I agree with you and you are corect in statin above .
but is that where Islam begins and ends??
There are differnt aspects of islam
1.Iman and prayers(huqooq-Ullah) 2.duties and responsibilities (huqooq ul ibad)
You have only mentioned Iman and parayer
what about huqooq ul Ibad --
When you talk about Huqooq ul Ibad, they are universal in almost all religions/school of thoughts
You know, on the day of judgement, Allah may forgive huqooq Allah if you were defecient in some , but if you fail in your huqooq ul Ibad , they are not to be forgiven
This is where the purity of character and tazkiya nafs comes in..I can go on and on . Like I said , I am reading all the religions . I have just finished Tafseer and Saheeh Bukhari ,while going through Book of Job in Bible