What is the Chaska Meter?
Its a 1 to 10 ranking system. In this poll you can give the story line a ranking from 1 to 4 (4 being the highest). With your votes, we will combine the hits the show gets and the type of comments it gets to derive the final rating. Here are the full details for the Chaska Meter:
Chaska Meter Details
So now we are asking the members of this section to vote from 1 to 4 according to the CURRENT PAALKHI story line. What should you consider while voting? Well how is the story line? Is it interesting? Is it boring? Is it original? How is the acting of the cast? How are the dialgoues? There's lots you can consider.....
And don't forget to tune into Telly Chaska on Mondays at 11 PM IST or download it on podcasts. Now your voices will be heard as it is you guys who are the ones with the Chaska Controller!
IF Dev. Team