AshVal6 thumbnail
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Posted: 5 years ago
Parents are supposed to teach children difference between good or bad just because Amyra is "dying" a father should tell his child and explain how to be a better person not agree to unreasonable demands and let kulfi fend herself specially when she was missing for so many days without knowing what shes gone through, even though its a serial and children may like this programme, spineless parents should not agree to any demands from their children, may be in jazbaat sikka promised once but he should have corrected his mistake and not shove off his responsibilities to his brother. hes just letting amyra demand unreasonably and hes not made any effort to teach her to be a better human being
i used to like this serial and disgusted with the way its turned out, it could have been more music themed than all this rubbish,

i normally wound not bother writing but i am so annoyed that i may have missed so many other points 😡


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Guesswhat thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Group Promotion 2 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago
How is he different from lovely? He is one spineless father
moonwearer thumbnail
Anniversary 10 Thumbnail Visit Streak 180 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago
The judges in the show were more empathetic than the actual father. The majboor image without once fulfilling a father's role makes Sikka a terrible parent. Who acts like him I wonder.
Kulfi was willing to take a stance an d stood by her friends.
Peopl like MIa who are self centred are no different fromSikka.e
mintisara thumbnail
Group Promotion 1 Thumbnail
Posted: 5 years ago

Originally posted by: ashankini

Parents are supposed to teach children difference between good or bad just because Amyra is "dying" a father should tell his child and explain how to be a better person not agree to unreasonable demands and let kulfi fend herself specially when she was missing for so many days without knowing what shes gone through, even though its a serial and children may like this programme, spineless parents should not agree to any demands from their children, may be in jazbaat sikka promised once but he should have corrected his mistake and not shove off his responsibilities to his brother. hes just letting amyra demand unreasonably and hes not made any effort to teach her to be a better human being

i used to like this serial and disgusted with the way its turned out, it could have been more music themed than all this rubbish,

i normally wound not bother writing but i am so annoyed that i may have missed so many other points 😡


Also she has made this promise thing a weapon and is using it in every possible way. At first the promise was for not bringing Kulfi home, which Sick man complied with judiciously...irrespective of what all promises he did to Nimrat and Kulfi whcih he never fulfilled. but this promise was like "Pathhar ki lakeer for him" Great !! then again she now wants him to promise that he will not even help kulfi in any way.. And this eunuch of a man kept standing watching strangers pulling his daughter away back to remand home. And then came the biggest joke of this century wen he promised himself that he woudl not let any trouble touch Kulfi and it has to pass thru him.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Every single day this poor girl is being subjected to some new trouble all thanks to his Lovely wife and even lovlier daughter 😡😡 BUT THIS SICK...AAA HAS NOTHING ELSE TO DO EXCEPT FOR AAA...AAA AND MORE AAA 👏👏👏

Aslesha99 thumbnail
Anniversary 11 Thumbnail Visit Streak 90 0 Thumbnail + 3
Posted: 5 years ago

Sikander is a spineless father and that entire Gill family is mad especially Sikka's brother and mother Kulfi deserves better Tevar should come back and take her away. Then Sikander can live happily with his criminal wife and devil daughter. Kulfi should stop her "baba jaap and be hard on him for all the disgusting words he said to her like You don't belong here! You are no one to me! We were very happy without you!. She should say to him you are not my father and don't deserve to be called one.

No true father can do what Sikander did how can you be so harsh on your own daughter? and for who another man's child. I don't understand his stupid obsession with Amyra to reject his own biological blood-related child for her. I have had enough of that devil Amyra that Miya should reveal on the show that Amyra is not Sikander's daughter. Even Amyra should know that the father whose love she is depriving Kulfi of because of her own selfishness isn't her own and Kulfi is his only biological daughter who has more right on him then Amyra would ever have.
