Article 370 Revoked - J-K split into union 2 territories - Page 38


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Sadhanai thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

'We won't give an inch': India faces defiance in 'Kashmir's Gaza'


    Published at 10:49 am August 22nd, 2019

Soura neighbourhood

Soura neighbourhood has sealed itself off from Indian security forces AFP

Soura neighbourhood, on the outskirts of Srinagar, has become the nexus of protests against Indian occupied Kashmir

Young men sit beside a pile of rocks and a bonfire, protecting the only entrance to a besieged neighbourhood they call "Kashmir's Gaza" as a mosque loudspeaker broadcasts slogans of liberation.

In an act of defiance against New Delhi's controversial decision to strip the Muslim-majority region of its autonomy, Soura neighbourhood on the outskirts of Kashmir's main city of Srinagar has sealed itself off from security forces.

Since early August, residents have erected ramshackle barricades of tin sheets, wooden logs, oil tanks and concrete pillars, and dug trenches to keep soldiers at bay amid daily protests against India.

Kashmiri college students throw stones during clashes with Indian government forces in Srinagar on May 14, 2019 |AFP"They can only enter Soura over our bodies. We won't give even an inch of land to India," Mufeed, a resident who volunteers to guard the neighbourhood at night, told AFP.

"Just like Gaza is resisting Israel, we will fight for our motherland with all our might," Mufeed added.

Kashmir has waged a three-decade long armed rebellion against Indian rule with tens of thousands of lives, mostly civilians, lost in the conflict.

Ahead of the announcement, India rushed tens of thousands of extra troops to the restive region to join 500,000 already in the valley, and imposed a strict clampdown fearing further unrest.

But protests have broken out, with the lower-middle class Soura leading the way. At least 15,000 people rallied on August 9 -- the biggest demonstration in Kashmir so far.

They were met by security forces firing live ammunition, tear gas and pellet guns to disperse the crowds, with more than two dozen people reportedly injured.

'Go India, go back'

Soura, a crammed lakeside community of more than 2,000 homes, is surrounded by security forces on three sides.

The renowned mosque Jenab Saeb has become an assembly point for thousands of protesters in the neighbourhood.

Every night, residents march through its narrow lanes, carrying torches and passing graffiti with the words "Freedom for Kashmir" and "Go India, go back".

Locals pass along messages if they spot any police movement on the main highway just beyond Soura.

Police forces, who have deployed drones and helicopters, tried to enter Soura at least three times but were pushed back by stone-throwing youth, some also armed with axes and harpoons.

Familiar with police's crowd-dispersing tactics, protesters use saltwater to wash their faces after chilli and tear gas are fired, and wear helmets and glasses to protect themselves against pellets.

Three youths have so far been arrested after venturing out from the area.

"They (India) are testing our resilience and they will definitely fail," local Nahida told AFP.

"We defeated them last time and even if this situation continues for years, we won't give-in."

Despite the Soura protests, authorities stress that Kashmir has remained largely peaceful since the lockdown.

'Making amends'

Soura has long been part of restive Kashmir's history since the region was divided between India and Pakistan after independence from the British in 1947.

It was the birthplace of Kashmir's former prime minister Sheikh Abdullah, who agreed to join India as a state with autonomy rights.

His National Conference party -- which has fought for more autonomy while being under Indian rule -- ran the state for more than three decades, with his son Farooq Abdullah and grandson Omar Abdullah becoming chief ministers.

Farooq and Omar Abdullah were detained by New Delhi as part of the lockdown.

Residents have become more anti-India in recent years. In 2016 when mass street protests broke out over the death of a popular militant commander, Soura was the scene of dozens of clashes with government forces.

Soura resident Rafiq Mansoor Shah said many locals shared his misgivings about Abdullah's decision to accede to India.

Under the new arrangements announced this month, Indians from other parts of the vast nation can now apply for government jobs and buy property in Kashmir. But many Soura natives like Shah believe New Delhi has "nefarious plans to grab our land".

"Because of (the Abdullah family's) greed for power... we have become slaves of India. We are trying to correct the historical mistake," he told AFP.

"We are trying to lead and inspire the rest of Kashmir."

Sadhanai thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Our guards had become our jailors: Salman Soz

Security personnel standing guard in Srinagar on Wednesday, the 16th day of restrictions.

Security personnel standing guard in Srinagar on Wednesday, the 16th day of restrictions.

Vijaita Singh

New Delhi 21 August 2019 22:44 IST

Updated: 21 August 2019 22:48 IST

Congress leader says ‘Constitution has been savagely attacked’

Senior Congress leader Salman Anees Soz, who was under house arrest for 10 days in Srinagar earlier this month, says that “if peaceful protests are allowed” in the Kashmir Valley, then the crowds will be “far bigger than the ones you see in Hong Kong”.

The Valley has been under lockdown since August 5 following the suspension of Article 370 and the bifurcation of the State into two Union Territories.

In an interview to The Hindu over WhatsApp from the U.S, Mr. Soz, who travelled to Srinagar after the Valley was locked down, said he and the members of his family, including his father and former Cabinet Minister Saifuddin Soz, were placed under house arrest without any written orders.

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Refusing to divulge details of how he was able to leave the Valley, Mr. Soz tweeted on Monday: “I was allowed to accompany my wife and children out of Kashmir on August 15, out of India on August 17. In Kashmir, the Constitution seems helpless. Don’t blindly trust the government.”

Other members of his family, however, continue to be in detention.

‘Surreal move’

“It was surreal... But when my father, Prof. Saifuddin Soz, was informed by our security guards that he was not to move out of our home, it became clear that these arrests were widespread. I was informed about my house arrest a day later. The head of the guards at our home, from the J&K Police, said this [order] is direct from [Prime Minister Narendra] Modi. Our guards were now our jailors,” Mr. Soz recalled.

Mr. Soz said the family had access to Delhi-based news channels intermittently. “We watched news, much of which seemed implausible. The news was largely supplied by the government and it was impossible to verify what was going on,” he said. He added that he could not meet a single party worker and the number of leaders under detention couldn’t be confirmed.

Mr. Soz said the Centre’s decision was “disastrous at many levels”.

“Those who are celebrating as if Kashmir has been conquered and Kashmiris subjugated, should look up the definition of a Pyrrhic victory. The Constitution has been savagely attacked. ... Of course, in Kashmir, this move will likely lead to serious adverse consequences,” he said.

He said the Centre's move was likely to increase alienation in the Valley.

“While I personally hope that our young people do not resort to violence of any kind, we have to be realistic. Militant ranks may swell and this is not good for Kashmir because it impacts us adversely and squeezes space for direct action by peaceful means....the Modi government’s action to detain the entire political leadership of Kashmir and the unprecedented clampdown are suffocating opportunities to resist the government through peaceful means. If peaceful protests are allowed, I can guarantee that you will have crowds in Kashmir far bigger than the ones you see in Hong Kong,” Mr. Soz remarked.

He also said the Centre's narrative that the move will boost business opportunities in the State is disingenuous.

“I invite the Prime Minister to share with the country a table comparing basic development indicators of J&K with other states, including Gujarat....Did he deliver the highest unemployment rate in the last 45 years? Yes,” he quipped. He said the Prime Minister should also indicate when Article 371 of the Constitution that gives special status to other States, including those in the northeast, is to be abrogated.

“In several sub clauses of this Article, there are special provisions for many States, including restrictions on non-State subjects who may wish to buy property in those States. After all, one of the objectives of Mr. Modi was to create one India. Why only do justice and development for Kashmiris? I am sure our brothers and sisters in other States are eager to receive a bit of justice and development as well,” he said.

LovelyPlanet thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Problem is a lot of people in Kashmir support Pakistan, not India, reason best known to them. Indian govt can't force these people, Azad Kashmir is a hoax, basically they want to be with Pakistan like POK which they also address by same misnoner. India should keep Jammu and leave Kashmir. When only 5-9 percent come out to vote, why do you want to rule such people by force, they have clearly discarded Indian govt long ago. Which world are you/sangh people living in? As far as Kashmiri Pandits are concerned, (which I also happen to be part of though not displaced) most are happily settled in UK and USA after taking asylum and have no interest returning to India. It is a waste of taxpayer's money, govt should focus on economy and water issues with whatever little competency they have got.

Edited by LovelyPlanet - 4 years ago
LovelyPlanet thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago


You are right..40000 muslims have been killed in Kashmir versus 400 Pandits. Obviously 40k weren't all terrorists. But dont argue with fake nationalists, unfortunately they are the ones making all the noise lately since two fools are on the top posts.

LovelyPlanet thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: Zephyr_57

I actually fail to understand Pakis attitude, India has always tried to keep her relations cordial with all the countries, we even gave Pak MFN status, we helped them in their power crisis. Their current action is completely baseless, pointless and dumb. they should review their actions...  Terror and talks don't go together people! 

They are scarred after BanglaDesh was created, wounded animal basically. Plus very aggressive extremists Pathans sort of rule army and therefore country. Moderate Pakistanis have no voice and believe  in leaving country similar to Indians. Unfortunately current ruling govt of India is falling in the same trap heading for disaster, where as IK might be able to rescue Pak a little bit, have a little hope though. 

anjs thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail + 6
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: LovelyPlanet

Problem is a lot of people in Kashmir support Pakistan, not India, reason best known to them. Indian govt can't force these people, Azad Kashmir is a hoax, basically they want to be with Pakistan like POK which they also address by same misnoner. India should keep Jammu and leave Kashmir. When only 5-9 percent come out to vote, why do you want to rule such people by force, they have clearly discarded Indian govt long ago. Which world are you/sangh people living in? As far as Kashmiri Pandits are concerned, (which I also happen to be part of though not displaced) most are happily settled in UK and USA after taking asylum and have no interest returning to India. It is a waste of taxpayer's money, govt should focus on economy and water issues with whatever little competency they have got.

Which people are you talking about..... Those were brain washed earlier in the name of religion. But look at pok's halat..... Pakistani government forcefully made people handover their land so that it can be sold to China. Chinese are barbaric, they don't care about people or nature. They are destroying the natural resources there..... Same is gonna happen with Indian Kashmir.

Also why should we give our land. If indian Kashmiri people want to be in Pakistan. Then let them sell their land to Indians and migrate to Pakistan. We won't stop them....

As for Pakistan, it's a rogue country, if you give Kashmir, next they will want Jammu, then Delhi, Mumbai, Kanyakumari. There is no end to their greed...

Sanskruthi thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 7
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by: anjs

Which people are you talking about..... Those were brain washed earlier in the name of religion. But look at pok's halat..... Pakistani government forcefully made people handover their land so that it can be sold to China. Chinese are barbaric, they don't care about people or nature. They are destroying the natural resources there..... Same is gonna happen with Indian Kashmir.

Also why should we give our land. If indian Kashmiri people want to be in Pakistan. Then let them sell their land to Indians and migrate to Pakistan. We won't stop them....

As for Pakistan, it's a rogue country, if you give Kashmir, next they will want Jammu, then Delhi, Mumbai, Kanyakumari. There is no end to their greed...

Exactly, I never understood this need to division of land based on religion,  if religion was sole reason for assimilation then why was Pak further split into Bangladesh? People are free to go wherever they want...  In that way there are gujjar,  Buddhist, Hindus and other religions too... JK belongs to everyone there! 

Posted: 4 years ago

Pakistan threatening of using missile with tactical atomic bomb. To kkll about 100000s of soldiers. The day pakistan did this, it will be tbe end for them. They thibk we have kept our weapons for aarti utaring

VJ_Salgaonkar thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

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Posted: 4 years ago

India cant give kashmir as simple as that

 From tactical point of view as well as then every state will say give us freedom. It doesnt happens this way.

Tactical pov kashmir is very important to keep both pak and china in check. And my frnds r frm kashmir n they dont want to leave india. Kashmir is the place they were born n  live. Why should they be thrown out of india? Thats not gonna happen