I agree.. he has not given it a thought.. completely agree.. its quite uncharacteristic of him to not see the change in Devki's behavior.. the outward acceptance of some rights.. etc.. I mean it started... in the picnic.. when he was sorta apalled by her comparing herself to Baa master.. or not finding offense to him pecking her.. but then all went poof.. coz Sabina fbs and Ille Ille took over. .and that is my grouse with the screenplay.. or is it establishing that facet about men.. that they can only dwell on one thing at a time😆..
Again I don't think.. the attachment was only from her end.. it was defo more from her end.. there is a difference between politeness and duty and affection.. I do think VV is affectionate towards her.. its unnatural to bend so much in the name of duty and politeness in the absence of affection.. in the beginning.. his attending social norms at BBs was duty.. his looking after her interest was duty..
his being her pillar of support.. the little things like extending a hand when she is scared.. apprehensive.. jittery ex. during CPs shraad.. his sharing his problems.. esp wrt Charu.. involving her.. giving her the comfortable/ convenient access and right to make decisions for him.. in business and domesticity.. isn't just politeness and duty.. trusting her sensibilities.. paying heed to it.. takes a little more than non-commital stances.. paying attention to little things that can bring a smile on a person is not detachment.. him getting her the ear-ring..
his paying heed to all her stupid childish whims in the privacy of their room.. after initial annoyance.. isn't duty and politeness.. it doesnt require him to be or do that.. his acknowledging she is his only friend.. who knows him a lot more than other people.. and someone he can easily share things with.. is not being polite.. or contrived or manipulative or convenient.. I am cynical but not that much.. 😆 I dont think everything is mechanistic..
the fact that D fell in love with him.. isnt just coz he has been polite and dutiful.. there is more to him.. heck I love him enough to bother ranting so much... and even if he is polite and dutiful.. thats a gross rarity in men I see around.. its true that D brings out the most and the best in him.. coz she can reach out to him and see through him..
he has built this comfort level with her I guess as a friend and companion where he can scold her easily.. tell her she is being stupid.. but then pay attn to her feelings.. he may not love her.. but he treats her as family.. HIS FAMILY...
its the little gestures and subtle mundane things that maketh VD.. and dont jump out.. thats why its easy to disregard the layers..😊