~ GHKPM Forum Rules&Regulations & IMP Warning [05/05/2023] - Page 2


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WildestDreams thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

Hello Folks

We're compelled to issue this warning in light of the recent posts in the forum.

Please take this as the last warning on these issues and any further rule breaches will lead to a direct raise of WL.

1. ATs stand for Appreciation Threads. This means it's a space for people to 'appreciate' the characters for whom the thread has been made. That said, a certain amount of criticism is fair.

For eg. Saying you did not enjoy the way a particular scene was acted, it did not look convincing etc., without labelling/ shaming the actors for their skills. After all, all art is subjective.

DO NOT report posts simply because they disagree with popular opinion. 

2.  DO NOT shame/judge / moral police or indulge in virtue signalling. 

3. DO NOT gang up on a member if their opinion is an unpopular one. Sure, you can express your counter-opinion politely but it's been noticed that several members take it as an opportunity to mock/ bash/ bully/ shame a member by teaming up with other members with similar opinions as theirs. This is not okay.

4. For Topic Makers, please DO NOT go on reporting posts if people are expressing an opinion contrary to yours. Remember, this is a public forum. 

If you create a topic, be ready for members who will disagree with what you've said. 

If there are too many baseless reports, WLs may be raised. 

So be judicious when you use that Report Button. 



LizzieBennet thumbnail
Posted: 1 years ago

DT NOTE : 5th May, 2023

Hello all,

We have come across some posts recently making discriminatory comments on sensitive issues like legitimacy, adoption, surrogacy, remarriage, & infertility.

Please remember these are real-life issues and can be triggering for many people, so we ask you to participate in discussions on such topics keeping your tone and manner polite and respectful. 

Additionally, class and status-based comparisons or insinuating superiority of one class of people and demeaning others are absolutely uncalled for.

You can call out a character based on their actions or choices, but in no way should their profession, class, status, ability, or gender be used to make derisive statements against them. 

Such posts will be taken down and strict action (WPM &/or WL) taken against the member making such posts.

We hope you will continue to keep the forum a healthy, inclusive space.
