sikander pushed Azeem to the wall, landing a few quick punches. Then he gripped his throat. “How dare you hurt her?”

Azeem held his hand, “Why, is she dead?”

“You will be.” Sikander clutched his throat harder. 

Danish, a middle aged man, freed Azeem, “Leave him!” 

Sikander looked at the two. “Don't you ever dare to hurt my woman. You're alive today because she is.”

Azeem coughed and breathed deeply. “You've lost your mind after that wh-re.” 

“Shut up,” Sikander glared. “This is my last warning to you, stay away from her or I'll kill you myself.”

Danish put his hand on Sikander's shoulder, “calm down.” 

“Ask him to learn how to take orders and stop using his stupid brain.” Sikander complained.

Danish shook his head, “You have to make your priorities clear to us. What is going on him your head?”

Azeem glared at Sikander, “He's going crazy after that woman who has put us through so many losses. The Lonavala factory, Mumbai factory, she has destroyed our drugs and factories worth 100 crores in the last three months. Today, the ETF stole our container worth 150 crores. Do you not see how it's affecting our business? That whore has been a menace for the past year and you keep saving her.” 

Sikander threw a bottle of whiskey in his direction, which was dodged. Danish signalled him to leave, he shuffled off.

“Sikander” Danish sat beside him, “what are you planning?” 

Sikander stood up, “I am tired.” He retired into his room, throwing off his shirt and ripped out his face mask. 

After a quick shower, he walked into the nursery and cradled Noorie in his arms. She yawned cutely, opening his eyes and smiling at him. Sikander felt his anger wash off with her smile. He kissed her forehead and gently swung her around. 

“You know that stupid Azeem tried to hurt your mum. Like has he gone mad?” he whispered to her.

Noorie scrunched her nose and lips. “Exactly! I need to teach him a lesson, he's forgetting who the real boss is.”

Noorie smiled. “Yes, I know what to do.”

Sikander kissed her forehead and cradled her to sleep. 


Arjun held Neha’s hand. She had opened her eyes briefly before falling asleep due to the heavy medication. 

The questions returned to his mind, who was that man. Why did he bring Neha here? Why was he there in the first place? He took a deep breath and pushed the questions aside. Arjun gently caressed her hair. “Get well soon, dollie.”



Arjun opened his eyes feeling a hand on his shoulder. “Rathore!” 

Sameer nodded, “Morning, Rawte.” He peeped in. Neha was still sleeping. “How is she?” 

“Better. Still under observation. Maybe for another day or two.” Arjun answered in a tired voice. 

“Take some rest Arjun.”

“No. Tell me what happened with the raid?”

“Coast Guard provided cruical support. We have confiscated the container, some of their men were killed, rest escaped.” Sameer briefed. “Who was the man who brought Neha to the hospital?”

“I don't know. I haven't asked Neha yet. But I have a weird feeling, like I know him, somehow.” 

Sameer shrugged. “Let's wait for Neha's answers.”



ETF conference room,

The team was working on the findings of previous nights’ raid. 

“Sir,” Chotu looked at Arjun, “Who was that man who helped Neha?” 

“I don't know.” Arjun answered, the questions lingered in his mind. “Why?”

“Not sure if it was sheer luck or the man was too sharp to cleverly evade every single bullet shot in the direction.” Chotu pondered aloud. “Or they simply didn't shoot him. Which leaves us with more questions.” 

Sameer cleared his throat, “Maybe it's some undercover officer who might have known Neha and helped her.” 

Aisha frowned, “But why would someone risk blowing their cover like that?” 

Arjun sighed. “I will ask her, hopefully she has answers.” 

Sakshi quietly listened to their discussion, wondering if Sikander was really present during the raid and helped her.



After a long day at work, Arjun returned to the hospital. He gently held Neha's hand. She blinked open her eyes. 

“How are you, dollie?” 

Her eyes teared up in pain, “everything hurts,” Her voice barely audible.

Arjun felt heavy in his heart, seeing her in pain. “You will be fine.” He assured her. Knowing well from experience that the pain will last for a few months at least. 


Next morning 


Rahul placed fresh flowers on her bedside, “Good morning, my teddy-o!” 

Neha gave a faint smile. “Today?” She asked in a feeble voice.

“It's Sunday. That's why I'll be with you all day!” Rahul smiled. 


“He will visit you, he's busy right now.”

“Call him” she said, breathing heavily.

“Relax baby, I'll call him.” Rahul pulled out his phone and asked Arjun to come to the hospital right away. 

About an hour later, Arjun and Sameer reached the hospital. 

Neha had some juice and pain killers and felt better. She asked Rahul to wait outside while she talked to Arjun and Sameer.

“What happened, Neha?” Sameer asked.

“Another consignment tonight.” Her voice barely above a whisper.

Sameer and Arjun looked at each other, “We’ll look into it.” Sameer nodded.

Arjun waited for Sameer to leave them alone. “These drugs, do they belong to,” he paused to curl his fist, “Sikander?”

Neha shook her head slightly. 

“Okay. Take rest.” He patted her head. 


In the SUV, Sameer was driving through the busy streets of Mumbai, his mind racing on other track.

“Rathore?” Arjun looked at him, “Are you thinking the same thing?”

“About the raid?” Sameer pondered.

“You think we should have another at such short notice?” 

Sameer nodded, “It will come as a big shock, the cartel behind it will be on alert so today will be a lot more dangerous and possibly with heavy retaliation. Let's get NCB involved this time.” 

“Okay. Let's plan it out.” 


Later that night after a successful raid with support from NCB and Coast Guard, Sameer and Arjun were sealing the container when Arjun's eyes fell on a slip of paper. He picked it up and a familiar ‘S’ shape in bold red ink was stamped on it. 

Sameer grabbed the paper from his hand. “Let's go, Rawte.” 

He almost dragged Arjun back to the SUV. 

“She is still lying to me Rathore! He tried to kill her. Don't you see? Why is she being so stupid and stubborn?” Arjun's voice was filled with anguish and anger. 

“She knows what she is doing, Arjun, she's a trained officer not a child.” Sameer reasoned. 

“I was trained and he killed my Roshni right in front of my eyes. I couldn't save her. Neha was shot right in front me and it could have been her -” Arjun's voice choked as tears welled up in his eyes. 

Sameer put a comforting hand around his shoulder, consoling him. “Arjun, we will find him.” 


The chase to reach Sikander is close. 

Who will reach out first? What is Sikander planning?

Edited by Satrangi_Curls - 12 days ago
Gold.Abrol thumbnail
Posted: 12 days ago

Loved it dear 😍 

Awesome update 😃 

Well this game is really getting dangerous now Neha had nearly escaped death if she wasn't brought to the hospital by Sikander 

Even Sikander is opposed by his own people because of Neha then what exactly is the matter that Sikander is saving Neha like this ?

Arjun & the entire ETF team got the consignment trapped after the raid & now it's getting more dangerous as regularly Sikander consignments are attacked 

Waiting for more 

Thanks for the Tag ☺️ 

Keep writing ✍️ 

Satrangi_Curls thumbnail
Posted: 12 days ago

Originally posted by: Gold.Abrol

Loved it dear 😍 

Awesome update 😃 

Well this game is really getting dangerous now Neha had nearly escaped death if she wasn't brought to the hospital by Sikander 

Even Sikander is opposed by his own people because of Neha then what exactly is the matter that Sikander is saving Neha like this ?

Arjun & the entire ETF team got the consignment trapped after the raid & now it's getting more dangerous as regularly Sikander consignments are attacked 

Waiting for more 

Thanks for the Tag ☺️ 

Keep writing ✍️ 

Sikander is a lost cause smiley36 he doesn't know what to do right now - kya yahi pyaar hai

Anyways, now the team ETF is close onto Siki, let's see how it goes, it's almost showtime!! 

Gear up for the grand finalesmiley40

SarafWasima thumbnail
Love Couple India Season 3 0 Thumbnail Jimmy Jab Games Season 6 0 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 12 days ago