Maddy you are amazing!!!!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍
Shirsha .. I'll love to take you for a long drive and press play on your forehead and you'd belt out all the songs just perfectly . 😍😍😍😍😘
Mahi-ebismil. You are were pretty cool too.. I wouldn't poke your forehead asking for another song .. just give you a list 2 hours long and ask you to sing when you are ready lolol😏
Supa.. wow you sing in Bengali too!😍😍😍
Padmajaan.. your voice and choice of song love 😍
And the person that sung oh shala shala .. ! <-- that's the song I listened to and liked.
Nice to see an English song there dex! You represent 🙌 🤟👊 lolol
And SmittenKitt3n.. so nice to hear your song ..
I'd still poke you 😘 😁
Edited by D3viL - 5 months ago