Originally posted by: Nishita123
^^ Nind, To me it seemed like they are not staying together - never saw Dara Singh ji/his wife in the house - they were always shown on terrace - so I think they live in seperate apartment but have common terrace or something !! 😕 ( Even they did not goto temple together )
--- just my observation.
I agree with most people but what i don't understand is why dina is so stuborn .She kept asking for juice again and again. Instead of begging for money, she could have got a juice box from super market.Bekhtiyaar was right about her being lazy. Other than that i think its good that she is teaching russian culture to her daughter. After all she is her mother. Farha was a muslim women and dina is russian. It shows that he respect cultures but what i don't understand is why would any of these beautiful women marry him lol.He is not even that good-looking.