Ques on MahaBhrarta. Peep in/ DT Nt pg 25 - Page 30


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Viswasruti thumbnail

Karma Warriors

Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: FlauntPessimism

Off topic are the results for DT awards out? I didn't see the same

Yes.. long back. I will give you link tomorrow. 🤗 

Thanks for the encouraging words. 

Here is the link --- https://www.indiaforums.com/forum/topic/5202940

Edited by Viswasruti - 2 years ago
Y12345 thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail
Posted: 2 years ago

Originally posted by: FlauntPessimism

That's a nice explanation Viswa.

The thing I like about Hinduism is that we are open to interpretation and not bound by a book. That's what differenciates us with other major religions on this earth.

The way you explained the two meanings of Aham is so true 


Thanks for your answers V. Reading your answers make me feel happy that I decided to create this thread. 

I loved reading your replies on the subjective & objective aspects of ego; the way you explain is just very good

Do you guys know where concepts of ego is discussed in the BG other than the war itself?

I do think though, that ego has a purpose which is why God created with ego but there is also a reason why we were blessed by the BG, and this knowledge

See, the ultimate loss of ego means loss of suffering but how does it work in practice? We have a body with nerves for suffering. We have emotions. Learning how to control emotions does not mean not being able to feel it.

Ego death is terrifying.  Its scary. Its as if you are dying. When it starts to happen, you do not even know that its happening, but then, it does, and as every human being on this planet, you will try to fight it; you will pray that it doesn't happen because its too scary. That's just us humans. What I am taking about, is a survival instinct of us not wanting to "die" ( since ego death feels like death) 

 { We cannot feel what MB characters are feeling but we can interpret what Arjuna probably must have felt, and he was lucky to have Lord Krishna, to guide him,}

So moments before ego is a battle of mind, high stress level, trying hard to fight back but then when it happens, there is no fear, there is no subjective thoughts( such as am I gonna die, this feel like I'm..) 

The person undergoing the ego death does no longer know that he is undergoing an ego death. There are no thoughts. Nothingness. Probably how it is when we were born. Yeah, that, nothing. 

Read closely the MB & BG, the part where Krishna explains the soul & the ego. Does Arjun experience an ego death? Can he? its practically difficult for him to, and I personally don't feel he does. What he does, [if we read the parts well is this almost scary moment, this battle, the knowledge that our body is separate from its soul is in itself scary for him. So he doesn't get the experience, but the knowledge only. 

(or Krishna magically kills his ego, no?? that would be dumb because that would be doing the work for him, which led me to believe that Arjun only had the knowledge, he didn't experience the ego.

[ Its a different debate if Karna had one when he is about to die and Krishna talks to him, does he? but then the question is really what's the point of this knowledge when he is about to die and wont be able to do anything with that while with Arjun, Krishna imparts this knowledge for him to kill Karna and do his duty among other things ] 

So this specific moment in MB is special for me as it invokes loads of answers, to questions I have been asking repeatedly.  

First, do we need to experience it to understand it? is ego loss so complex or we can read MB & learn? Experience VS understanding. But but then again, when your ego is lost, you just cannot understand, you cannot rationalize your thoughts, your thoughts are not even your thoughts. You float, you are a soul, powerful, yet powerful, but you just exist. So, idk, maybe learning about it, experiencing it, then reflecting on that experience is the way to go! Needs your views guys.

My second dilemma, is what I asked before, did somebody look closely, on how Arjuna life changed after the war and after Krishna talked to him?

any good resources on how?

Because, I really wanna know how we can integrate this valuable knowledge in the 21th century when we need jobs to pay bills, look after family etc, and thrive. It is kind of a privilege to be able to afford meditating on the mountains. I also hate to believe that the BG is irrelevant in todays world, there has to be a way. But how? Just how? Lord Krishna, come back please! This sad mean world needs you

Edited by Y12345 - 2 years ago