~Final Confrontation~**MishBir OS**

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Hello guys!

This is one confrontation I had written long back but never felt like posting it.

But finally posting it today! Let me know your thoughts about it.

PS: Not proofread. It was long time ago so probably some times are possible. 

Do let your honest feedback and reviews for me!

OS in the next post!


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BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Everyone found out that Meenakshi and Kunal were involved in the facade of the marriage with Kuhu in order to make Mishti pay and keep her away from Abir and send her away from Rajkot. In the Maheswari house, Kuhu was heartbroken as she also found out that Kunal went behind her back to prove her mentally unstable and was planning to divorce her. She again blamed Mishti as she was the reason she was used as a pawn. Not being able to see her daughter’s condition, Varsha lost her cool on Mishti as it was because of her, Kuhu was used as a pawn and her life was ruined. Jasmeet added her bit by demanding Rajshri to choose between Kuhu and Mishti. Vishambhar and Rajshri were aghast at the suggestion. They tactfully denied and warned Jasmeet to never bring up anything like that again. Kuhu and Mishti were their daughters and they would never choose between them. Both were equally important to them. Everyone retired to sleep helplessly with an intention to address Kunal Kuhu’s situation with a fresh mind. Mishti decided to not sleep in their room. She instead packed her bags and went to Rajshri and Vishambhar. She informed her parents about her new project at the NGO of helping the families affected by floods in Mumbai. She informed them how her and a couple of other volunteers decided to stay at the NGO to finish the pending work. Mishti requested them to let her go and stay at the NGO for a couple of days just so that she could wrap up her project. Rajshri and Vishambhar hated the idea. They knew why she was doing that. She had done that once during Kuhu’s engagement. They questioned whether Mishti even trusted them. Mishti calmly explained to her parents that it was rather necessary for her to stay away from the house and that this time she wasn't lying about the project's importance. She also stressed that if she continued to stay home, they wouldn't be able to come up with any solution as Kuhu would keep going back to blaming her. Mishti needed a small break herself to be able to think about this clearly and requested them to let her go for a few days. She promised that she would never run away and leave Rajkot. She was their daughter and she knew better. Rajshri and Vishambhar helplessly agreed with Mishti with a determination to make everyone including their family members apologize to her for their behavior. 

Next day Abir found out about Mishti leaving her house for a few days via a text message from her. He immediately called Vishambhar and Rajshri to find out what happened and they informed him everything that transpired at night. He felt guilty. He knew Mishti was still somewhere upset with him for not telling her the entire truth. And he was giving her space for that night until she cooled down. But instead so much happened and she left her house. And he was done. He decided that he won’t let Mishti pay for whatever his mom and his brother did. Abir called for a meeting for both the families and informed Mishti as well. 

Everyone gathered in the living room of Rajvansh house. Mishti wasn't there yet. Abir decided to start as he wanted a solution to this problem anyhow. He took a deep breathe in and  “I called everyone here today because I want to end this once and for all. I am tired of both families fighting, blaming one another for their own actions and someone else, who isn't even a tad bit responsible for paying the price of it. Whatever happened, shouldn't have happened.” Abir looked towards Maheshwari’s, folded his hands with guilt and said “I know what my mother and brother did was not right. It's extremely pathetic. And since they are my family, it makes all of us wrong. Apologizing might not be enough. I am very much ashamed of them for the stunt they pulled. And no matter how many times I say sorry, it won't undo what they have done. Punish us, get mad at us. demand answers from us! Not mishti.”  And with that Mishti entered the Rajvansh house. 

Mishti interrupted Abir and they shared eye contact. She walked in the middle of the living room and looked towards everyone with confidence.  “You don't need to apologize too. Whatever happened, you were as much in the dark as we were. So you shouldn't be taking responsibility for something you didn't do”. Abir was about to interrupt but she stopped him and continued "I know what you are trying to do. You are trying to fight for me. You are trying to prove that whatever happened wasn't because of me. While I appreciate that, I actually don't want you to fight this battle for me. I actually don't need you to fight this battle for me. I know I am not wrong. I have three people in my life that matter the most for me and that is you, Badi Ma and Bade Papa. And I can still see the same love and respect for me like it was. And that makes my belief in me even more stronger. The day I will suspect that you guys don't feel the same about me anymore, I will know I am wrong and I will work towards it. And Abir, the questions are hurled at me. So I should be the one answering them. My BM and BP taught me well to stand up for the right and I will do that today as well. I cannot let their teachings get affected in any way." BM and BP looked at her with pride.

Jasmeet, who was annoyed with Mishti ,  said"what else is left for Mishti to say?" Before Jasmeet could say anything more, Bade Papa interrupted Jasmeet and said “whatever happened yesterday Mishti didn't say a word or wasn't allowed to say anything. She heard you guys and she did what you wanted. Now it's only fair that she is given a chance to speak and be heard. Don't you think Jasmeet?” Varsha pulled her back and agreed with Vishambhar.

Mishti thanked Bade Papa and turned towards the Rajvansh family and told them to ask her whatever they want to. Kunal lost his cool and informed everyone that he didn't want to be part of that drama. Meenakshi tried to stop him, but Mishti stopped Meenakshi and politely told her to not stop Kunal. She didn't want Kunal to feel forced into something else. Otherwise he would have blamed her again for forcing him to do something he didn't want to. She was still present there and didn't mind answering any questions that Meenakshi had.

Meenakshi folded her hands and asked her the reason. Mishti politely answered "Because initially, I thought that your hatred was only restricted to me. So I took it and didn't care much. Whether anyone believes it or not, I did care for Kuhu's happiness. And I did want her to get her happiness and didn't want to be a hindrance. But now I am realizing that the fire of your hatred didn't just burn me, but it burnt both of the houses and its happiness. So I think it's finally time to speak up. Now I realize why Bade papa always said to never stake your self-respect for any reason or any day. Sometimes we just think it's a small issue and we ignore and we don't realize how we are letting that become big. And that is exactly what happened" Meenakshi got angry at Mishti’s statement and shouted "So you think rejecting my son was a small thing?"

Mishti smiled and said "That's the thing, aunty. I never rejected your son or said that he is bad. I rejected his alliance because he and I are two different people. We are just not right for each other. Our outlook on life is different. Even after knowing that if we did get married, all we would have done was make each other life's hell. All I did was not let that happen. I will again say, I am sorry for the turn of events and the way I called off the alliance. It could have been different. I had no intention to hurt anyone's feelings. But I will not apologize for calling off the alliance because that was the right thing to do. I and Kunal were never the right match." Kunal lost his cool and interrupted "So you think you are right for my brother? If you are not right for me, how can you be right for my brother?" Mishti smiled again and rolled her eyes and said  "You need to first decide whether you want to be a part of this conversation or not? Because initially you just said you weren't and now you are interrupting. If you want to talk, I am all ears. But you can see how I and aunty are softly discussing things. And….I would appreciate it if you can lower your voice and maturely talk like me and your mom. I am sure I am not asking for a lot right Kunal?" Kunal was left dumbfounded but his anger was still at its peaks.

Mishti was waiting for Kunal to speak up but heard nothing coming from his end. She decided to continue. “Before I talk about why I think Abir is right for me, I will get into a short story. When it comes to marriage relationships, I have seen two extreme examples. My own parents, who were a legendary failure. And then my bade papa and badi ma, who are legendarily successful. And I always wanted to have something similar to what they have. They are two different people but even before being partners, they are each other's best friends. They might not agree with each other for everything, but they will at least give the other a chance to speak their minds. Understand them and if they agree, change their perspective like that. For every girl, they want their life partner to be like their dad. In my case, I wanted my life partner to be like bade papa. And Abir is a lot like my bade papa. Even before anything, he was my friend. My best friend. I guess I am different but he didn't care. He heard me. He understood me. He accepted me the way I am. Didn't for once tried to change me. And most of all respected me and my dreams and wishes. When I was interacting with you during our courtship, I didn't for once feel you respected me. I didn't feel you cared much about my perspective. And whatever I thought I did like about you, unfortunately, or fortunately, it was all Abir. You were never there"

Kunal frustrated with Mishti continued with his blabbering. "You are saying as if you respect my wishes. Did you?"

Mishti quickly responded. "Didn't you only say that respect is earned? It's always a two-way street. And I understood that. You didn't like my outspokenness. You didn't like that I wanted to make my career. I don't think I was asking for more. I wasn't looking for a charming prince. But I definitely wasn't looking for someone who will not even let me have a say in my own life and it's choices." Kunal was left speechless and wasn't able to say anything. Mishti continued "Let me ask you something Kunal. Were you in love with me?"

Kunal, shocked with the question, angrily said no. Mishti continued to ask, “so if you weren't in love with me, would you have still continued with the alliance? Would you have still married me? Or would you have called it off?"

Kunal, still confused with the questions but hurriedly answered, "of course. I respect my elders. I would have done what they would have asked me to do."

Mishti just nodded in disbelief. "I can really see how much you respect them. Because I do know that every elder in this house would have expected you to have worked your relationship with Kuhu. But instead, you did something that I don't need to mention again and again. So again, tell me. What would you have done?"

"Ok fine. I would have called it off. I would have never married a girl like you" said a frustrated Kunal pointing towards Mishti.

"Thank you for at least finally saying what you would have wanted. So in that case, anyways you would have called off the alliance. You wouldn't have wanted to marry me. So what's the big deal? I called it before you did. I did exactly the same thing you would have done. You should be happy that at least in one thing our thoughts matched." Abir, BM, and BP shared a light smile. "All I did was break off the alliance. Yes, the way could have been different but I still did what had to be done. And I would do it again if a situation like that arises. I did nothing else to you and you are."

Kunal got frustrated again as he saw her smile. He walked closed to her and screamed "You did. You took away one of the most important relationships from me. One that is very much dear to me and precious to me. You trapped my brother."

Mishti raised her eyebrows thinking about the level of immaturity Kunal was showcasing in front of both families. Abir decided to step up. Mishti was about to stop Abir but Abir stopped her instead and said "while I respected your feelings when you wanted to stand up for yourself, now I think it's time I do the same for myself. It's my feelings for you that are now under question. So I should be the one answering for that. Don't you think?" Mishti nodded in agreement and Abir stepped in to continue.

"We are brothers Nanko but yet we are two different individuals. There is definitely one thing common between us that we both love our family a lot and would go to any lengths for them. But for me, it will also stop when it comes to doing something bad. Even before I talk about Mishti, let's just talk about personal preferences. You liked to work with Mom and handle the business while I wanted to do something else and achieve on my own terms. Does that make you the responsible son and me, not the responsible one? Maybe in your eyes, it does. But for me, I simply decided to follow my passion and have my own identity. And that definitely doesn't mean I am running away from any of my responsibilities. Likewise, when it comes to partners, my choice is completely different than yours. While you would want someone who would lead their life the way you do, I don't want to control the person that way. I want to give my partner and any family member of mine a chance to fly and follow their dreams and earn their name. Obviously, if they do something wrong, I will stop them. I want my partner to have her own identity. I want her to walk with me when I am right, behind me when I am about to fall and ahead of me when I am going in the wrong direction. And Mishti, do you even know when I fell in love with her? Ever since I have met her. I didn't know myself but I did love her. I realized my love for her during your guy's courtship. But I didn't say anything to anyone other than Nanu because I didn't know what she felt for me and I didn't want to ruin your chances because she is an amazing individual. But the moment I realized she loved me too, I went to her. I told her and she reciprocated. So no!! She didn't trap me. Or I didn't trap her."

Nanu joined Abir and said " I think I should say I trapped them. Because they both didn't know what they felt for each other and I told Abir to follow his heart and make sure he wins her. So if anyone is to be blamed for trapping them, then it should be me. So tell me Meenu and Kunal, what's my punishment? I am sure you guys will think I made such a grave mistake. So tell me my punishment now. You both think that since you guys are handling the business and taking care of this family, you guys are only the ones with brains. And the rest of us are brainless. And trust me Meenu, all the brainless people in the family love Mishti and see the goodness and values this girl has. So who do you think you are really protecting?"

Abir walked towards Nanu and responded "Their ego Nanu. Their ego. In the name of protecting their ego, they are thinking that they are trying to protect us from her."

Kunal got mad and clapped around Mishti. "Congratulations Mishti. You are successful in breaking my family. No one to date had the audacity to question my mom and now look? You came and things changed!"

Abir’s frustration was finally hitting its peak. "Nanko, are you really that blinded that you cannot even understand what we are saying?"

Mishti stepped in again: "Kunal, your mom once told me that since I am coming from a broken family that I will only break the family. Before that family was broken, it was one big joint family. A very loving one indeed. And I was loved. And it was because of what my dad did, my family broke. So no, I didn't break my family. My dad did. Can you for once think that instead of being the family breaker, I could be someone who knows the worth of big families because I have been there once and being snatched away from there? I know how it feels to be rejected by your loved ones. And I will never wish that feeling to even my enemy. The day of our god dhana, even I was hurt. Even I felt the pain. I have been in pain for years now. But no one noticed because unlike you, I choose to deal with my own pain. I don't like creating a nuisance as you do. I believe in moving on and that's exactly what I did. But you don't want to move on and you don't want anyone else around you to move on. And also Kunal, there is nothing wrong with questioning family. Just because you love someone, doesn't mean you have no right to question them. Even after whatever my Bade Papa and Badi Ma did for me, they have always given me the right to question them. To question anything that didn't make sense to me. If you think people are doing a favor on you, that's when you don't question. But if you love them, you have full right to question them."

Meenakshi who was quietly observing the whole exchange finally decided to speak up. "but girls don't. Girls have no say. Girls don't have any right to deny a relationship. They have no right to go against anyone's wishes. They have no right to have their own identity. They don't. This society has rules and everyone has to follow them."

As Meenakshi continued to spew nonsense, Bade papa decided it was time to address the elephant in the room. "Did you follow those rules?"

"Excuse me" questioned a confused Meenakshi.

"Since you are saying you are such an ardent follower of society rules, why did you step up to help your father when he needed you? If women aren't allowed to lead, why are you leading one of the most successful businesses of Rajkot? Why did you not let this society stop you?" Vishambhar questioned with confidence.

"Who are you to question me?" Meenakshi folded her arms around her chest.

"Then, who are you to question my daughter on her career and life choices?" Vishambhar pointed towards Meenakshi.

"I did what I had to do for my father," answered Meenakshi.

Mishti interrupted their conversation and asked "But why aunty? I am sure as a woman you faced a lot of rocks and stones from society. Why did you not let them bother you? Why did you keep going on? It's because you knew that it isn't just your responsibility. But it's your right too. The right is defined in our constitution which is above any society or religion. And that's why you fought through and look where you are. My question is why is it always out of compulsion a woman is accepted and expected to take the lead? Why can't it be out of choice? Its 21st century. In today's world, women and men are giving tough competition to one another. Why can't men and women together conquer the world and take care of their families? As a girl and woman, we bring the child to this world and yet we just don't have an option to decide for ourselves? If the society is still that conservative, I would fight them too."

Vishambhar joined Mishti "And in order to fight that sick mentality, we need to build that foundation in our homes. We need to start from there. I remember how I brought up my Akshara. Exactly how you defined Meenakshi ji. But I saw her change with time. And I was so proud. My daughter taught me that change is essential. I lost her at a very young age. But when I got Mishti's responsibility, I thought I got a chance to bring up my Akshara again. And I brought her up like she would have wanted. I wanted her to be strong, outspoken, stand up for what is right, take risks. And my Mishti excelled in everything. I wanted to prepare her for all the troubles yet wanted her to learn from hers and she is doing amazing. When I see her today, standing up, fighting for herself and fighting for what is right, I am satisfied with the way I brought her up" He caressed her head out of admiration and Mishti looked at him with tears. "Meenakshi ji, if you would have really cared about this society, you would have let them stop you. So I really think it's not the society you are concerned about. It is your own mentality and you are using society as a bait to cover it up"

Mishti turned towards Varsha and said "You and Kuhu blamed me yesterday for rooting for their relationship without knowing what was going on in Kunal's mind. But aunty, if you look around here, the people in front of whom Kunal grew up, who know Kunal more than I knew, also had no idea about what he was really doing. Then how was I supposed to know? I had waited for Abir to confirm his feelings for Kuhu and it was only after that I came to you with their alliance. If I had known, trust me the number of efforts I put in making sure this alliance works out, I would have doubled it to make sure it didn't happen. Whether you believe me or not, I always had Kuhu's best interest in my heart. Having said that, there is one mistake I definitely made. Which was I let myself get blackmailed. I wish I could take that day back. If I had come to you or bade papa or Abir, maybe this all facade wouldn't have happened and we wouldn't have been in the mess that we are in. I got scared for Kuhu. If I had any idea that even Kunal was involved, trust me I wouldn't have done what I did. Instead, I would have come to you. And I am sorry for making that mistake and misjudging. But other than that, it hasn't been my fault. If you will keep blaming me, there isn't going to be any solution to this problem. It's like saying I got hurt in my leg but you are applying the medicine on my arms instead. It isn't going to heal my leg and the medicine on my arm will be of no good"

Abir walked towards and continued speaking. "Exactly. And I think that's our mistake too. When Shweta left him, we didn't help him move on. All we did was distract him. And now he thinks all girls that reject him are just like Shweta which isn't the case. If what Kunal did in his ego is right, that it makes those guys right too who throws acid on girls, rapes them or abuses them for rejecting them. What he did is totally unacceptable and he should be the one paying the price of that, not Mishti"

Nanu came to Kuhu and caressed her head and approved that Mishti was right. He folded his hands in front of the Maheshwari family and again apologized for what Meenu and Kunal did. He affirmed that it will be now solely Kuhu's decision on this and the Rajvansh family will support her. Vishambhar came to Nanu and stopped him from apologizing. "I know you are as much of a victim here as we are. If we didn't let Mishti pay for whatever her dad with us, I am not going to let someone else pay or apologize for someone else's doing. It should be only Kunal and Meenakshi ji". With that, both Meenu and Kunal walked away in the opposite direction. Nanu followed Meenu on the terrace balcony while Kunal headed outside the house.

Nanu walked towards Meenakshi who was standing on the balcony. She was angry. All her games and plots were ruined again. She continuously blamed Mishti for ruining her efforts. Nanu interrupted her chain of thoughts and said "After watching today's events, I can definitely conclude why you don't  like Mishti"

Meenakshi tried to control her anger as her father spoke. She closed her eyes and asked: "What father?"

Nanu spoke" Yes, it's not her outspokenness. It's not her strong headedness. Its because she reminds you of you 20 years ago. You changed with time in 20 years and how? But seeing Mishti reminded you of who you were and you just didn't like to see yourself in the mirror and realize what you have become now. And I am also confident that Mishti will not become you because she will always have people like Vishambhar and Rajshri to keep a constant check on her. They're Not like me. I totally failed my upbringing. I failed you. I am ashamed of you today."

Meenakshi  looked towards her father with disbelief as he walked away from her. Meanwhile, Abir apologized to Mishti for holding things off from her and promised her to be honest with her from now on. Mishti accepted his apology and they walked hand in hand towards Abir's car as they both headed out for their NGO.

Edited by .IamShonali. - 4 years ago
DMGThings thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Group Promotion 5 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 4 years ago

WOW. This was so good! I loved it!

Mishti, my lioness! The way she questioned everybody, stood her ground, and didn't apologize even once for things that were definitely not her mistake >>>>>>>

I absolutely love that. I love Mishti so much, but more so in this one. Absolutely amazing, my girl. <3333

And Abir, BP, and Nanu supporting her so openly and so vehemently has my heart. They're so amazing! I love that they also took a stand, especially Nanu.

This was so well written! I adored it so much!

iykyk_3 thumbnail
Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail Visit Streak 365 0 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 4 years ago

Shona! 🤗

I'm yet to read the TS. Have to get back to it soon. But this one is brilliant!

Right questions asked in the right way. Meenakshi & Kunal deserved to be confronted for whatever they did back then. Though Kunal has come clean, Meenakshi still needs to be called out for all that she did and is doing. 

Loved the way Mishti stood her ground and didn't let anything affect her. This is the strong-headed girl that Vishamber and Rajshri raised. She knows when to fight for what is right. And when she have three of her strongest pillars with her, there is nothing that could stop her. Abir, Bade Papa and Badi Maa are her rock. And they have her back.

Abir and Bade Papa too were equally brilliant in putting out their points. They are the kind of men our society needs. 

Awesome work, Shona...❤️ Totally loved it! Keep writing more. 🤗  

screen22 thumbnail
Anniversary 15 Thumbnail Visit Streak 500 0 Thumbnail + 5
Posted: 4 years ago

🥳Excellently written

I enjoyed the confrontations between them.

Mishit stood her ground with the three people who are her strongest and weakness because she would do anything for them even give up her life.

Kunal is acting like a child 👶 who as been brought up to the headmaster yet question Mishit of who she is at the end of the day, rejecting him then moving onto his brother, he is questioning everything but does not question himself because he as done no wrong, he is superior and does not answer but questions the other person.

Meenakshi is above everyone and does not answer to anyone she is master in her 🏠 

Nanu is very open about who is right and who is wrong, he is very disappointed 😞 with the whole act of meenakshi and kunal, his own daughter does not see the betrayal and harm that she is doing to others. Nanu is showing her the mirror.

Bada 👴 is stating the truth about everything and highlights his point of view from all angles not just favouriting one person but at the end of day Mishit has his upbringing and bada ma who is the pillar and better half of himself.

Please continue soon

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: DMGThings

WOW. This was so good! I loved it!

Mishti, my lioness! The way she questioned everybody, stood her ground, and didn't apologize even once for things that were definitely not her mistake >>>>>>>

I absolutely love that. I love Mishti so much, but more so in this one. Absolutely amazing, my girl. <3333

And Abir, BP, and Nanu supporting her so openly and so vehemently has my heart. They're so amazing! I love that they also took a stand, especially Nanu.

This was so well written! I adored it so much!

Thank you so much girl once again for always being a sweetheart <3 <3 <3.

Mishti has always been someone who gives back. It can be anyone. Ya there are times she keeps quite too but she knows her way to put her point across and she will always do that, respectfully too if she has to.

Bade papa and Abir are her pillars which include Badi ma too. i thought maybe give nanu some substance ahah!!

Thank you once again for your appreciation.

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Ashi3

Shona! 🤗

I'm yet to read the TS. Have to get back to it soon. But this one is brilliant!

Right questions asked in the right way. Meenakshi & Kunal deserved to be confronted for whatever they did back then. Though Kunal has come clean, Meenakshi still needs to be called out for all that she did and is doing. 

Loved the way Mishti stood her ground and didn't let anything affect her. This is the strong-headed girl that Vishamber and Rajshri raised. She knows when to fight for what is right. And when she have three of her strongest pillars with her, there is nothing that could stop her. Abir, Bade Papa and Badi Maa are her rock. And they have her back.

Abir and Bade Papa too were equally brilliant in putting out their points. They are the kind of men our society needs. 

Awesome work, Shona...❤️ Totally loved it! Keep writing more. 🤗  

Aaaaashuuuuuu!!! Haha no worries. read it when you get a chance and do let me know your thoughts about it.

I think I always found Meenu and Kunal to be the most hypocritical in that track. In way their family is broken too. Meenu's husband or not, left her too. So how is that their family is not broken and Mishti's is? This mentality of we are always right. We dont see anything else. We wont see the full truth is what made me come up with this one.

Mishti is always respectful in putting her points across if she is talking to elders. She wont be scared of sharing her thoughts. And yes, Abir and Bade papa are always amazing <3

Thank you so much Aashuu! Cant wait to read more from you too.

BB_CallmeC thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: screen22

🥳Excellently written

I enjoyed the confrontations between them.

Mishit stood her ground with the three people who are her strongest and weakness because she would do anything for them even give up her life.

Kunal is acting like a child 👶 who as been brought up to the headmaster yet question Mishit of who she is at the end of the day, rejecting him then moving onto his brother, he is questioning everything but does not question himself because he as done no wrong, he is superior and does not answer but questions the other person.

Meenakshi is above everyone and does not answer to anyone she is master in her 🏠 

Nanu is very open about who is right and who is wrong, he is very disappointed 😞 with the whole act of meenakshi and kunal, his own daughter does not see the betrayal and harm that she is doing to others. Nanu is showing her the mirror.

Bada 👴 is stating the truth about everything and highlights his point of view from all angles not just favouriting one person but at the end of day Mishit has his upbringing and bada ma who is the pillar and better half of himself.

Please continue soon

Thank you so much for reading and commenting <3 <3 <3

I think Mishti's priority is very much set and clear. Her three mains are BP, BM and Abir. If she has them, she is ready to fight to any battle in the world. Even if it means, she has to fight alone. If she starts losing their trust, thats when she will stop and question herself. These three people are like her mirrors who keep a constant check on her and remind her of who she is always <3

Kunal was an adult child in that track throughout. He didnt focus on his actions. He didnt see his mom's actions. All he saw was mishti mishti mishti. Man that guy got on nerves the most that time. Brothers love cannot be used as a reason or weapon to trouble someone. To spoil someone's life and both of them just did that. 

Meenakshi is the biggest hypocrite of  them all.

I felt I should give nanu some subtance and hence I ended up making him the voice of reason which is usually at the high point of any drama.

This was just one shot but I will come up with some thing else soon.

Thank you for being an amazing reader and enjoying through my updates

AnkitaPritu thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Bravo 👏👏👏

Totally satisfying conversation and the perfect mishti n abir who are somewhere lost in the actual show ..

We miss them with their true flair