So Guneet is pregnant, wants to tell Niya before Amber. Very sensible in my view
But of course it all goes wrong
She goes to Niyas office with cupcakes, neutral, Niya- favouring territory
But in the meantime Shree has been telling Kabir he needs to get together with Niya, no mention of Swara at all
Kabir kind of mentions her but basically that he’s been too hasty & reckless in moving her in & proposing.
Then he goes to see Niya who initially snubs him then they laugh about the swayamvar & have an eye lock
Thats when Guneet & Swara meet outside Niyas office and see these teo through the glass.
Swara’s face! Guneet’s anger very very well done
CVs do a good job if capturing Swara’s pain & Guneet’s remarks to Kabir about sticking to commitments Is so much needed. These friends are so wrapped up in themselves they cant see what they are doing to others? Selfish to the core I am sorry to say.
The scene at night Swara & Kabir on one bed (thank you this needed to be pointed out , they are not just sharing sandwiches in school) In their own separate worlds & misery.
Niya trying to call Kabir but was not sure if she hung up of what but seriously!!!
She needed the reality check Guneet gave her, but she’s really not getting that while K’s behaviour is shameful she is not innocent at this point. I get her pain but could she not see Swara’s tears & realise she has no right to call K at that time of night? Or even otherwise until things are sorted?
and telling Guneet that its her life let her live it the way she wants?
Then she’s going to have a tantrum about the pregnancy. Don’t do it Niya don’t let yrself down like this...
I must say beautifully portrayed complex emotions in this episode. Its like a whole week’s worth, almost too much to analyse.
loving the character of Rishi- he’s coming across as a much more sensible wise caring & ethical person than Kabir who frankly just used Swara as a ego prop or rebound.