Do you really believe that Sanju doesn't love Neeti?

ar12 thumbnail
Posted: 12 days ago

I feel although this is what Sanju says, he allows Neeti to be protective of him, even when she was dying in that building (and Parvati came and saved her) he was willing to risk his life to save her.

Plus, he has no obligation to put up with her, yet he does. Why?

I think the makers deliberately make it out to be as though he doesn't love Neeti so that Pari Rajeev can be the main couple, but I actually think they're messing it up. The actress who plays Neeti is so good - her and Sanju should be the main couple.

I never understood why Sanju loves Pari to begin with. Come on. She's so - annoying.


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Kudipatakha Neeti

Posted: 12 days ago

Originally posted by: ar12

I feel although this is what Sanju says, he allows Neeti to be protective of him, even when she was dying in that building (and Parvati came and saved her) he was willing to risk his life to save her.

Plus, he has no obligation to put up with her, yet he does. Why?

I think the makers deliberately make it out to be as though he doesn't love Neeti so that Pari Rajeev can be the main couple, but I actually think they're messing it up. The actress who plays Neeti is so good - her and Sanju should be the main couple.

I never understood why Sanju loves Pari to begin with. Come on. She's so - annoying.

of course I believe that sanju doesn't love neeti, in fact, he never ever loved neeti. He doesn't know the meaning of love. Him Saving neeti's life is just an attempt of makers to show that sanju is a good person so he still cares about neeti but I don't buy this. He doesn't care about neeti he just wants to show himself good so that he can cover up his wrong doings. N neeti n sanju should NOT be main couple at all, neeti deserves better
Edited by Jazzkapur - 12 days ago