I am amazed to read how ill-informed is the author of this show on mental health issues and is just hallucinating a stereo-type plot to make up a story. I hope writer of the show reads this what a dimwit uneducated person.
Bipolar is just a chemical imbalance and normally people manage their life when medicated and have proper therapy - this a treatable disease now. There are many excellent scientists, singers, CEOs etc who have this disease and have successful career and married life with ongoing treatment. It is not different than having blood pressure or diabatic etc. If not treated, one can get violent but that is extreme case and it takes more than a year or more for one to get that level of severity, before that person can be diagnosed because of some stupid act they may do or loved ones warning them. Same is true for any disease. In fact, statistics show in extreme case someone not treated can suicides than kills/harm someone. Law and order seem to blame them for any crime in society. Infact, research shows bipolar people are gifted people as their mind does mutli-processing and smarter than normal people. There is too much negative information on mental health issues. It does not help society in general, they should be made positive member of society than be dumped like 'paagal'.
Here Somya was just asked a few questions like what is the color of an object etc. by a dummy psychiatrist and she passed the test seems - yet looks she failed and sent to METAL ASYLYM - bribe by rich? I am surprised why people suffering from such issues are being portrayed as violent, murders etc. Are there no activists to support people suffering from mental health issues? This show must be taken off by Sony.
What a crap to watch...