Anger a destructive emotion

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Posted: 6 years ago
So today's topic is anger. We get angry so easily. We get angry because something does not happens as per our will. We hate some one. There are so many things to get angry about. There were 44 things which could get me angry. But I realized getting angry will not make things but will break things. It took a lot of time for me to get calm and composed. But now I don't get angry.

Amyra got angry because she was scared that her truth was going to be revealed. But we have to understand that what is truth it is truth. She worried about the reputation, she should have thought of it before doing it. Now she will harm Kullfi and she will let her down in front of everyone.

Another point is the parents play a very important role in child's life. Anyone can be wrong but parents cannot be wrong. Sikander is among those parents who will show a correct path to his child. But some parents who will praise their child in front of everyone even if they are wrong. This is the disaster for a child's life. Lovely wants Amyra to be an instant superstar. In reality not even Maggie is not even prepared instantly even if it says 2 minutes. Patience is something which is lacked by majority of the people today. Everything happens with a time.
