snap ....khamoshi i did exactly the same as u ...started watchin mtph right frn da start i first took interst in da show wen it was halfway i missed da first parts ...but now im watchin it n ur right evrytime their is a scene wid sid n jaya i thought of aanchal their instead.... right frn da start wen sid sings taras gaye nain siya ke for jaya n then tels her to com back to him soon wen she goes out da room i too was thinkin that this simple moment wud b so much more sweet n romantic if it took place between sanchal..dats da only disappointment i hav wid rajshri da fact they didn play wid da happier romantic angle of sanchals relationship more!!!
Originally posted by: India_22
we probably wud have had more romantic scenes between anchal nd sid nd we did get some few romantic scenes wen dey 1st got married like when sid feeds anchal nd wen anchal encourages sid to sing oh dat was so cute but jen1 because of da sudden decision of da show endin dey just didnt give us enough which was a major dissapointment i fink dis show would have been appreciated more it it was launched on another channel like star plus dey wouldnt have ended da show like dat.
We had so much more to see on this show the whole concept of da show was 4 anchal nd sid to get married nd anchal being accepted as a mother to da kids but because dey ended da show some issues wasnt covered properly it should have been given atleast 1-2 months extension da show would have had dat time to cover all these issues nd we would have seen anchal nd sids lovestory develop further da show still had so much more to give.OH JEN1 WEN U WATCH MTPH ON RAJSHRI.COM DO U HAVE A PROBLEM WID DA PAGE LOADING ALOT ND DO U NOT 2 KEEP CLICKIN ON DA FULL SCREEN ICON EVERY FEW SECONDS 2 MAKE DA SCREEN BIG BCOZ IT HAPPENS TO ME ALL DA TIME I WATCH IT ND ITS REALLY ANNOYIN PLS REPLY BACK IF UR READIN DIS
Originally posted by: padmakka
More than the sparks..the love sid feels for her and how he dependent on her that was conveyed wonderfully ..they did not need many episodes or many dialogues.....the way sid sings that song....that is great...they show his eys first...which were really speaking