got this idea but not for a day in particular, that card could be placed in "someone special or you are special or friendship category or any other Love type suitable categories". we can have it with rare flower picture.
just at random dont know how it came-
Know the flower which is better know as "the queen of night",the one which is known as Brahma Kamal or vanilla cactus which is widely known as oxypetalum epiphyllum-something of that sort sorry about the spell but yes as far as i rem this very flower is known as very auspicious around in ind and its rare because it blooms once in a while in many or one year and that too in night just for a few hours! It is very beautiful with great fragnance flower.
so along with its picture we can have a design saying or addressing our beloved ones that you are as special or you are special and unique and am blessed to have you with me... kind of caption might be comes in red too which many are not even knowing but truely this flower is very beautiful and photogenic and might suit the best .have a close look of these flowers-
White Red pictures got in one search was in hurry if want more could look around for them aswell but this flower solely is something and very known in the world for its uniqueness the same way a person might be in our life.
Sorry if its not good or suitable at all, but this was the idea that came first so thought to share in as well:)