Read the Mahabharata, might help douse your confusion. In actuality, Bheeshma simply in takin the terrible oath, had internallly trained himself, he was not stirred by desire for a woman, he wasn't called bheesshma the terrible without reason, he was no ordinary man, he was able to control his passions, he perfected control and discipline, never wavering from the path he set out upon.. I bet it didn't even cross his mind, why? Because he was strong in detaching himself from these vainer feelings. His life was devoted to hastinapurs welfare and protection, he saw a mother in Satyavati, to even feel attraction to her is a speculation that seems unfounded in context of Bheeshm life. he was oath bound, he had huge weight of duty in deciding Hastinspur fate, it seems out of character and that he would have desired female company when he never developed that need ever, I don't think he was weak in that sense, although he felt the loneliness and whether that cud have been lessened in the provision of a wife is debatable esp when he had a mother in the form of Ganga to reassure him though she herself had forsaken him @ some point. He must have suffered days from a lonely void that a wife might have filled esp being in the thick of the political war between his family and other such concerns weighing on his wise head. . He had no wife, not comforter, no emotional support to lean.onto and that great man whom everyone came to for advice had to bear the brunt of his dear kingdom falling to the gallows, living in the shadow of hos vow..