Thefateful evening......arjun.Draupadi os - Page 22


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ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arya is on top of the world. She got her dream prince as her husband. She is grateful to Gaurima for granting her wish. The short period Arjun spent with her have made her the happiest princess in the world. In two days he will leave Kalinga as he has to continue his pilgrimage. Arjun gazed at her radiant face that still is shining with new bride splendour. The jasmines she had in her hair brought him memories of his wife whose lotus fragrance mixed with Jasmine flavour used to make him lose control over himself. He remembered their first kiss at hastinapur's royal garden,how ecastic Krishnaa was in his arms . How close was that hug that left no place for even the breeze. She used to shiver in bliss at his mere touch. How Disturbed she is when she is about to start her year with Eldest. Arjun felt depressed . Why is he not able to say no to the sharing thing.How painful it must be for her to start her conjugal life with some one else while her heart lies with Jim only.Arjun's thoughts broke apart with Arya's voice. Arya, is she that beautiful as I heard from my relations and friends who attended the swayamvar? Arjun crossed her. What did you hear. That she is the most beautiful woman ever born with great misfortune. Arya answered. Arjun frowned at her statement. What misfortune you are saying? Arya said. Our people who attended the swayamvar felt that it is her bad luck to face such unusual situation and thereby allowed to be shared among your brothers. Arjun defended himself. You don't know the reason behind. Vedvyas narrated her previous birth story. His words sounded awkward to him as he is the one who told his Madhav that he would never care such reasons. Arya boldly said. Forgive me if I sound blatant and rude. We live in the present. Past never holds much significance. Arjun smiled at her. But I did believe your dream and Gauri Mata's word. Arya clarified. But my case is different. A princess falling for the most charming hero of Aryavarth and graced by Gaurimata is a normal thing. It was like RukminiDevi praying to katyayani and with her blessings attaining Govind. But Yajnaseni has to suppress her heart to meet with the demands of her fate. Arjun questioned. What else did you get to know .it seems many rumours were spread connecting her marriage to us. Arya frankly said. Yes, I heard that she is gorgeous and even Devine damsels can not stand before her.Arya then hesitated.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Arjun said.I am listening. Arya then said . Please don't think otherwise. My cousins who attended the swayamvar said that The Eldest Pandav looked too old for her. The age gap is widely felt. Arjun is awestruck. Strange thinking. People react in wierdways that he knew but they will scrutinise to this extent, he simply can't believe it. Arya continued carefully observing his expressions. Bheemsen is good but too huge in built.. The princess looked tiny beside him. Arjun could not even gasp for breath. He then put his point. But Nakul is strikingly handsome. I hope your cousins did not comment against him. Arya smiled. Of course. He is good looking .but they said that he got feminine beauty. And the youngest one is no match for her as she is too vibrant , energetic and full of life. Arya stopped and looked at Arjun who could not help but smile as he knew her next word as clear as the sky in Grishma season. The third pandav matched her in beauty, complexion and vibrance. Arya measured her words carefully and shot. My cousins felt that you both are made for each other. I request you Lord ,I definitely want to meet the queen of my husband at least once in my lifetime. Arjun kissed her on her forehead and promised. You will definitely meet Krishnaa, I promise. Arjun reached Srisailam and worshipped the jyotirling of Lord Mallikarjun. He then went to Bharadwajasram and was received with great reverence. Son of Pandu,you are a great warrior yet you are so humble. You and Vasudev Krishna are born with a purpose establish dharma. May you always be victorious.He blessed Arjun and narrated many stories that made Arjun immensely pleased.Arjun then went to Mahisagarsangam where he met Devine sage Narad and learnt from him the power of river Mahi.He also heard the stories of king Indradyumn who established Indradyumneswar ling and went to Rudra Lok.From there he went to Manipur, which is ruled by Chitravahan, and whose daughter Chitrangada is vivacious and beautiful. Draupadi returned to her hut as it is time for her to finish her night meals and catch sleep. Her two sons have slept peacefully with Priyamvadha who derives so much pleasure in nourishing them. Her personal maid Malini stays with her. Draupadi ate very less and tried to sleep on the grass bed made by Malini. She could not sleep and came out into the open where the moonlight is showered on the flowers and the whole ambience is dazzling. She wondered what must Arjun be doing at that point of time. As it is informed he left Kalinga and went towards Manipur. Arjun likes jasmine flowers so much and she stopped having them in her hair. She remembered his words when they went to Gurukul to see Gurumata. As if hour fragrance is not enough you test me with jasmines also. Draupadi smiled to herself.Rarely Arjun drops his mask and let his feelings rule over himself. Those were the cherished moments in her life. The way he held her posessively and caressed her face she still feels his touch on her face. Draupadi smoothly touched her tender lips which got the time of their life when he ardently pressed his lips on them. The moment was Devine, the moment was painful as the scare of separation loomed large in their minds. Still Krishnaa lives with that memory feels it all over again as his touch made her life worthy to live.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Chitrangada,the Manipur princess is practicing archery with her friends kumuda and Lajwanti.she is holding a bow in hand and trying to shoot the target that she fixed at a distance. Every time she tries she fails . Her friends and guards are watching her with tension filled faces. They know how her mood will change in the face of failure. Suddenly a beautiful and manly voice disturbed their attention. Your stance itself is wrong. Princess, your eye focus falters . You should correct both. Every one looked at the owner of that captivating voice and found a dark,handsome ancho rite with curly hair . He has strong arms with now marks on both shoulders. He held a mammoth bow in hand that made the guards move sideways making way for him.. Chitra fumed at the stranger ,her beautiful face expressed her annoyance directed towards the handsome intruder. Kumuda spoke with humility. Brahmin Devata,Our princess wishes to be a warrior. She wishes to be greater than the third Pandav in archery. Unfortunately she excels in sword fight but archery is still miles ahead. Arjun smiled at Chitrangada. I heard that Princesses dream to get third pandav as their husband but your friend seems different.Arjun's taunt made chitrangada's face flush in red . She glanced at his handsome features,great physique and an attitude that enhanced his beauty. You look like an archer,May I ask you to shoot the target perfectly? I will correct my stance and focus. Her teasing voice challenged his warriorself but there is a playful smile on his lips. He looked back at one of his accomplice who held his quivers. He then tied his eyes with his uttariya and before Chitra could take a breath the arrow flew fast and hit her target. Kumuda and lajwanti shouted sadhu sadhu. Guards expressed their wonder by clapping their hands. Chitra was still in shock. Arjun approached her and whispered. Shall I tell you a way to excell in archery? You marry me now itself and I promise I will make you a better archer than the third Pandav. Chitra found him so nearer that she can feel his breath. She felt a strange attraction towards the stranger who is croossing his limits without fear. But why did he seem irresistibly desirable to her? Kumuda looked at lajwanti who is also wondering what happened to her fierce princess. She looked just like a tamed tigress before this unknown charmer. Chitrangada got back into her own and admonished Arjun. How dare you propose a princess like me? You should atleast think about the consequences. Arjun looked deep into her eyes and said in his husky voice. Still I advise you princess,leave this now and arrows. Worship your youth . Once gone,you would never be able to catch with it. I repeat. I propose marriage with you and I mean it. I know you also have no objection. Your eyes tell your answer. Arjun turned to leave then again smiled at her.I promise Tomorrow by this time I will teach you archery not as a guru but as your husband. ..Chitra stood still looking at the vanishing figure of Arjun. Is he mad or is he overconfident? Of course for the first time she felt attraction towards a man and was spell bound without responding properly to his irrelevant talk. Chitra returned to her chamber but she could not come out of the spell of the mysterious stranger. He proposed marriage so gallantly not fearing anything. Who is he? Kumquat ran inside and made Chitra sit on her bed. You know who is he? He is the third Pandav,The greatest archer of Aryavarth. I got a doubt then itself .who else he must be other than Arjun,so handsome so heroic. Chitra,you are fortunate. Your father offered you to him with a condition that who ever is born to you should be the successor of Manipur. Early in the morning you will be wedded to the most desirable warrior of Aryavarth, Chitra 's face became red. Is he Arjun? How funny it is to ask him to shoot an ordinary target. He must have laughed at her foolhardiness. Her father did not even ask her opinion. How could he do so? Kumuda understood her thoughts. Now dear princess, don't cheat yourself. I know where your heart lie.If you want I will prove. She then opened Chitra's personal cupboard and brought the paintings of Arjun hitting fish target, Arjun in his warrior look and so on. Now be ready to be the proud wife of the great warrior .I assure you he will teach you archery and many other skills. Kumuda's teasing smile made Chitra blush. She threw her pillow at her and smiled. ...Manipur celebrated the marriage of their princess with Arjun,the warrior prince. Chitravahana is immensely pleased to get the third Pandav as his son inlaw. He could only dream of such happening .More so Arjun agreed to leave his successor for the sake of Manipur . That way even Chitra will stay in Manipur only...the Royal garden of Manipur is decorated for the newly married couple. The beautiful garden house is exquisitely decorated for the occasion.surprisingly the newly weds are immersed in practicing archery in the fading evening sunlight. Arjun held Chitra from back and by keeping his hands on hers he shot the target. Chitra blushed and tried to get out of his arms. Arjun whispered in her ear. You know,I kept my promise. I am teaching you as husband not as guru. Chitra was thrilled. She heard how beautiful girls of her age die over him,dream over marrying him but not every one will be successful. Bhanumati is an example. But her good luck brought him right into her life without any hardships. Chitra experienced the bliss of her life in the company of Phalgun.,the most desirable of all in Aryavarth...It was past midnight. Chitra is sleeping happily with all her dreams fulfilled. Arjun came out of the garden house and stood nearer yo the jasmine shrubs that blamed him on behalf of their dear friend Krishnaa .Once again you cheated .The jasmines accused him. Arjun looked at them and caressed them with love. Go and tell your friend. Arjun is not a cheater. He may enjoy conjugal life with any number of wives but Krishnaa never vanishes from his conscience even for a second. She is in his breath.only if he stops breathing he will forget Krishnaa.Arjun tries hard to revel in pleasure with others to forget Krishnaa. ...but Krishnaa lives in him making him forget his identity in her conscience. ...After a while Indraprasth received the news of Arjun's marriage to Chitrangada . ...It was Draupadi's year with Yudhishtir. As usual Nakul regretted not having an opportunity to go on pilgrimage. By that time all of them got their other wives apart from Draupadi. Devika came into Yudhishtir's life and Jalandharaa into Bheem's. Nakul married karenumati,the credi princess and Sahadev married Vijaya, the Magadha princess. Kunti scolded Nakul. Why do you always say so ? Like all of you Arjun also is married to them . Bheem complained. But not like Arjun who is increasing the number direction wise . Everyone laughed.Draupadi became immune to pain now ,Priyamvada thought. Panchali became the mother of two more sons Nakul's and Sahadev's.. Her face expressed no feeling on hearing the news of Chitra . She remaine still, going through her daily routine. Sahadev. tried to defend Arjun.The Hilly region Manipur is an important region . The hilly tribes have great unity among them. If one king accepts alliance with us, others also honour that. I already told you Bhrata Arjun is strengthening our power. No need to feel remorseful. Draupadi went to her chamber and stood before the mirror. She became the mother of four children but she still looks as bewitching as she used to. Arjun also must have enhanced his appeal. With each marriage, his desirability factor is reaching sky level. But she finds solace in the fact that his other wives may not come to Indraprasth. That is the only saving grace for her otherwise painfully hurt heart. Draupadi composed herself. She should exercise restrain as whenever a news of Arjun's marriage reaches she will lose her purpose to live there by making others realise her inner feelings. But she was so normal when her other husbands married again. And they may have guessed the reason. What can she do? Her love for Arjun is the reason for her existence. It stays in the face of thunderstorms and too fans winds. She can't deny that fact.
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Chitra is beaming with the glow of pregnancy. She has almost forgot her life long dream to be a great archer courtesy her charming husband who never really took interest in making her one. Now Chitra hopes to see her yet to be born son as a great warrior who can take the fame of her husband to enviable heights. Arjun is preparing to leave for saubhadra Tirth and visit the sacred places around. He will return to bless his new born as Chitra is due to deliver within a short while. Is it necessary to leave me in this position and wander ? Stay back .chitra pouted . Arjun patted on her cheek. Who is speaking? The warrior princess? Not fair. He teased. ...Chitra knew that her husband stayed for more time in Manipur and not happy about that. He is in the last phase of his pilgrimage so he wishes to bring his schedule on track. ...Arjun Saubhadra Tirth and attempted to take bath in the ocean. The Brahmins prevented him and told him big sized crocodiles live in the waters and eat those who enter into them. Arjun refused to budge and entered into the waters. A ferocious crocodile caught hold of his feet and pulled him inside .Arjun snatched his feet from its mouth and threw the crocodile on to the shore.Suddenly the crocodile turned into a beautiful lady and said. O kuntiputr.I am Nanda,a resident of Alakapuri. I along with my four friends saurabheyi, samichi,Budbudha and Latha tried to disturb the penance of a sage and were cursed by him to become crocodiles. Then he granted Us relief by saying that we will get our own forms when you come here on pilgrimage. Sage Narada told us to live in this ocean and wait for you. Please grace my friends also. " Arjun felt pity over them and and relieved the other four also from curse. That Tirth became famous by the name Nari Tirth. Then he got the news of the birth of his son and returned to Manipur. Chitra 's son was named Babhruvahan.Arjun proudly held him in his hands and offered him to Chitravahan,as his successor. His eyes became wet as he can not be with his son in his growing up years. He took leave of Chitra with a heavy heart.Make my son a great warrior like his mother. Arjun 's taunt made Chitra laugh despite her tear filled eyes. Arjun hugged her and said come to Indraprastha with Babhru. Mother will bless him. You can meet my queen also. Chitra shot the barb.Are you sure, your fore born wife will invite me whole heartedly? Arjun confidently said. After taming the warrior princess I hope I can convince my fire born also. Chitrafeigned anger. Loads of Attitude.she commented. That is Arjun...He smiled ...Arjun reached Prabhas tirth after visiting Gokarna Kshetr. He was told that Dwaraka was so nearer to Prabhas. His joy knew no bounds. He is going to be with his Madhav again. His tiresome heart can find peace only in his presence. He entered the waters and stood facing the huge tides. He closed his eyes and murmured.Madhav...I am here Parth.Krishna's voice is heard from behind him. Arjun was wonder struck . As he turned back he saw his Madhav standing in waters smiling devinely still him. Before he could say anything, Krishna hugged him tight. Arjun clasped his neck with his strong arms and stayed still with tears in his eyes. The tides made fun with the friends rising over their heads and throwing them into the water with force. The soul mates enjoyed playing with water,swimming deep inside and coming back after getting exhausted. Krishna's heart melted over his Parth. How cruel the fate is with him? He who established Indraprasth is wandering like a homeless ascetic,that too without the slightest remorse. He who won his Krishnaa has sacrificed her for his brother's sake and roaming with a broken heart. Krishna determined to make his Parth's stay at Dwaraka memorable. He knows what to do next. He took him to Raivataka mountain where he made every arrangement to make their stay comfortable . After Arjun ate with his Madhav,he recounted the tales of his pilgrimage. Krishna listened with great interest. So ulupi, Arya, Chitrangada who is next? He teased him. Arjun smiled back and replied. I have a valid reason for taking each of them,he asserted. Krishna laughed. Now where will this leave my Sakhi ? How could you convince her? I am sure she will burn with fury as her wait for you and the joy of reunion will be marred by the new women in your life. Arjun was desperate . I know Madhav. I am also not less eager to meet her and fulfill my love. Krishna placed his hand round his shoulder. Don't worry Parth, Time will heal all wounds. I know my Sakhi. Even if she is angry with you initially she will certainly understand your position. Now if you are not sleepy I want to inform you something. Arjun is all attention. Tomorrow I will take you to satya's mansion where you should stay as my guest. Arjun's face changed colours on hearing satya's name.Cant I stay with Rukmini Devi? he asked.Krishna replied, mischievously .No Parth.You can't. Because Subhadra lives there. My ladli sister is your ardent admirer Parth, Krishna stressed the obvious. Arjun stared at his Madhav in total confusion.
.FairyDust. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago
Nice 😃
The main 'exile' wedding is coming up..Oh no 😕
But the good thing is..His exile is ending and Arjun's year with Draupadi is coming up 😳
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: .FairyDust.

Nice 😃

The main 'exile' wedding is coming up..Oh no 😕
But the good thing is..His exile is ending and Arjun's year with Draupadi is coming up 😳

intjar ka phal meetha hota hai. Happy days will come again.
.FairyDust. thumbnail
Anniversary 12 Thumbnail Group Promotion 6 Thumbnail + 2
Posted: 9 years ago

Originally posted by: ltelidevara

intjar ka phal meetha hota hai. Happy days will come again.

True that. 😃
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
Anniversary 9 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 9 years ago
Madhav looked at him deeply with a certain seriousness. Parth, Bhrata Balaram 's desire is to make Subhadra the wife of Duryodhan. If that alliance happens Dwaraka ties up with Hastinapur for ever. Arjun felt the barb in his heart. He thought it is unpalpable to see his Madhav be the brother I law of that stupid Duryodhan. Are you happy with that alliance with arrogant Duryodhan? Arjun questioned though he knows the answer. No.I am not happy. But you know I prefer Subhadra to make her choice . So what is Subhadra's wish? Arjun asked with keen interest. Krishna laughed merrily and taunted. You will definitely know her wish tomorrow. Now go to sleep thinking of your Krishnaa as of now. Arjun smiled and closed his eyes. His Krishnaa stood before him in all her beauty and splendour. Now the moment they wait ed together is fast approaching.He would never give her a reason to complain about his reserved behaviour, his inhibitions in admitting his love ,every thing will be sorted out once they come together and start their conjugal life. He will never let go her sacrifice of herself for his sake. Whatever period is left for them he will make it heavenly and appease his Krishnaa. Little did Arjun know the game that fate is going to play by making him an offender in krishnaa's eyes. He slept peacefully with his Madhav by his side. ...Satya gave a heartfelt welcome to Arjun.she is excited to have him in Dwaraka,that too in her mansion. If Arjun stays there. Krishna will definitely won't move an inch away from him. ...Satya greeted Arjun and praised his victory over Indra at the time of Khandava Dahan. I hope you won't ask me to burn another forest here to demonstrate my prowess.Arjun remarked with a tinge of sarcasm.Satya retorted. Who knows? Some other adventure may be waiting for you,in Dwaraka...Arjun looked confused but Krishna laughed at him and said.Parth,don't take her words seriously. You know satya's nature. Arjun grumbled. I know her too well.That is why I am worried...Satya honoured him heart fully and served delicious meals to both the friends. How do you plan to face Krishnaa after your colourful encounters? Satya shot the question.Arjun answered with a straight face. Just like Madhav faces you after each of his marriages to Mitravinda, Bhadra, Kalindi...He only is my idol you know? Krishna could not control his laugh. Satya muttered under her breath. You two are simply impossible. No one can tame you at all. Krishna patted Arjun on his back. He then said. Let us go to Raivataka where a Pooja is performed for Bholenath. It will be good to get his blessings. So saying he looked at Satya who nodded her head signifying something. Arjun understood something is planned behind his back. As both the friends reach The hill all the Yadavs are doing worship to Siva. Satyajit came running towards him and hugged Arjun. How lucky we are to have you in Dwaraka. When Bhrata Krishna told about your arrival in Prabhas,I am mad with. Joy. Arjun replied.I am equally elated to be among you all,after my long pilgrimage. Then suddenly the groups of Yadavs became alert as the royal family members are arriving to pray before Siva.Arjun saw before his eyes,Rukmini Devi who looked like goddess Sri herself.Beside her stood the ladli sister of Balram and Krishna who is ravishingly beautiful. Arjun admired her elegance and beauty that is totally in contrast to Aarya and Chitra. Rukmini approached Krishna and touched his feet. Krishna pulled her up with love and regard. Subhadra followed her and did the same. Krishna hugged her and held her close, He introduced them to Arjun. Rukmini smiled at Arjun when he bowed before her. Bhrata Arjun, We heard a lot about your heroic deeds and waiting to meet you. Our Subhadra desperately desired to see you and see her luck brought you here right before her eyes. Krishna who still held Subhadra nearer presented her before his dear friend. Look Parth, this is my dearest sister , the apple of my eye your uncle Vasudev's daughter , Subhadra got rid of her shyness and looked into his eyes. Since how long she is dreaming to see him before her eyes. He is more handsome than she saw him in portraits. The hero of great feats, the dream of every girl in Aryavarth is so nearer to her. This must be the lila of her brother,nothing else. Rukmini alerted Subhadra and sought permission from Krishna to go inside the temple. She almost pulled Subhadra who reluctantly followed her glancing lovingly at Arjun. Krishna teased Arjun who is still lost in subhadra's elegance, Parth,ascetics like you should have control over their senses. Otherwise people will ridicule you .Anyways what do you think of Subhadra? Arjun replied without mincing words. She is simple at beautiful. She is just like my Madhav. I don't know why I felt I am looking at you in another form. I felt a strange connection with her. Krishna smiled with satisfaction. Now I am relieved. I wholeheartedly offer her to you Parth, Krishna 's words made Arjun understand what is there in his Madhav's mind...Gada,the Yadav Kumar is sent to indaprasth to inform Yudhisthira and Kunti about subhadra's abduction plan. With much persuasion, Arjun agreed to abduct Subhadra in krishna's chariot and the information is sent through Gada. Yudhishthira has no objection at all. He felt happy and gave his consent. Bheem felt proud. Abduction right under the nose of his guru Balaram,Quite an adventure he said. Sahadev expressed delight. The future of Pandavas will depend on this heroic feat of Bhrata. The stars are auspicious,he predicted. Nakul supported him fully. Kunti is ecastic. Her brother's daughter ,her dear niece will be her Phalgun's wife. Yadavs will be tied up to Pandavas for ever. She will come to Indraprasth unlike Phalgun's other wives. Gada left with a beaming face taking the approval of every one. The one who got to know it through Sahadev Yajnaseni Droupadi felt the whole world around her shaking. The ground beneath her feet appeared like cracking making her fall in her royal chair . She wiped off her sweat with her achal and enquired. Why is Krishnaa informed of it now when she was kept in ignorance while giving approval? Sahadev consoled her patiently. Don't get hurt,Panchali, you are not ignored. Our intention is not to hurt you. You know she is govind's sister that is why we thought that you will definitely accept her in indraprasth. Draupadi blurted out. I accepted all the wives of Pandavas without remorse. I will accept Subhadra also even at the cost of my ruptured heart. Go tell your Eldest,your mother and send the message to your heroic brother that Krishnaa is waiting to welcome him and his wife with Arti thali. Draupadi got up and entered her personal chamber,the doors of which were closed,all through the evening and night.
ltelidevaralak thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Priyamvadha went to The door and called Draupadi. She heard no response. But the doors were opened and the princess of Panchal is there .Priyamvada got relief. She knew Draupadi treats her equal to Kunti .She went inside and. Placed the tray on the table. Eat the fruits and drink aushadhi milk. Draupadi refused. Why do you spoil your health,Don't think too much about the forth coming events that will truly nail your patience.Draupadi retorted. My patience is tested time and again as per convenience and will. I never grudge Subhadra,Aarya or Chitra. I am not concerned with them.The man who is responsible to bring me into this family is answerable to me. No one else.Priyamvada tried to convince her. Think about it on a larger scale. It is too important to form an alliance with Yadavs .otherwise Duryodhan will benefit. Draupadi is sarcastic. Perfect. For each marriage he can give just too perfect reasons and innocent Draupadi would definitely swallow them just like swallowing poison. As a reward I will get one half of the year after every four years. That too at the mercy of Subhadra . Priyamvadha has no answer. What Draupadi says is true. After every four years Draupadi gets an year but now she has to share it with Subhadra . Draupadi composed herself and drank the milk. She assured Priyamvadha Don't worry Masi I will not spoil the pleasure of his arrival after twelve years. I won't let my pain come in the way of the happiness of his mother and brothers and of course his new bride. Draupadi is not that selfish. Priyamvadha 's heart melted for the beautiful queen of Indraprasth .
ltelidevara thumbnail
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Posted: 9 years ago
Subhadra has the reins in her hands. She is driving the chariot.Everything went on well as per krishna's plan. Subhadra went to Raivataka with little escort and Arjun who was waiting there with Krishna's chariot lifted her up,placed her in the chariot and drove fast. When the guards followed the chariot and tried to stop it Arjun gave the reins to her. He did not want to harm the guards for no fault of them and hence he just made a barrier of arrows to obstruct them. Subhadra smiled on seeing his compassionate side. Arjun asked why she is smiling. Subhadra replied. I wonder how you manage to win battles with such kindhearted ness.I heard that even when you captured king Drupad, you did'nt harm his soldiers.Arjun sighed heavily.Everything in his life is connected to that incident only which brought light and darkness also into his life. Subhadra continued. People say that king Drupad was fascinated to the extent of creating fire born Draupadi for you. There it is. She became an inseparable truth in his life. Arjun's life without the mention of Krishnaa impossible. People just can't see them apart. They are united in their thoughts even if they drifted apart in reality. Why are you serious Aarya,Did I say anything irrelevant ? Subhadra asked him hesitatingly. Arjun smiled at her innocent face and retorted. How could Madhav's sister be irrelevant ? You said the fact only.I can't harm innocent people...Back in Dwaraka, Balaram is fuming with anger. How dare he insults like this? He should bear the consequences. Let us attack him and bring Subhadra back. Krishna is calm and composed . He said in his most endearing tone. Bhrata what wrong had he done? He made us proud by accepting her as his wife.Moreover it is Subhadra who is driving the chariot it is clear that Subhadra abducted Arjun not the other way round. Do you think any one can defeat him in battle? Even Indra admitted defeat before him. Wisdom lies in accepting their alliance. Krishna's words brought the positive effect on Balram. Even Vasudev and Devaki desired Arjun as their son in law.