@zarathustr ecrit:
Un verset clair:
Marc 10:18
Jésus lui dit: Pourquoi m'appelles-tu bon? Il n'y a de bon que Dieu seul.
Et la preuve que Jésus suit l'ancien testament
19Tu connais les commandements: Tu ne commettras point d'adultère; tu ne tueras point; tu ne déroberas point; tu ne diras point de faux témoignage; tu ne feras tort à personne; honore ton père et ta mère.
20Il lui répondit: Maître, j'ai observé toutes ces choses dès ma jeunesse.
21Jésus, l'ayant regardé, l'aima, et lui dit: Il te manque une chose; va, vends tout ce que tu as, donne-le aux pauvres, et tu auras un trésor dans le ciel. Puis viens, et suis-moi.
22Mais, affligé de cette parole, cet homme s'en alla tout triste; car il avait de grands biens.
23Jésus, regardant autour de lui, dit à ses disciples: Qu'il sera difficile à ceux qui ont des richesses d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
24Les disciples furent étonnés de ce que Jésus parlait ainsi. Et, reprenant, il leur dit: Mes enfants, qu'il est difficile à ceux qui se confient dans les richesses d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu!
25Il est plus facile à un chameau de passer par le trou d'une aiguille qu'à un riche d'entrer dans le royaume de Dieu.
26Les disciples furent encore plus étonnés, et ils se dirent les uns aux autres; Et qui peut être sauvé?
27Jésus les regarda, et dit: Cela est impossible aux hommes, mais non à Dieu: car tout est possible à Dieu.
C'est Dieu qui sauve! [b]Ni Jésus[/b] ni personne!
Les versets sont clairs mais le flou va s'opérer dans les esprits corrompu
----- translated ----------
@zarathust writes:
A clear verse:
Mark 10:18
Jesus said to him: Why do you call me good? There is no good but God alone.
And proof that Jesus follows the Old Testament
19You know the commandments: Do not commit adultery; you will not kill; do not steal; you shall not bear false witness; you will not harm anyone; honor your father and mother.
20He answered him, “Teacher, all these things I have observed from my youth.
21Jesus looked at him, loved him and said to him: You lack one thing; go, sell all you have, give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow me.
22 But he, grieved at this word, went away sad; for he had great possessions.
23Jesus, looking around, said to his disciples: "How difficult it will be for those who have wealth to enter the kingdom of God!"
24The disciples were amazed that Jesus said this. And, rebuking, he said to them: My children, how difficult it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God!
25 It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God.
26 The disciples were even more amazed and said to each other: And who can be saved?
27 Jesus looked at them and said: It is impossible for men, but not for God: because everything is possible for God.
It is God who saves! Neither Jesus nor anyone!
The verses are clear but vagueness will take place in corrupt minds!
What you have just done, the Carpenter's Son called the patches which are worse than the hole itself (1). You, by your own admission, do not believe the text you just quoted. Why are you bringing it back? And why don't you quote those passages where everything is really much clearer, and really much more explicit? (2)
From my Sacred Reference Text:
Point 1
Then they said to him: «John's disciples often fast and pray; so also the disciples of the Pharisees; instead yours eat and drink!». [34] Jesus answered, "Can you make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? [35] But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them; then they will fast in those days.” [36] he also told them a parable: "No one tears a piece from a new garment to attach it to an old garment; otherwise he tears out the new, and the patch taken from the new will not fit the old. [37] And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the new wine breaks the wineskins, it pours out and the wineskins are lost. [38] New wine must be put into new wineskins. [39] No one who drinks old wine desires the new, because he says: The old is good! ».
Point 2
«Do not let your hearts be troubled. Have faith in God and have faith in me too. [2] In my Father's house there are many places. If not, I would have told you. I'm going to prepare a place for you; [3] when I have gone and prepared a place for you, I will return and take you with me, so that you too may be where I am. [4] And of the place where I go, you know the way."
[5] Thomas said to him, "Lord, we do not know where you are going, and how can we know the way?" [6] Jesus said to him, " I am the way, the truth and the life.No one comes to the Father except through me . [7] If you know me, you will also know the Father: from now on you know him and have seen him ". [8] Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father and it will be enough for us." [9] Jesus answered him, "Have I been with you for a long time and you have not known me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say: Show us the Father? [10] Don't you believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I speak to you, I do not speak on my own; but the Father who is with me does his works. [11] Believe me: I am in the Father and the Father is in me; if nothing else, believe it for the works themselves.
[12] Truly, truly, I say to you, even whoever believes in me will do the works that I do and do greater ones, because I am going to the Father. [13] Whatever you ask in my name, I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. [14] If you ask me anything in my name, I will do it.
Do you know this famous phrase from an English writer?
"Even the devil knew how to use the scriptures well. For his own purposes"
The original post was here:
Edited by Holubice - 1 years ago