Matter of life and death !

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

SPM~ MyMusings~ 31.5.19 ~ Matter of life and death

Why does true love. Sufiyana love haveto be expressed in words? can two people not sense this sentiment as a presence they share between each other? Seems that too much confirmation and emphasis is placed on the articulation of three words I love you! Whatever happened to the features of a need to be with each other? Feel their absence; share matters of common interest? Support each other in their highs and lows? .Are these not  expressions of loving someone? What ever has happened to the fact, that one says the three words ,when one feels the need to say them, rather than be obliged to say them aloud? Does expressing or withholding the three words effect the nature, quality and value of love itself?

For Zaroon in the lift scene where both hold the ticking bomb. What remains a matter of life or death is his desire to hear whether Saltanat loves hm or not? It has always meant significantly to him. Does this stem from an underlying insecurity within him? Zaroon only thinks about one fact that he would not be able to survive without her. It did cross my mind that why did he not chose the option of taking the bomb off her! and asking her to run to safety! so she could live.. while he dies?

The elevator stops them from doing anything, other than lift them out of a current situation, and ascend them up to a higher spiritual realm. A universe where only their love would prevail. Yet their Sufiyana love as he sees it,  ticks way like a  time bomb. A challenging situation  also ticks in the Syed Shah household! One that has the potential  to turn dangerous and explode, if no safe and quick fix solution is found, to detonate this ticking bomb of their love!

For me there are some senseless bits in the episode. Like how the Dicken’s! does Saltanat end up with the bomb  on her palms? Like Kainat tests her love. Will Zaroon come to rescue Saltanat like he leapt into the fire  and saved her ?Well in this case, he certainly does more than just feel Saltanat's palms under the timed bomb! Zaroon repeats his song of love for her by using words that weave an idyllic world where only the two of them exist. His pleading demand from her in what seems to be the last moments of their lives.. is her confessional love words for him! Where Zaroon confesses he cannot survive without Saltanat. On the other,one panic stricken Kainat can only worry about Zaroon’s survival and not her    sisters. For if one thing Kainat is not!  a hypocrite!

Where the time bomb of Zaroon/Saltanat ticks away precariously in the shopping mall and transports them in a world of their own. At Shah mansion, too pockets of minor explosions erupt in various sections of the house between various people. The scene between Ghazala and Rubina is interesting. Mamoon said his bit , now Ghazala does the rest of the ground work. I suspect her husband has set her up to manipulate Rubina. To  pressurize Rubina into doing what suits them. It’s no surprise Ghazala proposes, that if Rubina wishes to redeem her image before Mamoon, than she needs to dissuade Saltanat from marrying this Zaheer Ahmed! Deep down Rubina too want’s Saltanat with Zaroon together.. so she vows that this marriage will not come about. Zainab  overhears all!

Eavesdropping ,spying!  seems  to be second nature to both young and old of the Shah family . By listening in on conversations. Many camps are by bombed with odd revelations! Such as,  who are the relatives who cause craters in relationships and family unity.

Even holy places like the shrine it self is not safe  from those who listen on to people’s communion with god. The scene between Zainab and Neelam is explosive where Neelam points out a blatant disparity that Zainab holds between Saltanat and Kainat.

Neelam uses her prior knowledge gathered  from the skill of prying, snooping behind doors. Neelam winds Dadi up  that Zainab is out to sabotage the liaison between Kainat and Humza  as Zainab pray’s for Saltanat to approve .of Zaheer! so that Kainat can gain Zaroon. I can see two emotions in Neelam .One an age old loyalty for her cousin and friend Saltanat.The other, fury at both Zainab and Kainat for messing about with her brother Humza‘s emotions! Seems that a fresh new duo has turned viciously against Zainab. Perhaps Zainab can see the folly of her ways of demanding too much from Saltanat. Now  Zaroon bears the brunt.

Dadi is right that Zainab had the choice to refuse Humza’s hand..but both mother and daughter  decided to go along with the engagement. My concern is, will Dadi too pull out of the Humza Kainat alliance? If that does happen. Then where will Kainat stand?  With Humza and Zaroon both dumping her? surely this will be an explosive situation, and knowing Kainat, she is likely to see Saltanat behind her downfall.. like whatever belonged to her, never got to her as Saltanat  invariably got to  it before  she got to it  !

It’s an ironical situation when Zainab prays to god, that may Saltanat accept  Zaheer , because  at that very point Zaroon and Saltanat are joined together by holding the ticking time bomb. Pledging their life and death  to each other!

It’s funny how Zaroon mentions to Saltanat that love is not about falling for someone’s face  or both lose their beauty in time! That love is about the communion of two souls! Ironic! since he rejected Kainat  totally on the basis of how she looked in the photograph. Without really knowing her enough ! he drew his conclusion that she was some prude, orthodox in mindset, subservient and submissive with no views of her own. It was all about how she looked!  

The precap: is terribly interesting! where  Zaroon aspired to proclaim himself and Saltanat  as a consenting couple before their whole family.The time bomb of their love! will splash across the whole world! making them go down in the annuls of history…like a pair of tragic lovers who gave up their lives in their effort to save the lives of many innocent people?

 However, one of the hardest thing  both the unfortunate mother and daughter can do is read the signs of the times. That  Zaroon only loves Saltanat and certainly not even anything closer  to love, with Kainat. But it’s easier said  than done. Kainat‘s source of life is Zaroon, as Zaroon’s is Saltanat! Thus , this for Zainab and Kainat  is an explosive situation to accept ..the truth. it’s  their  souls blown away to bits! 1.6.19  hamlet53

Lonelythots and irshita thanks for lighting up my posts.. have a great weekend much love hammie


Edited by Hamlet53 - 5 years ago


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Lonelythots thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago

Hello hammie, 

Sultanat and zaroon’s whole bomb sequence was contrived , dragged and too tiring to watch.. 

kainaat is delusional to another level to think that zaroon doesn’t love sultanat and hence he wouldn’t save her.. 

All the supporting character scenes were written pretty neatly and interestingly.. 

Ghazala and Rubina.. the former asking the latter to hold her daughters reins.. and also get it into her head that if sultanat were to marry, it has to be zaroon..

Neelam-Zainab: I think Zainab really needed the reality check that she wouldn’t have asked for sultanat’s pound of flesh especially after knowing that zaroon and sultanat equally love each other if she considered sultanat as her own.. 

Zainab- dadi: dadi did deliver some hard truths to Zainab.. Wish Zainab would ponder and come back to the right path.. I am waiting for zainab’s truth to come out in front of miajaan.. 

Eid is approaching and am hoping , the story will take a new turn.. 

Edited by Lonelythots - 5 years ago
Itishri thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago

Family politics for very interesting especially Neelam’s role in lighting the fire under Zainab. But this will get Dadi’s attention back to Kainat and Humza’s wedding.

Zainab’s dialogue at the dargah again indicates a backstory - may be sultanat and Kainat are twins.

Mall scenes were barely watchable - didn’t evoke any emotions. Even Kainat was super annoying - her bechari mode is much worse than the plotting-vamp mode.

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

originally  posted by Lonelythots

hello  lonelythots , good to see you

Hello hammie, 

Sultanat and zaroon’s whole bomb sequence was contrived , dragged and too tiring to watch.. 

well  glad to know  I am not the  only kill joy who is screwing my nose up at this sufiyana  couple 

kainaat is delusional to another level to think that zaroon doesn’t love sultanat and hence he wouldn’t save her.. 

true.. but zaroon also rescued  some child at the risk of being trampled in the mall

All the supporting character scenes were written pretty neatly and interestingly.. 

yes they were scenes with substance..

Ghazala and Rubina.. the former asking the latter to hold her daughters reins.. and also get it into her head that if sultanat were to marry, it has to be zaroon..

if you ask me  both women have some what unbridled  children... Zaroon  is some love struck guy!

Neelam-Zainab: I think Zainab really needed the reality check that she wouldn’t have asked for sultanat’s pound of flesh especially after knowing that zaroon and sultanat equally love each other if she considered sultanat as her own.. 

 yes.. Neelam is learning fast  to stir things up with a big ladle... but yes Zainab needed a reality check!   as too much from a girl who holds her in regard 

Zainab- dadi: dadi did deliver some hard truths to Zainab.. Wish Zainab would ponder and come back to the right path.. I am waiting for zainab’s truth to come out in front of miajaan.. 

when that happens.. wonder if the repercussions  will  be borne by Kainat as well..i.e both fall in Mainjaan's eyes.. which gets many people's back up.

Eid is approaching and am hoping , the story will take a new turn..

oh yes... I second you on that one!  before the story begins to sag even more.. 

thanks so  much for sharing your interesting thoughts with all on the post... love hammie

Hamlet53 thumbnail
Anniversary 13 Thumbnail Group Promotion 7 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

originally posted by  Irshita 

Family politics for very interesting especially Neelam’s role in lighting the fire under Zainab. But this will get Dadi’s attention back to Kainat and Humza’s wedding.

true say..  interesting how the younger generation is also learning fast, in playing games.. Neelam did surprise me,  she  looks up to Saltanat . However   have to say that she was right in exposing the glitch Zainab has posed in Saltanat's life

Zainab’s dialogue at the dargah again indicates a backstory - may be sultanat and Kainat are twins.

yes and remember even Nadeem talked about a favour Zainab  did for Rubina..

Mall scenes were barely watchable - didn’t evoke any emotions. Even Kainat was super annoying - her bechari mode is much worse than the plotting-vamp mode.

hoping today's episode puts an end to the Mall  scenes.. please Saltanat say the three crucial words that zaroon wants to hear... kesa khatem karo!

thanks for letting me know about what thinking... love hammie