This is not angst Shiva like many wanted in other platforms. He is just bitter, angry and ready to pounce on Raavi for anything and everything. He is acting this way because he knows she has no one and no where to go and in the process made him uncultured and comes across as a brute. Raavi might be right, he never loved her like he claimed because he is always looking for faults in her and compares her with BhabiMa.
Since this SM track started, either he has a problem with her not giving him attention, not telling him entire about her work, not telling him where she goes or who she is meeting with. It is always something that bothers him about her. In between they had to bring truce because KD, the actor broke his arm and they had to write his injury in to give him some rest and hence put the track in the back burner.
When I thought they were showing this hacker kaand and how it will be useful in the current times in real world, never did I think that they would actually use it to show Shiva suspecting Raavi, calling her characterless instead of giving her a pat in the back for working tirelessly to find the hacker.
Let me put this straight, Kandya brothers are no great shakes, there are people who are even from low strata and have made it big in the real world and are decent. Kandya brothers are not big achievers that they are ready to blame the women of the house for anything that goes wrong, especially Raavi and Rishita. And to think women like Suman, BhabiMa would be their enemies and instigate these morons indirectly is appalling to see.
And to give a dialogue to Shiva that he will not work on his anger, SMH!!
Anger doesn't solve anything, it builds nothing but can destroy everything.
Edited by mpks1 - 2 years ago