Dhara was completely right. Rishita has always been self centered and rude. Why should Dhara listen to shit everyone says about her. She stupidly sacrificed her becoming a mother to grow up her mother in laws children. Something that the mother in law never truly appreciates. She is still bhagodi ki beti. So shallow. Now her time is up and complications people are talking shit about her right left and centre. Dhara has always sacrificed. Even when the money was being shared out. Why should she and gautam pay for all??? All adults in the home and working. They can pull their part. Dhara had a hard time with her MIL.
Rishita does a lot of crap and without punishment she gets away. She's rude to any and everyone and doesn't give one damn. She is also lazy to do her chores at home. Raavi and Dhara always have to pull more weight. She is especially rude to Shiva like he is uneducated and knows nothing so she can speak to him any tone. It is highly annoying.
I HATED HOW SHE SPOKE TO SHIVA TODAY. SHE SHOULD KNOW THAT RAAVI ISNT GOING TO TAKE THAT CRAP. People can insult her but she's not gonna take it when someone does it to Shiva.