Draupadi stood in her balcony garden. Early in the morning. The sun did not rise yet. She saw a cluster of blue clouds moving over her head. She thought of her Arjun who went on a mission and ... Go and tell him his soul mate needs him earnestly. He whose complexion is more radiant than you. O chirpy, naughty breeze ,blow his curly locks and tell him. His beloved needs to feel his touch ,hear his voice, savour his presence. O singing birds, sing your song of love before him,remind my love for him. Tell him. The season of love will get lost.with some one else claiming hisown Krishnaa as theirs. Don't you feel like looking back? Don't you see my love in my eyes? The love that happened,flourished , only for my Arjun... The beautiful fragrant frame rose from fire only for you...Arjun Awaits your touch of love,commitment through your artistic fingers that hold the bow, The peck on my cheek, the mark on my forehead,the incomplete kiss on my lips. The cosy togetherness on the intoxicating moonlit night makes me feel lost in my love. Come back to me Arjun,claim your Krishnaa as your own, Before the ruthless norms break her heart,before the hierarchy suppress her love The love that blossomed for you only but not for anyone else.