seriously i also want to stop watching millee but there r still karan's sences and i dont want to miss them. 😃 😃
rahul has moreeeeee vallain lookss than karannnnnnn
karan shuld be the hero and rahul shud be the villain
butttt whoo listens toooo us .
wht can we do????????????????????????? 😠😠ðŸ˜
seriously i also want to stop watching millee but there r still karan's sences and i dont want to miss them. 😃 😃
rahul has moreeeeee vallain lookss than karannnnnnn
karan shuld be the hero and rahul shud be the villain
butttt whoo listens toooo us .
wht can we do????????????????????????? 😠😠ðŸ˜