Feels like even Pragz will put herself in trouble to solve this mess. Why they have to be so selfless for third parties...don't know;for once should think more about themselves&their problems cause all this has nothing to do with them. Too much to ask. 🤔
Missing his rockstar side,his mood to sing...everything between him&his guitar.
Seems like ages since he had a singing scene. Must be needing his muse,his life-wife back to inspire him again.
This is so beautiful&moving. ❤️
Hearing her calling him,trying to hug her,seeing her everywhere in the room...top of that she's so sweet in that saree. They bring so much in such a simple fantasy-scene.
love these mogambo track scenes. 😳
when will this actually happen??? 😭
missing them so much.
Such a shocking not episode. 😔
Pragya searching for trouble unnecessary.
Abhi and Alya scene-as i was fearing,has no connection. Shabir and Shikha were looking like brother-sister.
Best thing,Abhi is far and saved of whatever happens in the house,can take this time in jail as a vacation,anyway he's looking chill relaxed there. With his mask on. 😎
Probably by the end of this mess. Have a feeling one of them will be in danger or even hurt and that's how they will meet. Cause they looove to meet during hard times,tragedy behind them like magnet.