It's incredibly frustrating to see the show going in this direction already. How strongly Peshwa Bajirao started off! It was a story of a common man and his wife - two people with immense strength - fighting their way through adversity together, finding a home, raising a family, rising in society, finding their footing in political situations, keeping their culture and values intact all the while. It was written, executed, and enacted so well, with simplicity and depth.
When the storyline started speeding up and skipping events and those stereotypical negative characters started making their presence felt, I feared that the show might shift its tone and head into melodramatic territory, away from its essence...and here we go. It has started to venture that way more and more right before this leap, so now there are scheming in-laws, murder attempts and "accidents," and dramatically-blazing torches in a mandir room. Oh, and literally unrecognizable characters, too. Sigh. This is not what I started watching Peshwa Bajirao for. This is not what I had hoped to see. The "naya adhyay" can be an alternate universe or a separate show in my mind. I'm just going to go back to the beginning of Peshwa Bajirao and watch the story I truly enjoy watching and analyzing!