Tarakasur 's End was dealt in a way that was never done before. Mahakali's intrusion in the whole event made a mockery of the whole part. Maa Parvati gave Kartikey Sakti weapon by infusing her powers in it.That is given everywhere.
There is no need of Mahakali to become the weapon itself. So wierd and absurd to say the least. The whole war sequence was done in the den whereas actual story has a very big battle fought in the open but not in a villian's den. And what is that sacrifice that Tarakasur is performing? Come on are the gods goats to get tied up like that? And Nandi? Why is Nandi neglected by UN's lead actor? Shiv never lets anything happen to Nandi.
Coming to Bhringi's story it looked more like Bhringi's Aradhya taking on the sage for avoiding his wife whereas in the actual story it is Parvati who initiates the action of teaching him the truth.Parvati gets miffed on seeing Bhringi's attitude. Parvati sits on his lap. But here SIDT and UN's Parvati is helpless,submissive and inhibited even to ascertain her position in the life of Shiv. She stands away along with ganas and Kartikey and hesitates even to sit together. But as Mahakali she just shouts at the top of her voice all the time.. Great writing and amazing creativity.
Sage Bhringi's bones only remain when Prakriti shows her power. No body exists. Then he realises and begs pardon. Shiv is always forgiving. He holds Bhringi so dearer to his heart...Scriptures describe the fact.
Swayam Adi Sankara validated Bhringi's position in Kailash in Sivanandalahari. 51st poem.
Bhringischa Natanotkata... He described that Shiv in the evenings waits for Bhringi's signal to commence his Tandav.Bhringi is a prominent member of Shiv parivar.
A great Shiva devotee Upamanyu says..He prays to Siva, Sakti,Ganesh,Kartikey,Matrikas, KalaBhairav,Bhadra Kali,Nandi and then Bhringi...to shower him grace.
Bhringiso nama Ganapah Sivaradhana tatparah
Prayachhatu Sa me Kamam Patyu rajna purassaram
May that. Bhringi,the gan of Shiva who is always immersed in worshipping Shiva grant my desire with the order of his Aradhya Shiva
. Such is Bhringi's position in Kailash. He is not specially invited to get his lesson as shown in the episode. He freely visits Kailash like Seven Sages do.
The whole Bhringi episode was done like Lord Vishnu planning and teaching a lesson to his devotee because Vishnu acts that way.
Bhola Shankar is too soft to his devotees. He showed his ardhanariswar rup after Parvati gets irritated with Bhringi. Sakti is aggressive.. But here UN's Parvati hardly shows that aspect of Sakti. That is why day by day the divinity aspect of Parvati is getting deteriorated in the show. May be they achieved their purpose. Their Parvati is human. Right?