im sorry to say that u hav really pathetic eng n u r really unable to translate exactly what was actually in the original script delivered.
This is the 1st time in my life when someone has said something really rude to me and I am actually laughing. Maybe u don't knw that I'm a Canadian born and have been living in Canada since my birth, that's 17 yrs and if I still haven't learned English than that really is a big shame on me😆
But why am I even arguing because the translation that I have done on p.21 are only dialogues and that too in urdu😎 O I was in such a bad mood today and your joke seriously enlightened me😊 So a big Thank You for that. Don't knw why u are here. I wish u had the guts to come up with ur real ID. There has to be a reason to why u r here. If it is jealousy than I appreciate your jealousy because it tells me that u think that I am better than u.
Thanks for commenting.😳