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Posted: 9 years ago
Today's episode was quite awesome..πŸ˜›
Bhagwan Das gets scolded by a guy out on the street in English. Bhagwan Das tries to yell back in English but has a little bit of trouble.πŸ˜† Maybe if he had used his own language.. he would've done i more efficiently and quickly.πŸ˜† Like Shivaye mentions..

The scene where Shivaye speaks in English and Tamil was hilarious.🀣 but yeah.. he told us what we needed to know. How will the person know what you're saying if you are unable to explain it properly?

Then Poor Bobby gets laughed at by the other parents during parent teacher meeting just because she doesn't speak English that fluently.

So our crazy Bobby has the whole family speak in En-glish!! Bechara Gobar.. he didn't even ask for pakoras because of all this trouble.πŸ˜²πŸ˜†

And then at the end, the article Bablu wrote with help of his Dada Ji. It was wonderful.πŸ‘

Once again, as always this serial has given all the viewers a wonderful message. We should be proud of our mother language.

In today's generation, English is given a lot of importance. I guess somewhere we have all forgotten that it's O-K to talk in the language we are most comfortable with. Sometimes it can be difficult because the people you live around may have different opinions. But mostly I think one shouldn't be too obsessed about changing themselves.

Secondly, it also taught that knowing other languages is not a bad idea either.😊 You may need to use any language to communicate to people in the languages they understand..

It's basically... we should be accepting to new ideas, languages, traditions, etc.

Preview: Looks like we have a wonderful episode coming our way next weekend. The whole family will now focus on their health! I am sure we will get a wonderful message out of thisπŸ˜›. Plus, I bet it will be very entertaining!πŸ˜ƒ

Neeli Chhatri Wale Rocks! ;)


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tulipbaby53 thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Yes, I loved how they did talk about being proud to communicate in your own language, while also learning other languages is a good thing too. We typically do get very caught up in learning English because we want to speak in a language that is most commonly spoken around the world, but we forget to talk in our own language. I know personally, I can go days without speaking in Hindi, and it feels good when I actually do get to speak in Hindi. I don't live in India though too, so that is why it gets harder.