"Some things only the wife should do"
Then the fight ws there bout N+M's wedding pic
When Mohsin must hv entered the bedroom @fter returning l@te night
w@ise if hindi show hot@ toh sof@ bed situ@tion hot@ th@
Here Mohsin - T@bi - Twins- @in@
@ll 3 kids were in their bedroom when she w@s w@iting for him to return T@bi n @sher h@d @lre@dy gone to sleep
@lso the first night the twins c@me home "Now where r u going?" M@in toh y@h@n hoon (m@nn mein)
"Obviously going to the kids"
I w@nt ki @b ek time toh R@ni@ comes n t@kes in@ @w@y for the night Mohsin is just ... "She went @w@y She left me @ll @lone n left The whole d@y she is with the kids t@b n@hi b@@t k@r s@kti R@@t ko ky@ h@i"
@sher n M@@s come to give him comp@ny - girl night h@i toh we will do boys night
Should give them 2 gl@re dono s@r p@r p@ir r@khke bh@@ge