lol, where do I begin...but, let me be blunt and say some people on this forum have a problem with writers projecting Islam in their novels. Not unless you're a Muslim, you will simply not understand the importance of following Islam in a Muslim's life. It's as simple as that.
This article is so poorly written that it's laughable to say the least. You're going to criticize the drama..which is more or less on Falak's changing as a person, yet more than half of the article pinpoints how Falak disrespected her mother. Really? where? She never disrespected her mother, ever..she merely asked her mother why she never taught her the basics to being a Muslim..why she never emphasized any of those basic things right from the word go. And, no her naani is not responsible to teach her, it's her mom & dad. How many of you have learned the basics of religion or anything in life from your parents? I'd say 90% of us..our grandparents, aunts & uncles etc can guide us but we live and grow up with our parents for the most part..what we see & learn from them as a child is what stays with us until we grow up. Lets nbt make it rocket science now because it's plain & simple. Falak's mom was self absorbed after marriage..and that only translated into her daughter being the same as she grew up in the same environment.
Also, I don't think many of us paid attention to the stuff naani said in her dialogues. She said there's a time & place for everything and God decides that. Falak was not going to change because of naani's words..she wasn't going to change & realize the importance of God & Islam in her life until Salman kicked her to the curb. That was the life changing event that made her realize how she wasted time on a person who never loved her and ruined her yrs over him when she could've used time to search for God.. Why? because that is when Allah had planned Falak to go through obstacles only to find something positive out of it - Allah. See, this goes back to what I said have to understand Islam & its teachings to even get the slightest idea of what Umera's projecting here..otherwise, your going by logic and faith & logic are two separate things.
The drama doesn't tell you that not unless you're a will not be happy, not unless you're a Muslim you're life will always be hell etc etc..No, that's not what the drama teaches you. The drama says, if you're a Muslim..and you follow Islam..that having faith in Allah and going by your religion is important and in time of need, you should seek Allah's guidance..and faith in Allah will lessen the severity of the obstacles and give you hope for the better. I'm a Muslim..and I agree. All the times, I've had to go through an obstacle or felt faith helped gave me hope. It's about faith. Religions don't go hand in hand with rationality..because faith is something which you can not describe with rationality..either you have faith in religon, God etc or you don't. Umera's drama emphasizes Islam & Allah (God) in this drama..and as a Muslim it's easy to relate..and even if you're from a different religion..I'm sure one could understand that faith keeps you intact and does help you get through hardships by having hope if nothing more.
Edited by starstruckk - 12 years ago