Qualities that I have inherited from my Mom...
TellyBuzz brings to you a Mother's Day special feature on the qualities that our Telly celebs have inherited from their Mom...
Sunday, May 10, 2015 | 10:26:45 AM IST (+05:30 GMT)
149 Comments | 12452 Views | Copyright: India-Forums.com/TellyBuzz
If we have to say about one key person of our lives then definitely our answers would be Mom. A mother plays an important role in our life. Some things we learn from her and some we inherit some from her.
On the occasion of Mother's Day, we asked your favorite celebs about the qualities that they have acquired from their Mom. Let's read what they shared...
Himanshu Soni (Neeli Chhatri Wale) - My Mom has taught me to stay grounded and don't forget your roots ever, no matter what.
link to the article: http://www.india-forums.com/tellybuzz/wassup/25650-qualities-that-i-have-inherited-from-my-mom.htm