Hamlet53 thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

SPM~ MyMusings~ 7.6.19 ~ Spoken silence

Kainat’s silence has always fascinated me. There is something wilful about it. It’s amute form of communication which certainly draws attention.When the need arisesshe does communicate without mincing her words. However the episode throwslight upon the issue of her marriage where her silence is dangerous for her, asits taken as her consent rather than her rejection. I find that Kainat has two strong personalities around her Mainjaan and Zainab, who inadvertently deterher from tendering her independent views upon issues. At the moment she has Sultanat too who acts as her mouthpiece especially in her marriage to Humza issue.

The episode shows good use of language for several purposes. Where speakers,make either their own or another’s needs known to concerned listeners. Zainab uses words to make peace and goodwill with Zaroon. She needs him to fulfil an important purposefor her, that only he can do. Set up a Iftari/ cum date between Humza and Kainat, so Kainat can come closer to Humza. The scene echoes  of the meeting  where Zainab made a similar request  to Saltanat.To make efforts at  bringing Zaroon closer to Kainat. In bothcases Zainab keeps Kainat’s happiness in mind. In both cases she uses theservices of those two people who are already emotionally attached, namely Zaroonand Saltanat. May be as a mother, Zainab feels that Kainat is more likely to take on board what her peers point out more than her own mother.

Ashiq released from the station breaks his silence .His incriminating words can land Kainat indeep waters. I wonder when the time comes that Kainat  will have a sound defence ready to be heardbefore the family. Ashiq informs Ayub in no uncertain words that the womanbehind the kidnapping of Mainjaan was Mainjaan’s grand daughter Kainat . Heconfesses that he did the criminal act because he was swept by her beauty andmoney. Interesting to  learn, that the rogue found Kainat beautiful. Whereas for Zaroon her not being attractive was thebiggest motive for rejecting her outright, could Kainat have used Saltanat’s image as her FB profile picture? To enamour this Ashiq bloke? Then use him to conduct a kidnapping?

Kainat speaks her heart out in the privacy of her room with the glass globe Zaroon gave her. I‘ts like having a reunion with the globe after her trip to Ajmer.The scene echoes of the overwhelming sentiments that Zaroon felt , when Saltanat was in hospital .How he hugged pillows and danced with his shirtsleeves. Similarly , both are simply oblivious, of the whole world  only alone with the fantasies of their loved ones.

That he should come to her room.. It’s like the cat got her tongue. Zaroon’s words sink in, his guilt, in the way he treated her.. for Kainat the words he uses are like a precious balm to her emotional wounds.  But Zaroon is shrewd, he uses patronising words, so he can carry out the task her mother had entrusted him to do. Zaroon also preaches to her, that their elders are burdened by children’s responsibilities.In turn, Zaroon manipulates her into complying Then  he adds, that children too have their responsibility of  alleviating parenta lresponsibilities! Finally he uses, the soft spot she has for him, and invites her to this iftar/cum date with Humza. Kainat at once  accepts, takes it as a honour to accept it. His words make her believe that he is setting up the party. She assumes he would bethere too!  The scene shows craftyforward planning by Zainab , she knew if Zaroon asks her Kainat will  show no resistance and agree  almost immediately.. .

Humza too isin seventh heaven! As  are Dadi and Neelamtoo. Dadi takes it as point scored upon Zainab… as the threat of exposing her beforeMainjaan certainly shows brisk positive results from Zainab’s side.

The date turns out disastrous! from the word go as Kainat realizes that Zaroon would not be present. What makes matters worse for her is when she learns that Zaroon had already brought Saltanat here..  again for her she was doing a retake of what had already been achieved by Saltanat. Worse still  Kainat finds her dating a man she never wanted. Humza is over the moon! All his romantic words bounce off Kainat..In fact so infuriated is she that she even  digs a fork in her own palm … to express her rage, Humza flies to tend to her wound and she yells him down! forbidding him to touch her!  Kainat. speaks! to save her life being pushed to live it with the wrong man! she spells out loud and clear this engagement is not about her happiness ,but about the happiness of her elders! Kainat bleats like a lamb being led to slaughter! She reminds Humza of his very words..” its better to marry one that loves you.. rather than the one you love”  ..thus she will marry Humza  on the pretext that he loves her! and not that she loves him!

Mainjaan and Sultanat turn up at that point.. probably to see how this to be married couple are getting on in their date! Well it turns up as quite an eye opener for Mainjaan!

Out come is a meeting between Sultanat and Mainjaan. Sultanat emerges as one who  wins this debate. She had argued before Mainjaan that Kainat was not happy about this alliance. Also that Kainat‘s silence should not be treated as her consent. Mainjaan defends himself that Kainat’s consent was sought, but she failed to say a clear no , definite no! Saltanat once again points a finger at Kainat’s upbringing ,where she was never encouraged to speak for herself. The skill she was taught was to show compliance and acceptance  in all the key areas of her life. The belief that she needn’t worry her pretty little head! Her elders  bear the responsibility of deciding for her. Mainjaan,after getting sound evidence about Kainat’s discontent. once again defers the engagement..

Overall a sound episode. We see how both Zaroon and Sultanat are fast becoming the two new kids on the block! who provide thought provoking stimuli to the head of the Shah family. Kainat’s tirade before Humza brings out in quite a gush.. how her silence has created a mess in her life. Will she ensure now that she perhaps needs to be assertive in saying no or yes! especially over those matters that concern her destiny. Kainat needs to take a step back and see that the joint family can fend for it self, one way or another. She needs to stand up fo rherself and do her self a favour too.. i.e get rid of this poor Kainat! and fight for herself. Rather than let the likes of Zaroon and Sultanat fight her battles for her! Let her silence break!  to express her wants and needs!   8.5.19hamlet53.  

Thanks mishfan,lonelythots and Irshita for supporting my working and for giving me the drive to continue writing.. have a great weekend ,love hammmie    


Edited by Hamlet53 - 4 years ago


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Lonelythots thumbnail
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Posted: 4 years ago

Hello hammie,

So sultanat finally proved herself right and delivered her promise to miajaan. Was Zainab a part of her plan or was the party plan really an effect of dadi’s warning. 

I quite liked how miajaan defended himself when sultanat continuously uses a patronizing tone to speak about his upbringing of kainaat that made her shy away from refusing humza’s proposal.. miajaan held himself strong saying that his teachings were never meant to do ‘ji-huzoori’ for everything. His teachings were never meant to suffocate anyone. Clearly, kainat has failed to grasp his teachings in the true sense. Is it because of zainab’s influence?  Could be. But I also get why the widowed Zainab brought her up like that. Anyways all of it is water under the bridge now. 

So suddenly zaroon again feels guilty for hurting kainaat. I just don’t buy it.. he again clearly manipulates kainaat for the date with humza. He says that the children have to aid the elders in fulfilling their responsibilities. But then why did he reject kainaat’s proposal and why should kainaat be forced into marriage with humza.. it’s during scenes like these (insert a *shaking my head emoji). 

Ayub now knows about kainaat’s wrong-doings. Hopefully he will be trouble for her. With kainaat seeming to have a plan to get married to zaroon under the pretext of marrying humza, am curious to see if ayub will thwart her plan intentionally or unintentionally. Or will sultanat do the honors? 

Kainaat has never really tasted victory since the start of the show. I doubt this plan of hers will also work. 

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by Lonelythots

Hello hammie,  helooooo happy Saturday!

So sultanat finally proved herself right and delivered her promise to miajaan. Was Zainab a part of her plan or was the party plan really an effect of dadi’s warning. 

yes for Sultanat it means that her own wedding too will be left in the doldrums...  could be both.. Zainab still is concerned about her daughter

I quite liked how miajaan defended himself when sultanat continuously uses a patronizing tone to speak about his upbringing of kainaat that made her shy away from refusing humza’s proposal.. miajaan held himself strong saying that his teachings were never meant to do ‘ji-huzoori’ for everything. His teachings were never meant to suffocate anyone. Clearly, kainat has failed to grasp his teachings in the true sense. Is it because of zainab’s influence?  Could be. But I also get why the widowed Zainab brought her up like that. Anyways all of it is water under the bridge now. 

well said.. the main thing that Kainat was asked..by mainjaaan and she give her consent.. but have to say Saltanat did bring up a point worth considering   that may be girls should be encouraged more to give their views about matters of other concerns too.. see its the culture of girls should be seen and not heard.. is being flagged up... I think..

So suddenly zaroon again feels guilty for hurting kainaat. I just don’t buy it.. he again clearly manipulates kainaat for the date with humza. He says that the children have to aid the elders in fulfilling their responsibilities. But then why did he reject kainaat’s proposal and why should kainaat be forced into marriage with humza.. it’s during scenes like these (insert a *shaking my head emoji). 

 zaroon… is so  full of himself, patronising others when needs be..but really one could that he rejected her solely on how she looked to him.. he drew conclusions about Kainat without really knowing enough about her..

Ayub now knows about kainaat’s wrong-doings. Hopefully he will be trouble for her. With kainaat seeming to have a plan to get married to zaroon under the pretext of marrying humza, am curious to see if ayub will thwart her plan intentionally or unintentionally. Or will sultanat do the honors? 

Ayub..has been brought in clearly to throw the spanner in the works.. as for Humza after the wake call Kainat gave him.. hope he has second thoughts about her.. I have never seen much activity from him towards Kainat.. some sufiyana love he has..

Kainaat has never really tasted victory since the start of the show. I doubt this plan of hers will also work

so true  Lonelythots.. no wonder she is so withdrawn.. .. but lets see if her trick will be of use to her emotions..  thanks for a thought provoking comment.. we'll see more of her modus operandi  today, i suspect.  

love hammie

rameeraa87 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 4 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

She always winning miyajan trust from beginning and  purposely provoke against miyajan she is physco how come thy forward the story zaroon reject bcoz she openly not speaking she follows elders and always she hate saltanat 

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 4 years ago

Originally posted by Rameeraa87,

hellooo Rameeraa, lovely to hear from you 

She always winning miyajan trust from beginning and  purposely provoke against miyajan she is physco how come thy forward the story zaroon reject bcoz she openly not speaking she follows elders and always she hate saltanat 

yes she is warped in her head about Saltanat, who means well for her. But Kainat's angst comes from the feeling of being rejected by Zaroon.. she has lost as far as  her dreams coming true are concerned. Those dreams which her elders planted in her heart. I look forward to the day when the two sisters can actually see the value they hold for each other..

Rameeraa, great to read your valued thoughts..love hammie