dude!! you did not just compare HP to MBEVERYONE knows HP is FICTION.And what do you have to say to people on FB who do not even spare Krishna in their criticisms?If MB here is whitewashing the grey as per most people, then surely FB and the twitterverse would not say such deragatory things about Krishna, DPadi, Arjun, Kunti just because their favorite character was not favored by fate?
There's an unparalleled difference between Distortion and Creating own daily soapish saga.
Interpretation is the explanation of someone's creative work. Starbharata doesn't resemble the original texts in any manner. So I don't get how it's an Interpretation.
2 points really --
First off -- We will never be able to confirm that (part in bold). It's impossible. But because it is impossible to do that, it doesn't justify throwing in random tidbits of utter BS. The problem Mukeshji probably has it with the characterizations and possibly the plot. Would he have minded if Dhriti was played by a 6-pack model but the role he played showed off Dhriti as who he really was [[from the beginning]], no.Second point -- learning what? No one learns anything from fictionalized stuff. It's like watching Harry Potter and saying "oh Hogwarts exists!!... Dammit.. I'm a muggle!" ... Some messages they promote are good, but if I, being 20 years old, have trouble understanding it the first time watching it ... how would it make sense for kids to understand the messages?The way modern day society works is on the level of easiness. Why read a book when there is a movie you can watch... Why go to the library and look for books when we have Google...I've said it before, and I'll say it again - the problem is that we define this as mythology ... with mythology people have the freedom to do whatever the hell they want ... but the moment we change it so it becomes history, it's set in stone and no one will dare mock it. If they do, it becomes labeled has historical fiction and everyone should know the definition of fiction.But if you distort mythology -- you get mythology. And people are left confused! Is mythology no. 1 right or mythology no. 2??Of course we can bring up the question of which version is correct since we don't know which version holds the truth, but we should be able to easily eliminate foreign versions, fictional / modern retelling, and choose the best among the few versions that are left (if there are even a few left)...(if you think I felt rough somewhere above, I'm truly sorry. I'm just trying to be as frank as possible so my message is clear. No offense intended)